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研究生: 劉香伶
Hsiang-ling Liu
論文名稱: 矛盾設計與驚奇之關係探討—以燈具為例
A Study on Contradictory Design and Surprise in Product Design: Using Lamp as an Example
指導教授: 陳玲鈴
Lin-Lin Chen
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Rung-Huei Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 矛盾感覺矛盾設計驚奇不一致
外文關鍵詞: ambivalence, contradictory design, surprise, incongruity
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:6
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  • 不同的設計手法讓產品產生差異化,達到既具美感又富有創新的商品,並獲得市場上較高的喜好度。觀察近代的產品有許多都呈現出既典型又新奇的設計,試圖讓產品在市場中提升其獨特性及價值。在設計的過程中觀察到,設計師大多將物件的原型視為設計的參考基準,再藉由造形、色彩、質感等運用,使產品更加獨特、新奇。例如:Harri Koskinen 所設計的冰塊燈,將燈泡包覆在冰塊中,視覺上同時呈現了燈泡的溫暖與冰塊的冰冷;Philip Starck於1990年所設計的Miss Sissi table light,造型上是典型的檯燈而材料是運用近代的塑膠材質,視覺上呈現了既典型又獨特的感覺。雷蒙洛伊在研究中認為,人們喜好的產品,是典型與新奇的最佳組合,這當中隱含矛盾的語意,而在過去研究中也發現矛盾的設計,相對於整體而言,亦有較高的喜好。同樣的,在Ludden (2008)研究中也提到,令人產生與過去經驗或感官上不一致的產品,更能增加產品其意義及互動性,甚至產生驚奇感,因而更容易受到人們的注意並留下深刻的印象。





    Designers apply different design techniques to create more beautiful and innovative products, to achieve higher market preference. Through the observation of contemporary products, many of them exhibit both typical and novel features to increese their uniqueness and value in the market. Based on the procedure of design, it is found that most of the designers regard the prototype of a product as a basis for reference and then deviate from it to make a product more unique and novel. For example: the light bulb of the ice lamp designed by Harri Koskinen was enclosed in the ice to present a vision of both warm and cold. The model of the Miss Sissi table light designed by Philip Starck in 1990 is a typical lamp which was made unique by using plastic materials to show both typical and unique feelings. As per Raymond Loewy’s claim, the preferred product is usually the best combination of typical and novel features. This concept implies a contradiction. Designs with contradiction were found to gain higher overall preference in many former studies. Ludden (2008) also mentioned in her study that products can improve the meaning and interaction, and even create surprise feeling if they can evoke different experience or sensations. As a result, these products can easily attract people’s attention and leave a deep impression on them.

    This study focuses on the discussion of the relationship between contradiction and surprise, and provides guidelines to the designers for contradictory design. Three conclusions as the followings:
    (1)In general, contradiction can trigger surprise based on the research results and correlations of trend observations.
    (2)This study applied the k-means cluster classification method to observe the distribution of the sample in the Nine Chequers. The surprising and preferred samples all fall into the contradiction and uniqueness categories. Participants with different education backgrounds have significantly different perceptions toward contradiction and preference.
    (3)The stunned and disliked samples are mainly caused by the lack of understanding of what the designers wanted to express. This even resulted in a resentment towards the products which may have further reduced the level of preference. Indeed, the designers must be careful about whether the design technique can be easily understood and avoid excessively applying design language and elements.

    論文摘要 I 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍與限制 3 1.3.1 研究範圍 3 1.3.2 研究限制 5 1.4 研究假設 6 1.5 研究流程 6 1.6 研究架構 8 第二章、文獻探討 9 2.1 燈具的發展 9 2.2 典型的決定因素 9 2.3 矛盾語意之定義與相關研究 10 2.4 態度矛盾感覺的量測 11 2.5 驚奇(Surprise) 15 2.6 感官不一致(sensory incongruity)與驚奇(surprise)的相關研究 19 第三章、研究方法 22 3.1 刺激物的選定 22 3.2 形容詞的沿用 23 3.3 受測者 24 3.4 實驗進行方式 24 3.4.1 直接矛盾量測法實驗 24 3.4.2 驚奇與喜好度量測 26 第四章、實驗結果與討論 29 4.1 探索矛盾、驚奇之間的關係 30 4.2 B組樣本相關性結果不穩定的原因 40 4.3 不同背景受測者對於矛盾與驚奇的認知差異 41 4.3.1 矛盾與驚喜的認知差異討論 41 4.3.2 矛盾與錯愕的認知差異討論 43 4.4 不同背景受測者對於驚奇與喜好的認知差異 46 4.4.1 驚喜、錯愕與喜好之間的關係討論 46 4.4.2 驚奇與喜好的認知比較 51 4.5 造成驚奇量測結果標準差極大的原因 61 第五章、結論與建議 62 5.1 結論 62 5.2 研究侷限 64 5.3 後續研究建議 64 參考文獻 66 相關網站 68 附 錄 70 作者簡介 88

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