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研究生: Marcella Julia Shira
Marcella Julia Shira
論文名稱: Managing Perceived Risk for Customer Loyalty on Online Based Investment Platform in indonesia
Managing Perceived Risk for Customer Loyalty on Online Based Investment Platform in indonesia
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 林鴻文
Lin-Hong Wen
Chen-Zheng Gang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: e-commerceonline investmentmutual fundcustomer loyaltyperceived risk
外文關鍵詞: e-commerce, online investment, mutual fund, customer loyalty, perceived risk
相關次數: 點閱:338下載:7
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of perceived risk on customer loyalty
among users of online-based investment platform in Indonesia. There are six variables used for
this research, those are trust beliefs, perceived usefulness, security concerns, perceived risk,
switching costs, and customer loyalty. This study is also done to examine whether switching
costs give a mediating effect on a relationship between perceived risk and customer loyalty.
This research is using quantitative approach with linear regression method. Data gathered from
262 Indonesians respondents.
This research used SPSS PASW version 2.0 for Windows to process the data. The result
of this study indicate that both trust beliefs and security concerns have a significant effect on
perceived risk, while perceived usefulness does not. At the same time, perceived usefulness
and switching costs is also found to have a significant effect on customer loyalty. However
switching costs itself does not give a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived
risk and customer loyalty. It means that switching costs does not strengthen the relationship
between perceived risk and customer loyalty.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of perceived risk on customer loyalty
among users of online-based investment platform in Indonesia. There are six variables used for
this research, those are trust beliefs, perceived usefulness, security concerns, perceived risk,
switching costs, and customer loyalty. This study is also done to examine whether switching
costs give a mediating effect on a relationship between perceived risk and customer loyalty.
This research is using quantitative approach with linear regression method. Data gathered from
262 Indonesians respondents.
This research used SPSS PASW version 2.0 for Windows to process the data. The result
of this study indicate that both trust beliefs and security concerns have a significant effect on
perceived risk, while perceived usefulness does not. At the same time, perceived usefulness
and switching costs is also found to have a significant effect on customer loyalty. However
switching costs itself does not give a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived
risk and customer loyalty. It means that switching costs does not strengthen the relationship
between perceived risk and customer loyalty.

1. Abstract 2. Acknowledgement 3. Table of Content 4. List of Figures 5. List of Tables 6. Chapter 1 - Introduction 7. Chapter 2 - Literature Review 8. Chapter 3 - Research Methodology 9. Chapter 4 - Data Collection and Analysis 10. Chapter 5 - Conclusion and Recommendation 11. References 12. Appendix

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