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研究生: 吳沛頡
Pei-Chieh Wu
論文名稱: 使用積層製造技術製備光固化雙生醫材料支架應用於組織工程
Study on Using Additive Manufacturing Technology to Fabricate Photo-Cured Multiple Biomaterial Scaffold for Tissue Engineering
指導教授: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
口試委員: 何明樺
Ming-Hua Ho
Ming-You Shie
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 雙材料機構接合力PGSAPEG-DAPCL-DA組織工程共培養
外文關鍵詞: Multi-material, Bonding, PGSA, PEG-DA, PCL-DA, Tissue Engineer, Co-Culture
相關次數: 點閱:649下載:0
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At present, tissue engineering still uses single-material scaffold for vitro cell culture, but lack of the nutrients, oxygen and protein in cell growth causes the micro-environment can’t simulate the human body. By the combination of different material properties, a scaffold can be prepared to match different cell types and provide the functional environment. Therefore, this study established a multiple-material DLP system, research the bonding effect of different materials, and study on multi-material scaffold for cell culture.
The DLP process is applied to produce a multiple-material scaffold with high precision and install a tank-changing mechanism is more convenient to change the material in the printing process to avoid the vibration of the machine.PGSA60+PCL-DA and PEG-DA were selected to test the difference in properties between the materials. The gap of interface and defect were found during the printing process, resulting in stress concentration and reduced loading capacity. It has been found that the curing depth of the bonding surface PEG-DA to 140 μm can effectively increase the bonding ability and print a precised scaffold with different materials.Through the implantation of Hepatocyte and HUVECs into the scaffold, it was found that the cells maintained good biocompatibility during the culture. In addition, in order to increase the stability of vascular material PEG-DA immersion in water and the ability of molecular diffusion, PGSA has been added to formulate, and it is expected that the process and materials will be more widely application in in the tissue engineering.

第一章 緒論 16 1.1 前言 16 1.2 研究動機與目的 17 1.3 研究方法 18 1.4 論文架構 19 第二章 文獻探討 20 2.1 多材料動態光罩之機構現況 20 2.2 材料間之接合能力及特性 21 2.2.1 機械投錨理論 22 2.2.2 吸附理論 22 2.2.3 靜電理論 22 2.2.4 擴散理論 23 2.3 組織工程 25 2.3.1 支架材料之特性 25 2.3.2 支架材料之特性 28 2.3.3 高分子生醫材料 29 2.3.4 肝組織再生領域 34 2.3.5 共培養於組織再生領域 35 2.4 應用於肝組織工程之相關技術 38 2.4.1 肝臟脫細胞移植 38 2.4.2 積層製造 39 2.5 本實驗研究回顧 42 第三章 材料合成與性質檢測 45 3.1 實驗藥品與設備 45 3.1.1 原料與藥品 45 3.1.2 儀器設備 46 3.2 材料系統介紹 46 3.2.1 PCL-DA合成 47 3.2.2 PEG-DA 48 3.2.3 PGSA 49 3.2.4 光起始劑TPO 49 3.2.5 超分散劑 51 3.2.6 混合方式 51 3.3 材料性質檢測與設備簡介 54 3.3.1 後固化 54 3.3.2 統計分析 54 3.3.3 接觸角測試 55 3.3.4 拉伸試驗 57 3.3.5 黏度測試 62 3.4 實驗材料選擇 65 第四章 結合性分析與製程改善 66 4.1 測試機台簡介 66 4.1.1 本測試使用之動態光罩成型系統架構 66 4.1.2 動態光罩控制軟體 67 4.2 雙材料結合面分析 68 4.2.1 染料添加之影響 68 4.2.2 固化深度測試 73 4.2.3 接合面狀況 75 第五章 雙材料DLP成型系統及支架設計 79 5.1 雙材料動態光罩快速成型系統 79 5.1.1 下照式雙材料動態光罩成型系統 79 5.1.2 動態光罩產生器 81 5.1.3 換槽模組 82 5.2 積層製造切層軟體 83 5.2.1 切層層厚設定 83 5.2.2 列印曝光圖案之尺寸及位置調整 83 5.3 控制系統建立 84 5.3.1 Arduino簡介及程式架構 84 5.3.2 人機介面 86 5.4 支架設計 88 5.4.1 支架設計及選用 88 5.4.2 支架製作參數選用 90 5.5 體外細胞培養 92 5.5.1 細胞培養之前處理 93 5.5.2 體外細胞培養結果 93 5.6 材料配方調整及孔洞製作 97 5.6.1 膨脹率測試 97 5.6.2 接合效果驗證 98 5.6.3 薄膜孔洞製作 100 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 102 6.1 結論 102 6.2 未來工作 104 第七章 參考文獻 105

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