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研究生: 楊子誼
Tzu-Yi Yang
論文名稱: 以健康信念模式探討多媒體教學 對減糖飲食行為之影響
Applying the Health Belief Model to investigate the influence of the multimedia coursework on the behavior of sugar reduction diet
指導教授: 翁楊絲茜
Cathy Weng
口試委員: 朱如君
Ju-Chun Chu
Chih-Chung Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 多媒體教學減糖飲食健康信念自我效能
外文關鍵詞: Network multimedia teaching, Sugar Reduction Diet, Health Belief, Self-Efficacy
相關次數: 點閱:775下載:0
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近年來,隨著飲食習 西化,國人攝糖情形日趨嚴重,再加上缺乏運動及飲食的調節,使得肥胖及 性病罹患率大幅增加,由此可彰顯減少糖分攝取,培養 良好飲食習 的重要性。

本研究旨在探討多媒體教學對民眾減糖飲食知識、行為、健康信念及自我效 能之影響,並分析各變項間之關係。

本研究對象為 100 位參與「減糖飲食訓練班」Facebook 社團之台灣地區民 眾,採用「前實驗研究法之單組前後測設計」,實驗為期三週,透過網路社群, 將正確的減糖飲食知識藉由多媒體教學傳遞給學員們,希冀參與民眾能將所學運 用在日常生活,培養自身健康的飲食習 ;本研究之多媒體教學所開發之課程是 將研究者依據多媒體設計原則(Mayer, 2009)所自編或改編之教學動畫,結合現 有網路多媒體資源,依照健康信念模式之五要素(自覺罹患性、自覺嚴重性、自 覺行動效益、自覺行動障礙、行動線索),設計各單元之課程內容。

本研究透過問卷調查進行資料收集,並依照研究目的及變項性質,藉由描述 性分析、T 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、路徑分析進行統計分析。 其研究結果發現:

一、民眾之個人背景變項不同,其減糖飲食知識、行為、健康信念及自我效能在整體表現上,皆無顯著差異;但就分項而言,男性之甜食攝取行為及自覺行 動障礙表現較佳,女性則在自覺罹患性和自覺行動利益表現上,顯著優於男性。

二、多媒體教學介入對民眾之減糖飲食知識、行為、健康信念及自我效能之表現 皆有正向影響。




With the impact of western’s dietary habit, data shows an increasing sugar consumption along with decreasing physical activity and health control in Taiwan recently. As a consequence, it increases the trend of obesity and chronic diseases, which emphasizes the importance to control individual’s sugar intake. The purpose of this study is to increase university students’ knowledge、behavior、health belief and self-efficacy of sugar consumption through the multimedia coursework, and eventually decrease sugar intake. In this study, multimedia coursework experiment is conducted on social network for three weeks to 100 participants. Then, data is collected from participants through survey. The contents of the multimedia coursework are designed base on the five components of Health Belief Model by Mayer (2009), which contain perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and other variables. The multimedia coursework is designed as animation in order to increase participants’ health belief and eventually change their behaviors of sugar intake. The results of the study are as the following:

1. There’s no significant differences between male and female on knowledge, behavior, and self-efficacy of reducing sugar intake. However, there are gender differences on the subscales: male’s sugar diet behavior and perceived barriers perform better than female’s. But female’s perceived susceptibility and perceived benefits perform better than male’s.

2. Multimedia coursework has positive impact on the knowledge, behavior, and self- efficacy of reducing sugar intake.

3. Despite knowledge has no significant impact on any other variables in the study, the relationships among behavior, health belief, and self-efficacy of reducing sugar intake are significant.

4. Even though Health belief and self-efficacy of sugar diet are positively correlated with reducing sugar intake behavior, self-efficacy is more influential than health belief.
Finally, the suggestions for future studies and applications are provided.

一、緒論 1. 研究背景與動機 2. 研究目的與問題 3. 名詞釋義 4. 研究範圍與限制 5. 研究貢獻 二、文獻探討 1. 含糖食物攝取概況 2. 營養教育 3. 健康信念模式 4. 自我效能 5. 多媒體教學 三、研究方法 1. 研究設計 2. 研究架構 3. 研究假設 4. 研究流程 5. 研究對象 6. 研究工具 7. 資料處理與分析 四、研究結果 1. 個人背景變項對依變項前測得分之差異分析 2. 多媒體教學之成效分析 3. 減糖飲食知識、行為、健康信念及自我效能之相關分析 4. 減糖飲食知識、行為、健康信念及自我效能之路徑分析 5. 研究假設檢定總整理 五、結論與建議 1. 結論與討論 2. 建議 參考文獻 1. 中文文獻 2. 英文文獻 附件





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