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研究生: 陳佳智
Jacky Chin
論文名稱: 採用建築能源管理系統(BEMS)模型的製藥企業之研究-用戶和管理層對於技術接受程度之比較
Comparison between User's and Managerial Perspectives Regarding Technology Acceptance Using Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Model in Pharmaceutical Companies
指導教授: 江行全
Bernard C. Jiang
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chia Fen Chi
Kung-Jeng Wang
Chiuh siang Joe Lin
Hung-Chang Chiu
Yi-Ching Hsieh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 建築能源管理系統行為意圖TAM
外文關鍵詞: Building Energy Management System, behavioural intention, TAM
相關次數: 點閱:609下載:0
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The Building Energy Management System (BEMS) has become attractive to many companies seeking to better monitor their energy consumption efficiency. Managerial position in industry have rational decisions based on the total satisfaction received while using the system. One of the aspects determining the success of acceptance a new system is user's perception. To predict we need to better understand why users accept or resist this system. This study investigated the external factors that influence acceptance of the BEMS from managerial and user's perspectives. An extended model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was created to evaluate the implementation of the building energy management system in the pharmaceutical companies. A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was used to analyze the model by adopting compatibility, features, technology complexity, and perceived risk as the external variables, and integrating the five dimensions of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude, satisfaction, and behavior intention. These findings can be served for explaining the behavior intention from user’s and managerial perspective within the context of a Building Energy Management system.

ABSTRACT / 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF ACRONYMS vii Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Objectives 3 1.3 Research Framework 4 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 16 3.1 Research design 16 3.2 Data collection 19 3.3 Measurement parameters 20 3.3.1 Model fit parameters 22 Chapter 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 24 4.1 Demographic 24 4.2 Questionnaire reliability and convergent validity analysis 25 4.3 Data simulation and result 28 4.4 Comparison result between user’s and managerial perspectives 35 4.4.1 Practical interpretation 37 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE STUDY 39 REFERENCES 44 APPENDIX 47

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