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研究生: 王裕慧
Yu-Huei Wang
論文名稱: 臺灣成功運用資訊科技防疫之典範
A successful model of information technology in epidemic prevention in Taiwan
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 羅天一
Tain-Yi Luor
Hsi-Peng Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 組織敏捷資源拼湊協同創新資訊科技防疫
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Agility, Resource Bricolage Theory, Collaborative Innovation, Information Technology Epidemic Prevention
相關次數: 點閱:254下載:4
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  • 本個案描述2020年全球面臨新冠病毒來襲時,健保署運用完善的資訊基礎設施,迅速開發相關應用服務,成功擋住第一波的邊境防疫及發展實名制口罩的防疫措施,讓臨近中國大陸的臺灣在這次疫情中,並未如預期般發生嚴重疫情,而健保署如何妥善運用資訊科技及敏捷行動力,在跟時間賽跑過程中,完成一次又一次不可能任務。
    2003年歷經SARS慘痛經驗後,政府重新檢討國內防疫體系缺失,透過「組織調整」、「法規檢討」及「落實實務運作」加強政府與民間的合作關係等,逐步修訂防疫策略。當本個案於2020年面臨新冠病毒肆虐時,除了政府及全民充份落實防疫政策之外,健保署充份發揮資訊部門長期累積的資源及能力,展現組織敏捷性以及靈巧運用資源拼湊方式,迅速完成雲端旅遊史服務及口罩公平分配之購買機制,並協同民間社群運用健保的開放資料(open data)製作口罩地圖,而這些應用都是健保署同仁在嫻熟網路架構下憑借專業技能發展出來,充份展現公私部門實踐協同創新力量,因此臺灣在2020年之新冠病毒疫情中,展現令世界各國有目共睹的防疫成果,乃緣於高達99.6%的健保納保率、完整的醫療網絡以及防疫策略奏效,亦為臺灣寫下成功資訊科技防疫史。

    This case describes how the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) used information infrastructure to rapidly develop related application services when Taiwan encountered the new coronavirus in 2020. They blocked the first time of border control and developed a mask-rationing plan, so that the new coronavirus outbreak did not grow in Taiwan. The NHIA properly used its information technology and agile action to complete the impossible task again and again.
    After the tragic experience of SARS in 2003, the Government reviewed the deficiencies of the epidemic prevention system in the domestic and gradually revised its epidemic prevention strategy through "organizational adjustment", "regulation review" and "implementation of practical operations" to strengthen the co-operation between the Government and non-governmental organization. When facing the new coronavirus epidemic in 2020, not only the Government but also citizens fully implemented the epidemic prevention policy. The NHIA completed the Cloud Travel History Services and the purchase mechanism of fair distribution of masks by using the long-term accumulated resources and capabilities of the information sector. This demonstrated the agility and dexterity of the organization. The NHIA cooperated with the civil community to use open data of health care to build mask maps. These applications were developed by members with skills in the network of NHIA, which demonstrated the cooperation between the public and private sector and the ability of collaborative practices and innovation. Therefore, Taiwan has showed the results of efficient epidemic prevention that are obvious to all countries globally, due to the reasons of the health insurance coverage rate is up to 99.6%, the complete medical network and epidemic prevention strategy. The thesis demonstrates the history of epidemic prevention of information technology in Taiwan.
    This thesis is written in the format of Harvard business school cases method, and contains the case study and case teaching guidelines. The teaching topics includes organizational agility, resource bricolage theory, collaborative innovation, and epidemic prevention of information technology. The thesis helps readers understand how the NHIA integrates the resource of the public and private sectors to collaborate and further initiate innovations of applying information technology to prevent epidemic in Taiwan.

    摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 壹、個案本文 1 一、 序場 1 二、 全民健康保險概述 2 (一) 全民健康保險成立背景 2 (二) 醫療電子化與健保IC卡之誕生 2 (三) 順應科技趨勢,導入雲端服務 3 三、 疫情來襲!啟動邊境防疫 6 (一) 建立病患旅遊史,提升醫護警覺性 6 (二) 強化邊境防疫資訊系統 8 四、 建立口罩實名制系統 9 (一) 實名制口罩1.0之亂 9 (二) 實名制口罩2.0的挑戰 11 五、 口罩地圖串起公私部門協作 13 六、 資訊科技防疫成果及未來展望 16 貳、個案教學指引 20 一、 個案總覽 20 二、 教學目標與適用課程 22 三、 學員課前討論問題 25 四、 個案背景 26 五、 個案分析 28 教學主題一:組織敏捷性 29 教學主題二:資源拼湊 32 教學主題三:協同創新理論 36 教學主題四:資訊科技防疫 43 六、 學習重點總結 49 (一) 組織敏捷性 49 (二) 資源拼湊理論 49 (三) 協同創新理論 49 (四) 資訊科技防疫 50 七、 教學建議 51 八、 板書規劃 56 參、參考文獻 59 一、 英文部分 59 二、 中文部分 60 三、 參考網站 61

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