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研究生: 王曰慈
論文名稱: 鋰離子電池電荷與健康狀態估測用之類神經網路模型超參數最佳化之研究
Research on Hyperparameter Optimization of Artificial Neural Network Model for Lithium-ion Battery State of Charge and State of Health Estimation
指導教授: 羅一峰
Yi-Feng Luo
Yi-Hua Liu
口試委員: 羅一峰
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 鋰離子電池電池健康狀態電池剩餘容量電池管理系統類神經網路最佳化演算法
外文關鍵詞: Lithium-ion Battery, State of Health, State of Charge, Battery Management System, Artificial Neural Network, Optimization Algorithm
相關次數: 點閱:102下載:2
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鋰離子電池是當今最主要的能源儲存技術之一,廣泛應用於消費電子產品、電動汽車和儲能系統。然而,隨著使用時間的延長,鋰離子電池的性能會逐漸下降,主要表現在電池的健康狀態(State of Health, SOH)和剩餘容量(State of Charge, SOC)的變化上。準確估測電池的SOH和SOC對於保障設備運行和提高用戶體驗至關重要。
本文比較了不同最佳化演算法(Optimization Algorithm)對類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network, ANN)模型的優化效果,旨在找到最適合的最佳化演算法。通過模擬發現,粒子群最佳化演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)在優化類神經網路模型時得到了最低的誤差。因此,本文進一步使用PSO演算法對不同維度的類神經網路進行優化並進行比較。
第一組類神經網路(用於SOH估測)在使用PSO優化後達到了平均相對誤差(Mean Relative Error, MRE)為0.8929%。第二組類神經網路(用於SOC估測)在使用PSO優化後達到了MRE為1.8600%。

Lithium-ion batteries are one of the most prominent energy storage technologies today, widely used in consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems. However, as usage time increases, the performance of lithium-ion batteries gradually declines, mainly reflected in changes in the State of Health (SOH) and State of Charge (SOC). Accurately estimating the SOH and SOC of batteries is crucial for ensuring device operation and improving user experience.
This study compares the optimization effects of different optimization algorithms on artificial neural network (ANN) models, aiming to find the most suitable optimization algorithm. Simulations show that the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm achieves the lowest error when optimizing ANN models. Therefore, this paper further uses the PSO algorithm to optimize and compare neural networks of different dimensions.
The first group of neural networks (for SOH estimation) achieved a Mean Relative Error (MRE) of 0.8929% after using PSO optimization. The second group of neural networks (for SOC estimation) achieved an MRE of 1.8600% after using PSO optimization.
Further multidimensional searches included feature selection, hidden layer size, number of neurons, and transfer function selection. Results show that after multidimensional search optimization, both neural networks achieved better results. The first group of neural networks (SOH) had an MRE of 0.8690% after multidimensional search optimization, reducing the error by 2.6767% compared to single-dimensional optimization. The second group of neural networks (SOC) had an MRE of 1.7868% after multidimensional search optimization, reducing the error by 3.9355% compared to single-dimensional optimization.
The simulation results in this study indicate that PSO is an effective and reliable optimization method, significantly enhancing the performance of ANN in lithium-ion battery SOH and SOC estimation, and optimizing multidimensional neural networks. This provides an efficient and accurate solution for lithium-ion battery management systems and offers important references for future related research and applications.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 VII 圖目錄 X 表目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 文獻探討 1 1.3 研究動機與目標 2 1.4 論文大綱 4 第二章 鋰離子電池介紹 5 2.1 鋰離子電池的結構與工作原理介紹 5 2.2 種類及特性介紹 7 2.3 鋰離子電池的剩餘容量估測方法介紹 9 2.4 鋰離子電池的健康狀態估測方法介紹 14 2.4.1 實驗估測法 15 2.4.2 基於模型的估測法 16 第三章 類神經網路 18 3.1 類神經網路基本概念 18 3.2 類神經網路架構 19 3.2.1 前饋型類神經網路[28] 19 3.2.2 倒傳遞類神經網路[29] 21 3.3 類神經網路模型 24 3.3.1 輸入層數據 25 3.3.2 類神經網路模型流程 30 第四章 最佳化類神經網路 32 4.1 貝葉斯最佳化演算法[33] 32 4.2 粒子群最佳化演算法[34] 34 4.3 遺傳演算法[35] 37 4.4 暴力搜尋法[36] 39 4.5 最佳化類神經網路模型 41 4.6 最佳化目標函式 43 第五章 實驗結果與數據 47 5.1 四種最佳化類神經網路 47 5.1.1 第一組最佳化類神經網路 47 5.1.2 第二組最佳化類神經網路 53 5.2 PSO最佳化多維度類神經網路 59 5.2.1 第一組最佳化多維度類神經網路 59 5.2.2 第二組最佳化多維度類神經網路 68 第六章 結論與未來展望 78 6.1 結論 78 6.2 未來展望 79 參考文獻 80

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