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研究生: 杜欣恩
Hsin-En Tu
論文名稱: 沙遊轉變為桌遊以促進高齡者溝通之研究
A Study on Turning Sandplay into a Board Game to Facilitate Communication for the Elderly
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
口試委員: 康仕仲
Shi-Zhong Kang
Shiuan-Huei Tang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 高齡者遊戲溝通人際互動行動研究
外文關鍵詞: Elderly, Games, Communication, Interpersonal interaction, Action research
相關次數: 點閱:352下載:1
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  • 本研究旨在嘗試將沙盤遊戲治療轉換成有結構的桌上遊戲,提升高齡者人際互動之應用。本研究採用行動研究四個步驟:計劃、行動、觀察、反思來進行,一、計劃:前往安養中心瞭解沙盤遊戲治療,規劃如何將沙盤遊戲治療應用於高齡者活動。二、行動:邀請65位高齡者參與沙盤遊戲,共進行了33場測試。三、觀察:記錄了受測者體驗遊戲的過程,包括每位受測者的話語以及表情。並於每一次測試結束後,與受測者進行一對一訪談。四、反思:經觀察結果提出設計問題,進行設計改良。

    1. 象徵性物件與探索問題卡牌是促進高齡者溝通的媒介,可以刺激溝通,觸發回憶、引發自我揭露、以及和他人互動。
    2. 將沙遊轉化為桌上遊戲,設計了遊戲規則增加其系統性以及娛樂性質,確實有助於高齡者表達自我,並且促進人際互動與溝通。

    The purpose of this study is to develop a structured board game with sandplay therapy for the elderly’s interpersonal interaction. This study adopted action research to discover interpersonal communication of the elderly. Three cycles of action research were conducted and each cycle consisted of four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. 1. Planning: Visiting a retirement center and observing the seniors’ participation in the sandplay therapy. 2. Action: Inviting the elderly to participate in the board-game tests developed by this study A total of 33 tests were conducted. 3. Observation: Recording the processes of the board-game tests, including behaviors, conversations and facial expressions. At the end of each test, individual interviews were conducted with the participants. 4. Reflection: Improving the design if the board game based on the observation. Based on the results of the action research, this study proposes design principles and suggestions for the design of board games for the elderly.

    Through the action research, this study developed a board game to facilitate communication for the elderly. The board game includes cards, objects and a sand box with understandable instruction. According to the observation of the board-game tests, the findings of this study are (1) Objects and cards of the board game can facilitate the communication and self-disclosure among the participations. The cards and objects can stimulate communication, call to remembrance, cause self-disclosure and interact with others. (2) Turning sandplay into the board game, design the steps and rules of the game. The game can become more systematic and entertaining. The board game developed by this study can encourage the elderly to express themselves and help them interact and communicate with others.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究架構 3 1.4 研究範圍與限制 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1溝通 5 2.1.1溝通的定義 5 2.1.2溝通的種類 6 2.1.3溝通對人的重要性 7 2.1.4自我揭露 8 2.2 表達性藝術治療 9 2.2.1表達性藝術治療的定義 9 2.2.2表達性藝術治療的介紹 10 2.3沙遊治療 10 2.3.1沙遊治療的特色與介紹 10 2.3.2桌上遊戲 12 2.4 行動研究 13 2.4.1行動研究的定義 13 2.4.2行動研究的特性 13 第三章 研究方法 15 3.1 第一循環 16 3.2 第二循環 17 3.3 第三循環 20 3.4 原型設計 22 3.5 設計過程 24 3.5.1 物件的種類選擇與來源 25 3.5.2 製作第一版的說明手冊 26 3.5.3 設計遊戲步驟 27 3.5.4 製作第二版的說明手冊 29 3.5.5 設計卡牌的題目 32 3.5.6 製作第三版的說明手冊 34 3.5.7 更換物件的種類 35 3.5.8 第二次修正卡牌內容 36 3.5.9 設計第四版的說明摺頁 37 3.5.10 新增電子版的遊中之言 38 3.6 第二循環之測試與訪談結果 39 第四章 研究結果與討論 43 4.1受測者互動之分析 43 4.1.1 受測者與物件的互動 43 4.1.2 受測者與卡牌的互動 45 4.1.3 受測者與遊戲規則的互動 47 4.2受測者互動的口語分析 47 4.2.1受測者與物件的互動 48 4.2.2受測者與卡牌的互動 57 4.2.3遊戲規則引發的互動 65 4.3訪談結果分析 66 第五章 結論與建議 74 5.1結論 74 5.2建議 75 參考文獻 77 附錄 訪談大綱 81

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