簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳昶榮
Chang-Jung Chen
論文名稱: 企業轉型升級之個案研究
A Case Study Of Business Transformation and Upgrade
指導教授: 林久翔
Chiu-Hsiang Lin
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yu-Chung Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 資源拼湊理論SWOT 分析商業經營模式核心競爭力
外文關鍵詞: Resources Bricolage, SWOT analysis, Business Model, Core Competitiveness
相關次數: 點閱:343下載:4
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陸廠商的削價競爭,利潤已大不如前,在2011 年一次因緣下個案公司接觸到工
業4.0,因而決議往工業4.0 發展。
在董事長及董事會決策後,開始往工業4.0 投入資源,而工業4.0 的發展及
之地?及工業4.0 的產品策略為何?前期的資源規劃如何進行?如何和現有的
題,及如何對應及思考,在作為全台灣第一個提出工業4.0 的企業,會遇到什麼

The case is about a company producing industrial personal computers (IPC) installed high performance and high quality systems to its downstream industries. The company has gained stable revenue, while the gross profit becomes challenging with threats from red supply chain of Chinese manufacturers. In 2011, the company decided to develop Industry 4.0 as a main competitive strategy.

According to the chairman’s and the board’s directions, the company started investing resources to Industry 4.0 fields. Researches and development are the two major focuses to the department of Industry Computer Division. How to enlarge its market share in global automation market? What are the following strategies and target customers of products produced by Industry 4.0 concept? What is the project timeline and how is company resource allocated in short-term, long-term periods? How to cooperate with upstream and downstream industries? How to develop new products and also comply governmental policies and laws? In addition, from human resource perspective, the interactions between newly-entry and experienced colleagues is a critical factor to make new products successful and launch in time.

By the case study, readers can understand the difficulties that SMEs may face in the process of company transformation and how they think and react to environmental changes. As the first company to propose Industry 4.0 concept in Taiwan, it has high pressure to conquer uncertainties and various obstacles in the front. The company as a good example turns the crisis into a turning point. They accomplish the transformation of IPC, and embed the experience as a core competitiveness. They create the growth momentum for their sustainable existence.

This study consists of two parts: the case story and the teaching manual. It is my wish that the case brings a thinking of leader's decision-making. In the early stage, an enterprise shall be well prepared for the transformation plan and management of potential risks. It would help to adjust the directions and move forward in a smoother way. It’s also applicable and of referral for companies facing similar operational dilemma. Companies shall broaden the perspectives of thinking to ensure the effectiveness of any important corporate decisions.

摘要............................. I Abstract ....................... II 誌謝............................. III 目錄............................. IV 表目錄............................ V 圖目錄............................ VI 第1 章 個案本文..................... 1 第1 節 前情提要 .................. 1 第2 節 經營管理決策 ............... 3 第3 節 工業自動化產業概況 .......... 7 第4 節 個案公司之心路歷程 .......... 25 第5 節 個案公司所遇見的經營問題 ..... 31 第6 節 個案公司應該如何渡過轉型期 .... 33 第7 節 討論問題 ................... 35 第2 章 教師教學指導手冊............... 36 第1 節 個案總覽 ................... 36 第2 節 教學目標 ................... 37 第3 節 課前準備 ................... 38 第4 節 學員課前討論 ................ 39 第5 節 適用課程與對象 .............. 39 第6 節 教學總覽 ................... 39 第7 節 問題與參考答案 .............. 41 第8 節 教學建議與時間分配 ........... 55 第9 節 板書規劃 ................... 56 參考文獻............................ VIII

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