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研究生: 戴珮珊
Pei-Shan Dai
論文名稱: 利用震波最大速度推估值決定半主動斜面式滾動隔震支承阻尼力之研究
Semi-active control of a sloped rolling-type seismic isolation bearing using predicted peak velocity of earthquake excitation
指導教授: 許丁友
Ting-Yu Hsu
口試委員: 鍾立來
Lap-Loi Chung
Shiang-Jung Wang
Pei-Ching Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 斜面式滾動隔震支承半主動控制地震預警類神經網路最大地表速度
外文關鍵詞: sloped rolling-type seismic isolators, semi-active control, earthquake early warning, artificial neural network, PGV
相關次數: 點閱:478下載:0
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In order to avoid the maximum displacement response of the sloped rolling-type seismic isolators (SRI) exceeding the design value and causing a collision when a large earthquake occurs, a higher damping force is a conventional solution. However, higher damping force may cause the acceleration response of the SRI over-amplified under small and moderate earthquakes. A previous study attempted to install a piezoelectric actuator in the SRI, so as to accord the SRI a variable damping function. That is, the actuator can change the damping force of the SRI according to seismic characteristics in real time. The correlation between the maximum displacement response of SRI and seismic characteristic parameters has been discussed in the previous study. The results indicated that the correlation between the peak ground velocity (PGV) and the maximum displacement response of SRI is the best among the studied seismic characteristic parameters. This study uses the information of the first few seconds after the arrival of primary wave to train an artificial neural network (ANN) model for predicting PGV. The control law to control the damping force according to PGV is also established. Therefore, the required damping force of a coming earthquake can be predicted a few seconds after the arrival of primary wave. The effects of the uncertainty in PGV prediction on the performance of semi-active control of the SRI are also studied. In addition, the performance of semi-active control of the SRI using the PGV predicted at different seconds after the arrival of primary wave is also studied.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與文獻回顧 1 1.2 研究內容與架構 4 第二章 斜面式滾動隔震支承(SRI) 5 2.1 SRI基本構造 5 2.2 SRI運動方程式推導 6 2.3 SRI數值分析程式 11 2.4 本研究模擬之SRI模型構造與設定參數 13 第三章 地震資料 15 3.1 訓練資料(Training data, T-data) 15 3.2 測試資料 17 3.2.1 2016年2月6日美濃地震 17 3.2.2 2018年2月6日花蓮地震 17 3.3 地震資料PGA及PGV分布情況 18 第四章 利用類神經網路建立地震特性參數預測模型 20 4.1 類神經網路介紹 20 4.2 輸入參數 23 4.2.1 地震訊號六個特徵參數 23 4.2.2 特定頻率之傅立葉振幅含量平均 24 4.3 輸出參數 26 4.4 建立類神經網路模型 28 4.5 線性調整類神經網路模型 33 第五章 建立控制阻尼力的控制律 35 5.1 控制律 35 5.2 評估控制律表現所使用之參數 37 5.2.1 加速度反應比 37 5.2.2 有效隔震比 37 5.3 決定最佳控制律 37 第六章 數值分析 39 6.1 探討tp各別秒數之結果 40 6.1.1 探討P值與R值 40 6.1.2 探討最大位移反應超過門檻值20公分(PO) 48 6.1.3 利用PGV回歸公式之結果與比較 54 6.2 探討tp不同秒數組合之結果 56 6.3 測試地震使用tp3s+5s+10s組合之效果 61 6.3.1 美濃地震 61 6.3.2 花蓮地震 64 6.4 將ANN輸出參數改為阻尼因子,探討其隔震效果(以tp3s為例) 67 第七章 結論與未來研究方向 70 參考文獻 74 附錄 77

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