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研究生: 喻祥瑞
Nathaniel Xiang-Rui Yu
論文名稱: 透過情緒分析進行 LSTM 股票價格預測
LSTM Stock Price Prediction with Sentiment Analysis
指導教授: 呂永和
Yung-Ho Leu
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-Ning Yang
Yun-Shiow Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 33
中文關鍵詞: 長短期記憶網絡股價預測情感分析果蠅優化算法金融市場
外文關鍵詞: LSTM, stock price prediction, fruit fly optimization algorithm, sentiment analysis, financial markets
相關次數: 點閱:300下載:15
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The focus of this thesis is on a stock price prediction method that combines Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks with sentiment analysis derived from social media and news sources. This approach is further refined using the Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm (FOA), which plays a crucial role in testing the sentiment model's predictions in real-world trading scenarios. The integration of FOA allows for a practical evaluation of the model's efficacy, aiming to enhance the accuracy and profitability of trading strategies in the financial market. This study not only provides a deeper insight into market dynamics through sentiment analysis but also demonstrates the value of using advanced computational methods to validate and optimize trading decisions in actual market conditions.

Abstract I Acknowledgements II Contents III List of Figures V List of Tables VI Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Research Objectives 2 1.4 Significance 3 1.5 Scope and Limitations 3 Chapter 2: Literature Review 3 2.1 Stock Price Prediction: An Overview 3 2.2 LSTM Networks: Mechanism and Applications 5 2.3 Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm (FOA) 6 Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework 7 3.1 Overview of LSTM Networks 7 3.2 Sentiment Analysis: Techniques and Approaches 9 3.3 Integration of LSTM and Sentiment Analysis 10 3.4 Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm 11 Chapter 4: Methodology 12 4.1 Process Flow Diagram 12 4.2 Data Collection 13 4.3 Data Preprocessing 15 4.4 Model Development 18 4.5 Model Training Preliminaries 19 4.6 Evaluation Metrics 19 Chapter 5: Experiments and Results 20 5.1 Experimental Setup of LSTM 20 5.2 Results of LSTM with Sentiment Analysis 23 5.3 Experimental Setup of FOA 25 5.4 Results of FOA 27 Chapter 6: Discussion 28 6.1 Interpretation of Findings 28 6.2 Implications 30 6.3 Limitations and Challenges 30 Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Work 31 7.1 Conclusion 31 7.2 Contributions 31 7.3 Recommendations 32 7.4 Future Work 33 References VI

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