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研究生: 李明進
Ming - Gen, Lee
論文名稱: 國際統包工程報價階段之風險管理研究
A Study of Risk Management forTendering an International Lump-sum Project
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Jang, Woan-Yuh
Chang, Guangdi Gordon
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 統包工程策略聯盟風險管理
外文關鍵詞: Lump-sum Project, Consortium, Risk Management
相關次數: 點閱:582下載:0
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Tendering an international Lump-sum Project is the only approach to Engineering and Construction Company for creating its own profit. However, in order to win the proposal project in the market of international competition, to understand Client’s requirement in specific Project for finishing the Project smoothly after awarded, earn the expected profit after completion, the engineering company always relied on the evaluation and monitoring process for outside resources and company’s core competence during proposal stage. Following the evaluation procedure against related uncertain risk items, incorporate the outcome of risk evaluation to proposal package to win the project. Keep monitoring activities; proofing that the previous risk evaluation procedure was integrated and consistent in all management process. Confirm the accuracy and effectiveness for utilizing subsequent proposal project by the way of feedback information from execution project.
During bidding stage for international lump-sum project, engineering company always be requested to follow Client’s specific technical specification and acceptance criteria. International engineering Company should fully aware not only the contract specification and all related requirement during bidding stage, but also the technical specification and commercial terms, incorporated the solution to proposal package.
The international lump-sum project contents localized differentiation and critical local environmental factor; it stipulates the engineering company to invest necessary resources during bidding stage for tendering package by evaluating the influence in dealing with the difference of local construction project. Implement the integral evaluation and reflect the outcome into the requirement of engineering design, procurement and construction. Ensure that the summarized price and project schedule would meet the project requirement.

目錄 摘要I 誌謝III 圖目錄V 表目錄V 第壹章緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的3 第三節 研究範圍與流程4 第四節 研究限制6 第貳章文獻探討7 第一節 競爭五力分析7 第二節 專案管理知識領域12 第參章 研究方法15 第一節期刊與參考書籍之資料15 第二節工作經驗之資料蒐集16 第三節研究架構17 第肆章 國際統包工程選標作業分析18 第一節國際統包工程選標流程19 第二節國際統包工程邀標書架構20 第伍章 工程公司報價階段之風險管理22 第一節 工程公司之定位22 第二節 是否參與投標31 第三節 報價策略38 第四節 邀標書審查41 第五節 報價風險辨識與預防對策43 第六節 技術報價風險評估48 第七節 商業報價風險評估53 第八節 報價書整備61 第陸章 結論與建議66 第一節 研究結論66 第二節 研究建議68 附錄69 附錄1 工程報價合約主要條件表70 附錄2 工程報價承攬合約審查表75 附錄3 商業及責任條款澄清彙總表87 參考文獻97

2.國際工程施工索賠:梁 鑑、陸繼雄,淑馨出版社。1999年。

1.A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMI ANSI/PMI 99-001-2004,Page 237~268。
2.An Evolution in Risk Strategy, Cynthia Glassman, RMA Journal, 2000。
3.How to effectively manage change:D.M. Woodruff,Hydrocarbon Processing Jan.1996。
4.Integration Methodology for Project Risk Management, Alfredo Del Cano, PE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, November, 2002, page 473~485.
5.Risk Management on Large Capital Projects, Lisa Turnbaugh, PE, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Eduation and Practice, October 2005.
6.Risk Matrix: An approach for identifying, assessing, and ranking program risk: Paul R. Garey and Zachary F. Lansdowne, Air Force Journal &Logistics, 1999, page18~23。
7.Risk Management: A Project Manager’s View:A.E. Kerridge, Hydrocarbon Processing Mar.1994。
8.To bid or not to bid, Bill Lenehan, Hydrocarbon Processing, May 1999, page 55~60.

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