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研究生: 洪彥禎
Yen-Jen Hung
論文名稱: 以變分自動編碼器及自注意力模型預測滾珠軸承使用剩餘壽命
Prediction of Remaining Useful Life of Ball Bearings Using Variational Autoencoder and Self-Attention Model
指導教授: 王福琨
Fu-Kwun Wang
口試委員: 羅士哲
Shih-Che Lo
Tzu-Li Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 異常偵測注意力模型剩餘使用壽命遷移學習變分自動編碼器
外文關鍵詞: Anomaly Detection, Attention Mechanism, Remaining Useful Life, Transfer Learning, Variational Autoencoder
相關次數: 點閱:511下載:3
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  • 在現代工業高速發展的基礎下,如何妥善的達成預測性維護已成為相當重要的課題。該策略透過預先偵測設備的訊號異常徵兆,預測出關鍵零件的剩餘使用壽命 (RUL) 並發出警示,也可以同時幫助安排維修任務和庫存的供給。應用不同方法對軸承的震動訊號做分類及預測的問題,已有不少研究著墨,然而利用變分自動編碼器 (VAE) 作為混合特徵的結構,可視為一種未被考慮過的新觀點。本研究提出了一個三階段的方法,結合了特徵混合,異常偵測和深度學習預測模型。除了使用 VAE 混合特徵外,指數加權移動平均 (EWMA) 和六標準差 (6σ) 管制圖被用於進行異常點偵測,幫助我們計算從異常發生到零件生命結束 (EOL) 的相關參數,且被用於從訓練資料集到測試資料集的遷移學習。接著建構深度學習模型,如具注意力模型的雙向長短期記憶模型 (BiLSTM with attention) 來做 RUL 預測。本研究使用 IEEE PHM 2012 Data Challenge 官方提供的數據集,將三個不同條件下的軸承資料各取一個作為訓練資料集,剩餘十一個軸承做為測試集。評估標準參考競賽提供的 Performance score,該分數對預先預測結果有利,結果表明在比較的五個方法中,提出方法屬於具競爭力的高分。

    With the rapid development of modern industry, how to properly achieve predictive maintenance strategy has become a significant issue. The strategy predicts the remaining useful life (RUL) of critical parts by detecting abnormal signals of equipment in advance, and can also help arrange maintenance tasks and inventory supply at the same time. This thesis proposes a three-stage approach that combines feature fusion, anomaly detection, and a deep learning predictive model. The problem of classifying and predicting the vibration signals of bearings using different methods had been studied a lot. However, taking variational autoencoders (VAE) as the structure of feature fusion can be regarded as a new point of view that has not been considered. In addition to using VAE fusing features, exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) and six sigma (6σ) control charts are used for anomaly detection, helping us calculate relevant parameters from anomaly occurrence to end of life (EOL), applied for the transfer learning from training dataset to testing dataset. Then construct a deep learning model, such as a bidirectional long short-term memory model with attention model (BiLSTM with attention) for RUL prediction. This thesis uses the dataset officially released the IEEE PHM 2012 Prognostic Challenge, taking one bearing data under three conditions as the training dataset, and the remaining eleven bearings are used as the testing dataset. The evaluation criteria refer to the performance score provided by the competition, which is beneficial to the advance predict results. Finally, the comparison results show that the proposed method has a highly competitive score compared with the previous studies.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii Table of Contents iv List of Figure vi List of Table vii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 Research Progress 2 Chapter 2. Literature review 4 2.1 Feature Extraction and Health Indicator 4 2.2 Anomaly Detection and Health Diagnosis 6 2.3 Deep Learning Related and Other Prediction Models 7 2.4 The Contributions of This Thesis 8 Chapter 3. Proposed Model 11 3.1 Feature Extraction 13 3.1.1 Feature Selection and Data Preprocessing 13 3.1.2 VAE Structure 14 3.2 Anomaly Detection 16 3.3 RUL Prediction Method 17 Chapter 4. Analysis Result 22 4.1 Dataset Description 22 4.2 Feature Fusion Using VAE 25 4.3 Anomaly Detection 28 4.4 RUL Prediction Results 30 4.5 Comparison with Previous Studies 32 Chapter 5. Conclusion 36 References 37 Appendix 43 A. VAE Structure for Feature Fusion 43 B. Anomaly Detection with EWMA Computing 45 C. BiLSTM Model with Dot-product Attention Mechanism 47 D. Using Two Transfer Parameters to Count RUL 50

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