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研究生: 鄭仕傑
Shih-chieh Cheng
論文名稱: 感應熔煉爐生長多晶矽之模擬分析
Simulation and Analysis of an RF Induction Heating Furnace for Polycrystalline Silicon Growth
指導教授: 連國龍
Kuo-Lung Lian
口試委員: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
Shing-Hoa Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 多晶矽模擬分析
外文關鍵詞: polycrystalline, simulation analysis
相關次數: 點閱:304下載:5
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1. 以不鏽鋼(Steel 304)材質製成的水冷板加熱效果最好
2. 石墨坩鍋的厚度越大,加熱效果越好
3. 石墨分段的段數越多,溫度越低
4. 石墨分段距離越大,溫度越低
5. 石墨外層表面塗上導熱系數低之材料,可防止熱消散,內層表面塗上導熱系數高之材料,可易於熱量傳導至矽。

The vacuum induction melting and control solidification is a new developed process for the manufacture of polycrystalline silicon with the advantage of quick heating rate compared to the traditional resistance heating method.
The parameters of the induction furnace play a key role in controlling the temperature of the melt of polycrystal silicon for solar cells. It is expensive and time-consuming to investigate experimentally how each parameter affects the silicon melt temperature. Therefore, numerical simulation is an economically feasible means to design an induction melting furnace. This thesis investigates several parameters of an induction furnace. These parameters include coatings on the graphite susceptor, geometries of the graphite suceptor, and the material of the cooling base plate.
Numerical simulations show that:
1. Cooling base plate made of steel 304 yields the best heating efficiency;
2. The thicker the graphite susceptor, the higher the temperature is raised;
3. The more section the graphite susceptor divided, the lower the temperature of the susceptor is raised;
4. The bigger distance between two sections, the lower the temperature of the susceptor is raised;
5. The coating material at the outer surface of the susceptor should be the one with low thermal conductivity to prevent heat losses. On the other hand, the coating on the inner surface should be one with high thermal conductivity to allow easy heat transfer.

摘  要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 目  錄 Ⅲ 圖索引 Ⅴ 表索引 Ⅶ 第一章 簡介 1 1.1 研究背景 1    1.1.1 PN接面 4    1.1.2 太陽能產業發展 5   1.2 研究動機 9 第二章 文獻回顧 12 2.1 多晶矽原料 15 2.1.1 西門子製程 17 2.1.2 ASiMi法 20 2.1.3 流床體反應爐法 20 2.2 多晶矽生長 22 2.2.1 Ribbon growth on substrate(RGS)製程 22 2.2.2 Edge-defined film-fed growth on substrate(EFG)製程 23 2.2.3 String ribbon growth(SR)製程 24 2.2.4 坩堝下降法(Bridgman method) 25 2.2.5 鑄錠法(conventional casting) 25 2.2.6 熱交換法(heat exchanger method,HEM) 26 2.2.7 電磁鑄造法(electromagnetic casting,EMC) 27 2.2.8 柴式長晶法(Czochtalski,Cz) 32 第三章 模擬數值分析 35   3.1 模擬實驗原理. 35   3.2 有限元素法(FEM) 39 3.2.1 有限元素法二維公式推導 41 3.3 有限差分法 52 3.3.1 有限差分法二維公式推導 52 3.4 統御方程式 58 3.5 應用軟體 60 第四章 實驗結果 61   4.1 實驗過程 62 第五章 模擬結果 66   5.1 水冷卻板 67   5.2 石墨坩堝厚度 68 5.3 石墨坩堝分段 70 5.4 塗層 72 5.4.1 外層 72 5.4.2 內層 76 5.4.3 內外層 79 第六章 結論與未來展望 83   6.1 結論 83   6.2 未來展望 84 參考文獻 85 附錄A 90

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