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研究生: 蕭羽筑
Yu-Chu Hsiao
論文名稱: 我國專利發明人獲得適當報酬之實證研究
An Empirical Study of Patent Inventors Obtaining reasonable remuneration in Taiwan
指導教授: 耿筠
Keng Yun
口試委員: 蔡鴻文
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 專利申請人力資本合理報酬發明人
外文關鍵詞: Patent filing, human capital, reasonable remuneration, inventor
相關次數: 點閱:412下載:0
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管職務之全時員工薪資資訊做為應變數,並使用歐洲專利檢索系統 Espacenet 取

In order to improve competitiveness and performance, companies may obtain
research resources or technology transfer from external entities. Additionally,
companies can also acquire technical assets by internal investment in research and
development activities, which include intellectual capitalization of R&D outcomes.
Some researches indicate that intellectual capital is related to innovation of a company,
and specifically, human resource has critical influence over innovation of a company.
In the meantime, inventors of patent applications are representatives of technology
In aspects of law, regulations which state that employers should provide
reasonable remuneration for inventors after patents are filed are set for salary
compensation for inventors in many countries. Many studies have shown that
employee salary is an important factor of business performance, and also found out that
innovation is related to promotion and income of employees from patent and salary of
companies. However, most of the relevant studies were focused on the investment of
R&D activities, and lack of discussion on the salary of R&D personnel. Therefore,
this study will discuss the relationship between R&D activities, company performance,
the salary compensation for inventors in regulation, incentive factors of R&D personnel,
patent application, and employee income to validate the inference of this study.
This study takes the salary data of full-time employees in non-administrative
positions in the top ten industries of the Taiwan Capitalization Weighted Stock Index
as the dependent variable, the number of patents obtained from Espacenet, the patent
search system provided by European Patent Office, as the independent variable to
establish the correlation hypothesis between the number of patents of listed companies
and the average salary of non-executive employees.
In this study, regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The results show
that the number of patents of technology-intensive industries in Taiwan is positively
correlated with the average salary of non-executive employees.

摘要 II Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 、緒論 1 第一節 、研究背景 1 第二節 、研究動機 2 第三節 、研究目的 3 第四節 、研究架構 4 第五節 、研究貢獻性 5 第二章 、文獻探討 6 第一節 、研發活動與公司經營績效 6 第二節 、研發人員的激勵因素 6 第三節 、專利成果與員工收入的關係 8 第四節 、專利制度對於發明人的薪資補償 9 第三章 、研究方法 11 第一節 、概念性架構 11 第二節 、建立假說 12 第三節 、變數定義 14 (一)、 應變數 14 (二)、 自變數 14 第四節 、收集資料 15 (一)、 樣本資料來源 15 (二)、 樣本篩選 15 (三)、 檢索流程 17 (四)、 樣本最後檢索時間 18 第五節 、資料分析方法 18 (一)、 迴歸分析 18 (二)、 迴歸分析基本統計假設 19 (三)、 迴歸分析結果判斷基準 19 第四章 、研究結果 21 第一節 、專利範圍檢索之相關性分析 21 第二節 、非技術密集產業之迴歸分析結果 26 第三節 、小節 26 第五章 、結論與建議 27 第一節 、結論與建議 27 第二節 、研究限制 27 第三節 、未來研究方向 28 參考資料 29 中文期刊論文 29 外文期刊論文 29 網頁資料 32

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