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研究生: 劉彥佐
Yan-Tzuo Liu
論文名稱: 不同型態SBA-15擔載鎳銅觸媒於乙醇蒸氣重組催化反應之研究
Study of Different Pore Structure of SBA-15 Supported NiCu Catalysts toward Catalytic Ethanol Steam Reforming Reaction
指導教授: 黃炳照
Bing-joe Hwang
口試委員: 周澤川
Tse-chuan Chou
Fu-ming Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 170
中文關鍵詞: 溶膠凝膠法乙醇蒸氣重組反應介孔材料SBA-15小板狀NiCuMgOCaO
外文關鍵詞: Sol-gel method, steam reforming of ethanol reaction (SRE), mesoporous material, SBA-15, platelet, Ni, Cu, MgO, CaO
相關次數: 點閱:473下載:6
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本研究利用溶膠凝膠法於規則介孔SBA-15材料之限制空間內製備NiCu奈米粒子,所合成之奈米粒子較一般方式小,並能均勻分散至限制空間內且無阻塞問題,即使高負載量之下仍能維持此特性(平均粒徑由< 3 nm(負載量為10 wt%)些微增加至3.5 nm(負載量20 wt%))。所合成之NiCu/SBA-15觸媒對乙醇蒸氣重組反應(SRE)有良好之產氫效率,當Ni、Cu負載量各為5 wt%,水醇莫耳比為6:1,WHSV=1.66 h-1,觸媒重量0.05 g的反應條件,於600 ℃下,乙醇轉化率可達100%,H2選擇率為70.4%,CO2選擇率為22.4%,CO選擇率為6.4%,CH4選擇率為0.8%。
由於SBA-15本身的酸性性質易使乙醇脫水產生乙烯進而積碳使觸媒失活,吾人試著添加MgO、CaO等鹼性層來改善此問題。結果發現添加鹼性層之後確實能降低積碳量,但是由於MgO和Ni會因為強烈的相互作用,經燒後會使得Ni2+離子會深入到MgO結構中,因此MgO的添加並不利於提升觸媒之穩定度;而CaO就無此問題,以NiCu55/LS(擴大孔徑SBA-15)為例,添加CaO(20 wt%)後,乙醇轉化率100%開始下降時間點從18小時延長至32小時。

In this study, a simple sol-gel method is employed for synthesizing Ni-Cu nanoparticles inside the confined space of SBA-15 support. The nanoparticles are small and uniform rather than that made by conventional method. In addition, the nanoparticles are well-dispersed along the channels without blockage. The unique properties can be maintained even higher nanoparticle loading. The average grain size of nanoparticles only increases slightly from ~ 3 nm (10 wt%) to 3.5 nm (20 wt%).
The synthesized NiCu/SBA-15 catalysts show good performance for hydrogen production via the steam reforming of ethanol reaction (SRE). For 0.05 g of NiCu55/SBA-15 (Ni: 5 wt%, Cu: 5 wt%) with the feeding molar ratio of H2O/EtOH = 6 and WHSV = 1.66 h-1, the ethanol conversion reaches 100% at 600 oC. Meanwhile, H2 selectivity of 70.4 %, CO2 selectivity of 22.4 %, CO selectivity of 6.4%, CH4 selectivity of 0.8% are shown in the product steam, indicating the excellent hydrogen production performance.
In order to discuss the effect of various pore structures to the catalyst stability during SRE reactions, SBA-15 of short channels (platelet-like SBA-15), and of large pore sizes are prepared for comparison. The results indicate the stability of the catalysts can be effectively improved with proper pore structure. In term of coking issue, SBA-15 of shorter channels and larger pore sizes can inhibit the pore blockages caused by coking formation, therefore the catalyst life is improved. Considering the degradation time of ethanol conversion efficiency, the traditional SBA-15 is 5 hrs, while obvious improvement is done for the large-pore-size SBA-15 (18 hrs) and the platelet-like SBA-15 (30 hrs).
Considering the surface property effect of the support, the acidic SBA-15 support leads to dehydration of ethanol to water and ethane, and subsequently coking of the catalysts makes themselves inactive. To tackle this drawback, MgO and CaO alkali materials are added to modify the surface acidity. However, MgO shows strong interaction with Ni after calcination, where MgO trends to cover on the Ni surface and is not suitable for nickel-based catalyst system. In contrast, CaO exhibits positive effect to SRE. In case of NiCu55/LS (large pore size SBA-15), the stability is able to extend (around 14 hrs) after adding 20 wt% CaO to SBA-15.

摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖索引 VI 表索引 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 新生代能源—氫能 2 1.3 氫氣發展史與應用及獲得方式 5 1.4 乙醇蒸氣重組製氫 8 1.5 研究動機與目的 11 第二章 文獻回顧 13 2.1 乙醇蒸氣重組的反應機制 13 2.2 溶膠凝膠法(Sol-gel method) 17 2.3 SRE之觸媒 22 2.3.1 貴金屬(noble metal)觸媒 23 2.3.2 非貴金屬(non-noble metal)觸媒 24 2.3.3 修飾功能性觸媒(promoted catalysts) 25 2.4 氧化物擔體 30 2.4.1 一般氧化物擔體 30 2.4.2 多孔性分子篩擔體 33 2.4.3 中孔洞分子篩SBA-15 37 界面活性劑與微胞介紹 37 SBA-15合成機制 40 2.4.4 小板狀(platelet)型態SBA-15 42 2.4.5 鹼性SBA-15擔體 44 2.5 觸媒特性鑑定各儀器之原理 47 2.5.1 X光繞射(XRD)分析原理 47 2.5.2 小角度散射(SAXS)分析原理 50 2.5.3 氮氣等溫吸/脫附儀(N2, Adsorption/Desorption, BET)分析原理 53 氣體吸附理論 53 吸/脫附等溫曲線(adsorption/desorption isotherm) 57 BET(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller)比表面積之求法 59 孔洞大小分布圖(Pore size distribution) 60 2.5.4 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析原理 61 2.5.5 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)分析原理 61 2.5.6 程式升溫還原(TPR)分析原理 62 2.5.7 感應耦合電漿原子放射光譜儀(ICP-AES)分析原理 63 2.5.8 熱重分析儀(TGA)分析原理 63 第三章 實驗步驟及方法 65 3.1 實驗藥品、氣體及儀器設備 65 3.1.1 實驗藥品 65 3.1.2 實驗氣體 66 3.1.3 儀器設備 66 3.2 觸媒製備 67 3.2.1 SBA-15合成步驟 67 3.2.2 大孔徑(Large pore size)SBA-15擔體 68 3.2.3 小板(platelet)狀SBA-15擔體 70 3.2.4 大孔徑之小板狀SBA-15擔體 71 3.2.5 直接合成法製備MgO(x)/SBA-15擔體 73 3.2.6 溶膠凝膠法製備MgO(x)/SBA-15擔體 75 3.2.7 溶膠凝膠法製備NiCuxx/MgO/SBA-15觸媒 76 3.3 觸媒與擔體的特性鑑定 77 3.3.1 X光繞射分析(XRD)、小角繞射分析(SAXS) 77 3.3.2 氮氣等溫吸/脫附儀分析(N2,Adsorption/Desorption;BET) 79 3.3.3 掃描式電子顯微鏡分析(SEM) 79 3.3.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡分析(TEM) 79 3.3.5 程式升溫還原分析(TPR) 80 3.3.6 感應耦合電漿原子放射光譜儀分析(ICP-AES) 80 3.4 觸媒活性測試 81 3.4.1 反應裝置 81 3.4.2 乙醇蒸氣重組反應條件及步驟 83 3.4.3 乙醇轉化率及各產物選擇率計算 84 3.4.4 積碳量測實驗 85 第四章 實驗結果 86 4.1 MgO/SP,LSP系列觸媒鑑定 88 4.1.1 X-ray繞射分析(XRD) 88 4.1.2 小角度繞射分析(SAXS) 91 4.1.3 掃描示電子顯微鏡(SEM) 95 4.1.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) 104 4.1.5 氮氣等溫吸/脫附儀(N2,Adsorption/Desorption;BET) 110 4.2 NiCu/SP系列觸媒鑑定與活性分析 116 4.2.1 X-ray與小角度繞射分析(XRD & SAXS) 116 4.2.2 掃描示電子顯微鏡(SEM) 117 4.2.3 穿透式顯微鏡電子顯微鏡(TEM) 119 4.2.4 氮氣等溫吸/脫附儀(N2,Adsorption/Desorption;BET) 121 4.2.5 程式升溫還原(TPR) 123 4.2.6 NiCu/SP系列觸媒反應活性 124 4.3 NuCu55與NuCu55M(20)/S,LS,SP,LSP系列觸媒鑑定與活性分析 132 4.3.1 X-ray與小角度繞射分析(XRD & SAXS) 132 4.3.2 程式升溫還原(TPR) 134 4.3.3 NuCu55與NuCu55M(20)/S,LS,SP,LSP系列觸媒反應活性 136 4.4 觸媒之穩定度及積碳實驗 137 4.4.1 NuCu55/S,LS,SP,LSP系列觸媒 137 4.4.2 NuCu55M(20)/S,LS,SP,LSP系列觸媒及NuCu55C(20)/LS 140 4.5 觸媒經再活化後之活性測試 143 第五章 綜合討論 146 5.1 比較直接合成法與溶膠凝膠法製備MgO/SP, LSP系列觸媒擔體 146 5.2 NiCu/SP系列觸媒進行乙醇蒸氣重組反應 147 5.2.1 NiCu55/SP觸媒之乙醇蒸氣重組反應途徑和溫度變化之關係 149 5.3 殘存在擔體上之ZrO2對穩定度的影響 150 5.4 MgO的修飾對於觸媒穩定度之影響 154 5.5 積碳速率比較 157 第六章 結論 161 Reference 163

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