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研究生: 邱鈺琇
論文名稱: EPDM/PP熱塑性彈性體負離子釋放性能最適化配方研究
Investigation of the Influence of EPDM/PP Compositions on Their Active Air Ion Releasing Properties
指導教授: 葉正濤
口試委員: 張豐志
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: PP空氣負離子電氣石/竹炭複方粉體EPDM/PP
外文關鍵詞: EPDM/PP, PP, tourmaline/bamboo charcoal, negative air ions
相關次數: 點閱:189下載:0
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  • 本論文主要研究添加負離子配方粉體的PP塑膠或EPDM/PP熱塑性彈性體樹脂在不同溫度之靜態和拍打測試條件下的負離子釋放性質。 實驗結果表明,在8/2電氣石/竹炭最適化重量配比下,複方粉體在各測試條件下均可產生最佳之負離子釋放效果。 隨此最適化電氣石/竹炭複方粉體在PP或EPDM/PP薄膜樣品內含量達5 wt%時,這些負離子薄膜樣品在各種測試條件下之平均空氣負離子的釋放濃度均達到最大值。 另外,對同一負離子PP或EPDM/PP薄膜樣品而言,在拍打測試條件下所測得的平均空氣負離子的釋放濃度均明顯高於在靜置測試條件下所測得的數值。 比如,含 5 wt%電氣石/竹炭複方粉體之EPDM/PP薄膜樣品其在90℃、拍打狀態下所測得之平均空氣負離子釋放濃度為810個/cc,這是純PP薄膜樣品在25℃/靜置狀態下所測得數值之27倍。 進一步研究結果,發現隨電氣石/竹炭複方粉體中竹炭篩網目數增加,添加5wt%電氣石/竹炭複方粉體之EPDM/PP薄膜樣品在各測試條件下之平均空氣負離子的釋放濃度均隨之明顯增加。 實驗結果表明,含5 wt%電氣石/800目竹炭複方粉體EPDM/PP薄膜樣品於90℃拍打測試條件下的平均空氣負離子的釋放濃度已高達1200個/cc。 為了解上述這些有趣的負離子釋放性質,負離子複方粉體溶液的電導率、比表面積、元素分析及含負離子複方粉體薄膜樣品的抗張性能與表面形態分析均在本文中有具體的討論。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the releasing properties of negative air ions of the tourmaline contained polypropylene (PP) and ethylene propylene diene terpolymer/polypropylene thermoplastic elastomers (EPDM/PP) composites under varying testing conditions. when the weight ratio of tourmaline to bamboo charcoal powders present in the tourmaline/bamboo charcoal compouns reaches 8:2. It is interesting to note that the average concentrations of negative air ions (Cion-) emitted from PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal and PP/EPDM/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal film specimens tested at varying conditions reach a maximum value as the tourmaline/bamboo charcoal contents present in PP and EPDM/PP film specimens approach the 5 wt% optimum value. A beneficial temperature effect on conductivity and Cion- values of the tourmaline/bamboo charcoal contained water solutions and tourmaline/bamboo charcoal contained PP and EPDM/PP specimens were found, respectively. Moreover, all Cion- values of PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal and EPDM/PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal film specimens tested at dynamic impact mode are significantly higher than those of the corresponding specimens tested at static mode but the same temperature. The Cion- value of the P-TB450m-5 film specimens tested at 90℃ and dynamic impact mode reaches about 630 particles/cc, which is about 21 times more than that of pure PP film specimen tested at 25℃ and static mode. In contrast, the Cion- value of the E/P-TB450m-5 film specimens tested at 90℃ and dynamic impact mode reaches about 810 particles/cc, which is about 27 times more than that of pure PP film specimen tested at 25℃ and static mode.
      Further investigation found that the emitting properties of negative air ions of tourmaline powders can be improved by Change various size of bamboo charcoal. The Cion- value of tourmaline/bamboo charcoal contained EPDM/PP film specimens can reach a maximum value, after Cion- value of the bamboo charcoal size 400, 450, 800 (mesh) is analysed when tourmaline/bamboo charcoal having size 800mesh bamboo charcoal at 5 wt%. In fact, the Cion- value of the E/P-TB800m-5 film specimens tested at 90℃ and dynamic impact mode reaches about 1200 particles/cc, which is about 40 times more than that of pure PP film specimen tested at 25℃ and static mode. In order to understand these interesting negative air ion properties of tourmaline/bamboo charcoal contained film specimens, energy dispersive X-rays analysis of the tourmaline/bamboo charcoal and SEM morphology analysis of the PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal and EPDM/PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal film specimens were performed. Possible reasons account for the interesting negative air ion properties of the PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal and EPDM/PP/tourmaline/bamboo charcoal film specimens are proposed

    論文摘要…………… Ⅰ ABSTRACT…………… Ⅲ 誌謝…………………Ⅴ 目錄…………………Ⅵ 圖表索引…………… Ⅷ 第一章 前言…………1 第二章 理論及文獻回顧……………3 2.1 背景…………… 3 2.2 EPDM與PP熱塑性塑膠之混摻應用……………8 2.3 電氣石……………9 2.4 竹炭…………… 13 2.5 空氣離子……………14 2.5.1 空氣離子種類及其產生機制……………14 2.5.2 關於發生條件……………16 2.5.3 人工獲得空氣負離子的方法……………17 2.5.4 空氣負離子的消失機制……………19 第三章 實 驗……………20 3.1 主要原料……………20 3.2 主要實驗設備及儀器……………21 3. 3 實驗方法……………22 3.3.1粉體形態與成份分析……………22 3.3.2竹炭的比表面積分析……………22 3.3.3粉體溶液電導率分析……………22 3.3.4 EPDM/PP母粒的製備過程……………23 3.3.5負離子樣品的製備過程……………25 3.3.6負離子薄膜樣品中的粉體形態與成份分析……………27 3.3.7空氣負離子釋放性能的測量……………28 3.3.8抗張性能分析……………30 第四章 結果與討論……………31 4.1 負離子複方粉體最佳配方的研究……………31 4.2 純電氣石、竹炭及電氣石/竹炭複方粉體的表面形態與元素分析……………37 4.3 粉體溶液的電導率分析……………45 4.4 負離子薄膜樣品中形態與表面元素分析……………52 4.5 負離子薄膜樣品的空氣負離子釋放性能……………60 4.6 含複方粉體薄膜样品的拉伸性能分析……………66 第五章 結 論……………70 參考文獻……………74 作者簡介……………77

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