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研究生: 王國楨
Kuo-chen Wang
論文名稱: LED產業垂直整合策略與經營模式之個案研究
A Case Study on the Vertical Integration Strategy and Business Model of LED Industry
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 綠能產業LED產業垂直整合水平整合競爭優勢
外文關鍵詞: green energy industry, LED industry, vertical integration, horizontal integration, competitive advantage
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:18
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  • 綠能產業已納入政府六大新興策略產業之一,在環保意識抬頭、環境永續議題上,節能減碳綠能產業更成為投資顯學,尤其中國十二五規劃也將綠能產業納入未來發展主軸,在後ECFA時代,企業與投資人都要掌握契機,為跨足兩岸、佈局全球奠定良好基礎。全球暖化效應,使節能減碳議題在哥本哈根會議後,備受各國政府與企業重視,節能意識驅動綠色科技快速發展,更在日本爆發核電輻射外洩事件後,台灣綠能產業政策的主軸之一LED照明,希望在2015年發展成為兆元產業,但面臨缺乏自主技術、技術遭專利封鎖困境,唯有透過政府政策擴大內需,引進投資資金,突破技術瓶頸,與中國合作建立標準規格,建立完整LED產業供應鏈,累積足夠經驗,把握LED應用爆發成長的時代商機。
    本研究發現個案公司的競爭優勢及逐步達成優於同業之經營績效,有五項結論:(1)客製化的產品策略,提供封裝技術支援;(2)調整產品組合,晶粒(LED chip)提升至60%,晶片(LED wafer)、LED模組次之;(3)國內第一家採用光、機、熱、電整合技術,從磊晶到系統模組的垂直整合方式切入照明市場,充分掌握市場需求變化及成本競爭優勢;(4)生產高亮度LED及照明模組為重心,以節能減碳的創新經營模式,成功佈局日本、中國大陸市場;(5)有效率的籌資規劃,快速擴產,增加生產經濟規模,引進策略性夥伴,降低經營風險。

    The government of Taiwan has listed the green energy industry as one of the six emerging strategic industries. As environmental awareness increases, the energy-conserving and carbon-reducing green energy industry has become a focal point in the area of investment into environmental sustainability. In its 12th Five -Year Plan, China listed the green energy industry as one of its focuses for future development. With the establishment of the ECFA, corporations and investors must use the opportunity to build a solid foundation for both cross-strait and international expansion of the green energy industry.
    Following the Copenhagen Climate Conference, governments and enterprises worldwide have placed increased emphasis on issues of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Awareness of the need for energy conservation has driven the rapid development of green technology. After the radiation disaster in Japan, it is hoped that by 2015, the LED lighting industry (which is a key focus of green industrial policy in Taiwan) will develop into a trillion dollar industry. However, the industry is currently facing lack of independent technology and the problem of patents limiting the availability of needed technology. The government must formulate policy to expand domestic demand, infuse investment funds, break the technological bottleneck, cooperate with China to develop standard specifications, and accumulate sufficient experience in constructing a comprehensive LED industry supply chain, to grasp this opportunity for monumental growth in LED application.
    Facing strong competition and numerous application requirements in the LED industry, a majority of Taiwanese LED companies utilize a model of a highly specialized division of labor. Technicians working with epitaxial wafers or encapsulation, for instance, work only within these areas of specialization. Resources in this industry are highly concentrated, and a single manufacturing process can be extremely intricate. Epistar Corporation, for example, a leading enterprise in the domestic LED industry, persisted in horizontal integration and focused on an epitaxial LED plant, achieving higher productive efficiency and reducing production costs.
    The case study in this research is a manufacturer that produces LED expatial wafers and chips. In the LED industry supply chain, this manufacturer is considered an upstream supplier. Considering the industrial characteristics of technology intensity, capital intensity, and low profit, we examined how this company had built an upstream-downstream industry chain and used vertical integration to distribute LED end applications, creating a unique business advantage. This operational strategy is significantly different from that used by Epistar and can provide reference for LED enterprises with regard to investment or operation.
    Research showed that the competitive advantage of the case study gradually increased until its operational performance exceeded that of other businesses in the same industry. This study presents five conclusions:
    (1) Customized product strategy supported encapsulation technology.
    (2) Product portfolios were adjusted; LED chips were increased to 60%, followed by LED wafers and LED modules.
    (3) This manufacturer was the first in Taiwan to use integrated optical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical technology, and entered the lighting market using methods of vertical integration, from expatial wafers to system modules. The manufacturer was thereby able to grasp the changes in market demand and achieve competitive cost advantage.
    (4) This manufacturer focused on producing high-brightness LEDs and lighting modules, and successfully branched out to the markets of Japan and China with an energy-conserving and carbon-reducing innovative business model.
    (5) This manufacturer effectively planned financing, expanded rapidly, increased the economic scale of production, included strategic partners, and reduced operational risk.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 IV 目 錄 V 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究內容及範圍 3 第四節 研究限制 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 產業競爭策略 5 第二節 垂直整合策略 8 第三節 節能新商業模式 12 第三章 研究方法 15 第一節 研究方法 15 第二節 研究個案選擇 15 第四章 產業結構與個案分析 17 第一節 產業分析-LED產業分析 17 第二節 台灣LED產業的優勢 32 第三節 台灣LED產業之競爭與變化 34 第四節 台灣LED照明的未來發展 36 第五節 LED產品發展趨勢 38 第六節 個案公司介紹 43 第七節 個案經營策略分析 48 第八節 個案訪談執行過程 56 第五章 個案公司的效益及策略分析 61 第一節 垂直整合之效益分析 61 第二節 垂直整合之策略分析 65 第六章 結論與建議 78 第一節 研究結論 78 第二節 研究建議 81 參考文獻 83

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