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研究生: 劉雅仙
Ya-Hsien Liu
論文名稱: 以專利資訊探討我國金融虛擬卡產業技術性競爭壓力
Using patent Data to discuss the technological competition pressure of Taiwan virtual card industry
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 耿筠
Yun Ken
Chi-Yang Lin
Chien-Ping Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 金融虛擬卡專利分析五力分析技術性競爭壓力
外文關鍵詞: Financial virtual card
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:0
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  • 隨著世界各國的發展潮流,我國由知識經濟慢慢走向數位經濟,加上運用數位科技來提升產業競爭力,也是許多國家致力於推動科技發展的政策之一,所有的努力不外乎為了往發展成「智慧國家」的方向前進。




    With the development trend of various countries in the world, our country is slowly moving from a knowledge economy to a digital economy. Through the digital technology to enhance industrial competitiveness, it is also one of the policies that many countries are committed to promoting the development of science and technology. All efforts are aimed to develop into a "smart country".

    Therefore, the government accelerated the promotion of incentive policy of the "mobile payment popularization" in 2017. And The fast economy online shopping is getting popular that became an Ecommerce Trends. Which attract
    many companies and bankers to invest in the financial virtual card industry. However, it will lead the company to make the wrong assessment of business strategies and input ineffective R&D resources when the company does not have enough information in the field before entering a new industry. Thus, the company should check the potential problems, including the market competitive situation, the development status in the field, laws and so on.

    This study is based on the patent database of TIPO. First, this study is to analyze the overall development trend includes the analysis of application, technology life cycle, main applicants, IPC, technical development of main applicants and so on. Next based on the results of the aforementioned result, discuss the technical effects of its main developments according to different competitive pressures. Then finally, construct the overall technical competition overview of the financial virtual card.

    The results of analysis are as follows: (1)The industry is currently in the "technological growth period", and market demand is expected to continue to rise in the future. So it is valuable to companies to invest actively. (2)Through the five competitive roles, the industry has the strongest threat to the patent portfolio of "potential competitors", followed by "customers". (3)According to the BCG matrix and patent portfolio theory, it should continue in research and development and protect its products with patents. (4)The industry is facing high competitive pressure, and it is necessary to find technological differences as a technological gap for the future. (5)The development of non-industry is comprehensive, and it may be possible to open another innovative business model through the combination of different industries.

    誌謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 III 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 技術發展與產業發展的關係 4 2.1.1 技術生命週期 4 2.1.2 Teece模式 7 2.1.3 智慧資本理論 7 2.1.4 智慧財產/智慧財產權對於經濟發展、公司經營的重要性 8 2.2 產業競爭 9 2.2.1 Porter五力分析/競爭分析 9 2.2.2 透過BCG分析找出技術在競爭中的地位 14 2.2.3 以專利資訊討論技術創新的衡量 17 2.3 專利資訊與運用 18 2.3.1 專利資訊的特性 18 2.3.2 專利檢索與分析 18 2.4 金融虛擬卡的發展 19 2.4.1 支付方式的演進歷程 19 2.4.2 主要功能及技術項目 20 第三章 研究方法 25 3.1 金融虛擬卡專利資訊的檢索 26 3.1.1 確立檢索範疇 26 3.1.2 選擇專利資料庫 27 3.1.3 國際專利分類號與關鍵字選擇 27 3.1.4 擬定檢索式 32 3.2 專利資料的檢全率與檢準率評估 34 3.3 專利資料的統整與分析 35 3.4 金融虛擬卡專利資訊的分類 36 3.5 依據不同的競爭壓力討論主要發展的技術功效 37 3.6 建構金融虛擬卡的整體競爭概況 38 第四章 分析結果 39 4.1 專利整體趨勢分析 40 4.1.1 歷年趨勢分析 40 4.1.2 技術生命週期分析 41 4.1.3 主要專利權人分析 42 4.1.4 分類號分析 43 4.1.5 主要專利權人技術發展分析 46 4.2 金融虛擬卡專利資訊的五力分析 47 4.2.1 金融虛擬卡專利資訊的分類 47 4.2.2 不同競爭壓力主要發展技術功效分析 48 4.2.3 建構金融虛擬卡的整體競爭概況 57 第五章 結論 59 5.1 分析結論 59 5.2 未來研究建議 62 參考文獻 63

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