簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李美賢
Mei-Hsien Lee
論文名稱: 黑手起家-LTC公益創業家
echanic startup LTC group Social Entrepreneue
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
Shan Shan-Hsing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 加盟連鎖車聯網創業家精神服務模組化共享經濟
外文關鍵詞: Franchise Chain, Car networking, Entrepreneurship, Service Modularization, Sharing economy
相關次數: 點閱:590下載:0
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本文管理個案-- LTC汽車保修連盟的一位黑手技師創業精神。屬於從事汽車售後服務整合的新創公司,協助全省的小型汽車維修廠提供加盟服務及APP系統應用也未來希望能協助更多黑手技師成功創業。經過三年的努力,現今主要經營範疇集中在台灣南部,針對不同的汽車售後服務事業、透過資源及通路整合,開發APP服務顧客共創價值,陸續已有多家加盟家及協助技師創業成功。

This management case - the LTC Car Warranty Alliance of a technician entrepreneurship. Belonging to the car after-sales service integration of the new company to assist the province's small car repair shop to provide franchise services and APP system applications also hope to help more technician to start up new business. After three years of efforts, the main business areas are concentrated in southern Taiwan, for different automotive after-sales service business, through the integration of resources and distribution, the development of APP service customers to create value, one after another has joined the franchisee and help many technician to start up own business successful.
Through this case, let us think what does the new business face those challenge? and how to achieve company goals and business philosophy ?,And how to make more warranty factory to join this car warranty alliance?
Through the case study, you can let learners understand that small and medium company the process of entrepreneurship, the insufficient resources when facing in competitions from original franchise system which have strong resources, how to survive、start and do public entrepreneurs?

第壹章 LTC簡介 第貳章 個案本文 第參章 教師教學指導手冊 第肆章 結論與建議

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4.莊淳富、周偉堯、徐維忻、簡吟芳、唐正憲、張俊哲、楊宗賢、林育輝、陳高宏( 2015/12),V2X車路服務監控管理系統與行車輔助應用,「電腦與通訊」,第164期,第70-76頁。
5.陳桂慧、林景堂( 2012/10),車載通訊系統之TCP/UDP混合架構的SNMP無縫傳輸方法,「電腦與通訊」,第147期,第114-118頁。
8.葉俊賢、陳格致、楊龍隆( 2014/03),應用TOPSIS於汽車維修廠服務品質改善之研究,「危機管理學刊」,第11卷1期,第1-12頁。
9.劉常勇 (2004),創業管理的十二堂課。臺北市:天下雜誌出版公司。
10.歐建益,(2001),《創業家特質、動機與創業問題之研究》,台灣大學會計研究所碩士論文 未出版 台北

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