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研究生: 王諭平
Yu-ping Wang
論文名稱: 探討溫敏型離子液體相分離機制 與作為正滲透提取液之應用
A Study on Phase Separated Behaviors of Thermally Responsive Ionic Liquid and its Applications on Forward Osmosis
指導教授: 邱智瑋
Chih-Wei Chiu
口試委員: 黃盟舜
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 離子液體相分離溫敏正滲透海水淡化
外文關鍵詞: ionic liquid, phase separation, Thermally Responsive, forward osmosis, seawater retreatment
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:0
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正滲透作為低耗能脫鹽程序,符合永續能源發展的條件,除了探討當前主流的幾種脫鹽技術,比較彼此之間在技術成熟度、能耗以及限制因子上的差異,並針對正滲透進行更進一步的討論,此脫鹽技術關鍵在於薄膜與提取液兩大方面,本研究聚焦於將離子液體[P4444][Mal]作為提取液應用之探討,觀察此具備相分離現象的離子液體在不同濃度、溫度、時間相分離時性質上的變化,透過紫外線-可見光分光光譜儀 (UV-Visble spectrometers),來觀察不同濃度相分離產生的臨界溫度,結果在離子液體重量百分濃度30%至70%具有室溫相分離的特性,其餘較低或是較高濃度之比重需要較高之環境溫度,才能產生相分離現象,其相圖呈現U型分佈,以離子液體重量百分濃度為50 %時具有最低臨界相變溫度(LCST)。
濃度與相分離之關聯性直接影響到正滲透脫鹽程序在操作濃度上的調控,在系統中提取液濃度隨著滲透壓所帶來的水通量而下降,導致離子液體水溶液產生相分離現象,進一步處理相分離產生的上層液(Water-rich)以及下層液(Ionic Liquid-rich),上層液為所需乾淨水資源的主要來源,依使用需求透過不同處理方式來去除與回收少量殘留離子液體,即可得到乾淨再生水資源,而下層液為高濃度離子液體,可繼續回到正滲透系統中作為提取液使用。

Forward osmosis as a low-energy desalination process, in line with the conditions of sustainable energy development, in addition to the current mainstream of several desalination technology, compared with each other in the technical maturity, energy consumption and limiting factors on the difference. For further discussion on Forward osmosis, the key to this desalination technology is the membrane and draw solution two aspects, this study focused on the ionic liquid [P4444] [Mal] as the application of draw solution to observe the phase separation of the ionic liquid at different concentrations (UV-Visible spectrometer) to observe the critical temperature of phase separation produced by different concentrations. As a result, the ionic liquid has phase separation at percentage of 30% to 70% by weight. The results are shown in phase diagram. At room temperature, the lower or the higher concentration of the ionic liquid need for a higher temperature in order to produce phase separation phenomenon. The phase diagram showing U-like distribution, the ionic liquid weight percentage of 50% has the lowest Low Critical Solution Temperature (LCST).
        The correlation between the concentration and the phase separation directly affects the system of the forward osmosis process. In the system, the concentration of the ionic liquid in the system decreases with the water flux caused by the osmotic pressure, resulting in the phase separation of the ionic liquid aqueous solution, (Ionic Liquid-rich), the upper layer liquid is the main source of the required clean water resources, according to the demand through different treatment to remove and recover a small amount of residual ionic liquid. After retreatment can get clean water resources. Other side, the lower liquid for the high concentration of ionic liquid, can continue to return to the forward osmosis system used as draw solution.
        The interaction between the ionic liquid and the water molecules changes with the change of the concentration, which leads to the phase separation phenomenon. From the phase change diagram. When the water content is too high or low, the proportion of the dispersed phase is small, and the temperature required for the separation of the two phases is also increased rapidly. The reason is that the force of the dispersed phase and the solvent increases with the widening of ionic liquid and water.

致謝 IV 中文摘要 V Abstract VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第一章.前言 12 1.1研究緣起 12 1.2研究目的與動機 15 第二章.文獻回顧 16 2.1技術比較(薄膜程序) 16 2.2 正滲透技術介紹 21 2.2.1正滲透技術應用 22 2.2.2正滲透薄膜材料 24 2.2.3 正滲透提取液 25 2.3相分離提取液材料 27 2.3.1 Non-responsive 提取液 27 2.3.2 Responsive 提取液 29 2.4離子液體介紹 35 2.4.1離子液體應用 35 2.4.2離子液體種類 37 2.5低臨界溶液溫度(LCST)材料 39 2.5.1 LCST特性之離子液體[55] 39 2.5.2 LCST特性之高分子 42 2.6四丁基磷酸為陽離子之離子液體 43 第三章.研究方法 44 3.1實驗流程圖 44 3.2實驗材料與步驟 45 3.2.1離子液體製備與純化 45 3.2.2 正滲透膜材選擇 46 3.3分析儀器 48 3.4相分離現象記錄 51 3.4.1常溫下不同濃度相分離 51 3.4.2常溫分離時間紀錄 52 3.4.3不同溫度相分離時間紀錄 54 3.5基本性質測定 55 3.6離子液體合成及鑑定分析 60 3.7 FO模組系統示意圖 61 3.8 FO通量記錄 62 3.9提取液分離處理 64 第四章.結果與討論 68 4.1離子液體相分離機制 68 4.1.1溫度對相分離之影響 68 4.1.2濃度對相分離之影響 71 4.1.3時間對相分離之影響 73 4.2運行於正滲透提取液之 74 4.2.1實際模組運行之水通量 74 4.2.2上層液後處理 76 第五章.結論 79 5.1未來展望 80 第六章.參考資料 81

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