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研究生: 顏鳳婷
Fong-Ting Yan
論文名稱: 以機械手臂搭配Creo Toolkit程式及3D點資料處理技術進行簡易零件組裝
Assembly of Simple Parts Using a Robot Arm along with Creo Toolkit Programs and 3D Points Processing Techniques
指導教授: 林清安
Ching-An Lin
口試委員: 林紀穎
Chi-Ying Lin
Win-Bin Shieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 機械手臂3D點資料處理零件組裝CAD
外文關鍵詞: Robot arm, 3D points processing, Assembly, CAD
相關次數: 點閱:288下載:0
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本論文主要可分為兩大部分:「組裝路徑規劃」及「裝配零件辨識與定位」,其中「組裝路徑規劃」是以Creo Toolkit二次開發工具取得裝配圖中的組裝順序及路徑,而「裝配零件辨識與定位」則是使用3D點資料演算法分析工作台所有零件之點雲資料,進行零件辨識與定位,並使用Epson機械手臂依序組裝零件。最後本論文以螺母拆裝組合積木作為實例,驗證所開發系統之實用性。

As technology develops rapidly, the automated production lines are using multiple machines and various types of mechanisms and fixtures at assembly operations. Although the automated production lines are common, there is plenty of preparation for initializing the project of assembling operations, such as locate, move and assemble parts. And the machine at each station in the production line repeats the assembly operation in the same path. This method can reduce the labor cost, but it requires professional technicians to carry out assembly routing and the development of various types of fixtures. Therefore it also resulted in high demand for manpower, material resources, time and costs.
In order to reduce the time of pre-processing assembly operations and design the fixtures, this thesis studies the issue of developing a robot-based assembly system for simple parts. The system aims to replace manpower with a single robotic arm, the human vision with a 3D scanner, and assembly path planning with an assembly drawing.
This study consists of the following two research issues: planning of assembled path and identification and location of parts. The first issue "planning of assembled path" is to acquire the assembly path and the sequence via Creo Toolkit programs. The second issue "identification and location of parts" uses several algorithms developed based on 3D data points to identify the location of parts by scanning the parts placed on the working table. Afterward, an Epson robot arm is utilized to assemble all of the parts in sequence. Finally, this study will illustrate the practicability of this system via building blocks with nuts and bolts.

Keywords: Robot arm, 3D points processing, Assembly, CAD

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝IV 目錄V 圖目錄VIII 表目錄XIII 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究動機與目的1 1.2 研究方法5 1.3 文獻探討7 1.4 論文架構15 第二章 硬體與軟體之介紹16 2.1 系統作業流程16 2.2 實驗器材與設置18 2.2.1 3D結構光掃描18 2.2.2 Epson機械手臂19 2.2.3 SCHUNK氣動夾爪21 2.3 系統環境及開發工具23 2.3.1 系統環境23 2.3.2 Creo Toolkit之簡介24 2.3.3 HP Pro S3 Scanner SDKs 之簡介24 2.3.4 Point Cloud Library(PCL)之簡介25 2.3.5 Epson Robot API之簡介26 第三章 由3D幾何模型規劃 零件組裝之路徑27 3.1 組件之零件組裝關係27 3.2 建立組件之組裝資料29 第四章 點資料處理原理及程式應用34 4.1 點資料前置作業35 4.1.1 Creo與手臂座標連結35 4.1.2 掃描器與手臂座標轉換37 4.2 點資料匯入38 4.3 3D點雲資料處理41 4.3.1 使用減採樣降低點雲密度42 4.3.2 使用叢聚法進行分群46 4.3.3 取得快速特徵點直方圖50 4.3.4 使用KD-Tree演算法搜尋點資料54 4.3.5 使用RANSAC進行點資料辨識61 第五章 實例驗證67 5.1 前置作業72 5.2 取得零件組裝之路徑72 5.3 處理3D點雲資料75 5.3.1 降低點資料密度75 5.3.2 分割群體77 5.3.3 特徵估計與匹配79 5.4 取得夾取點81 5.4.1 物件中心點81 5.4.2 物件夾取角度83 5.5 組裝85 5.5.1 組裝定位85 5.5.2 組裝限制88 第六章 結論與未來研究方向95 6.1 結論95 6.2 未來研究方向97 參考文獻98

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