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研究生: 王建偉
Jian-Wei Wang
論文名稱: 五相開關型磁阻電動機驅動器研製
Development of Five-phase Switched Reluctance Motor Drives
指導教授: 黃仲欽
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
Sheng-Nian Yeh
Chuan-Sheng Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 五相開關型磁阻電動機低電磁轉矩漣波二相電流同時激磁開關型磁阻發電機模式
外文關鍵詞: five-phase switched reluctance motor, low electromagnetic torque ripple, two-phase excitation, regeneration mode
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:6
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本文已完成轉速閉迴路具電流磁滯控制。在額定轉速1,500rpm、額定轉矩2.0 N-m下,實測結果顯示兼具電流磁滯控制之整體系統系統效率為53% ,較諸無煞車能量回收之51% ,而轉矩漣波亦由23.2% 降至18% 。在煞車能量回收方面,當轉速由1,500 rpm降至0 rpm,功率轉換器的輸出能量為110.1 J,而回收能量為61.57 J,能量回收率達56%。總之,系統實測驗證了本文控制策略的有效性。

The thesis aims to complete the design of a five-phase switching reluctance motor and drive system. The switching reluctance motor has no excitation in the rotor, thereby yielding the advantages of simpler structure and high-ranged fault tolerance. It, however, has large electromagnetic torque ripple, resulting in high noise. To reduce this torque ripple occurred from the phase change of the excitation, control strategy of five-phase winding structure with two-phase excitation is proposed.
In the five-phase switching reluctance motor control, hall-effect sensors are used to detect each phase of the excitation range. Using the two-phase excitation and current hysteresis control strategy to shape the current waveform, one can not only increase the output power, but also reduce the electromagnetic torque ripple.
On the other hand, depending on whether the derivative of the per-phase self-inductance with respect to rotor position is positive or negative, the reluctance motor can operate in the motor or generator mode, respectively. The motor works in generator mode when breaking, the inertia energy is then converted to electrical energy and store in the dc bank to improve operating efficiency. The system is realized by using a 16-bit microcontroller as the control core. Besides, the rotation speed and current controller are compiled by C language.
A closed-loop speed control system of five-phase reluctance motor with current hysteresis control is completed. Experimental results show that under the rated speed of 1,500 rpm and the rated torque of 2.0 N-m, the overall efficiency is 53% and 51% with and without current hysteresis control, respectively, with the corresponding torque ripple reduced from 23.2% to 18%. In addition, braking operation from rated speed to standstill yields an energy regeneration of 61.6 J over the output energy of 110.1 J from five-phase power converter, resulting in an energy saving of 56%. In short, practical evaluations verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌  謝 III 目  錄 IV 符號索引 VI 圖表索引 VIII 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 動機及目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 本文的架構及特色 4 1.4 本文大綱 6 第2章 五相開關型磁阻電動機結構及模式 7 2.1 前言 7 2.2 開關型磁阻電動機簡介 7 2.3 開關型磁阻電動機的結構 9 2.4 五相開關型磁阻電動機等效數學模式 13 2.4.1 電壓及磁通鏈方程式 13 2.4.2 開關型磁阻電動機的電磁轉矩 15 2.5 結語 15 第3章 五相開關型磁阻電動機控制策略 16 3.1 前言 16 3.2 開關型磁阻電動機驅動器之功率轉換器 16 3.3 五相開關型磁阻電動機的控制策略 18 3.4 轉速控制策略 26 3.5 五相開關型磁阻電動機之電流閉迴路控制策略 28 3.6 結語 29 第4章 實體製作及實測 30 4.1 前言 30 4.2 五相磁阻電動機的實體製作 30 4.2.1 五相開關型磁阻電動機之結構 30 4.2.2 五相開關型磁阻電動機之各相自感量測 34 4.3 硬體電路架構 35 4.3.1 數位控制器的介面電路 35 4.3.2 轉子角位置回授裝置 36 4.3.3 電流回授電路規劃 37 4.3.4 閘極驅動電路規劃 38 4.3.5 複雜型可程式邏輯元件電路規劃 39 4.4 軟體規劃 42 4.5 實測結果 44 4.5.1 五相開關型磁阻電動機實測 44 4.5.2 兩相同時激磁實測結果 45 4.6 結語 55 第5章 結論與建議 56 5.1 結論 56 5.2 建議 57 參考文獻 58

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