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研究生: 莊涵云
論文名稱: 「中美」&「環球」併火花之企業活化術
Organizational Acquisition and Merger Activation - A Case Study of SAS & Global Wafers
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 矽晶圓產業併購企業動態能力資源和諧
外文關鍵詞: Merger and Acquisition, Industry Analysis, ynamic Capability Theory, Resource Harmon
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:2
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The semiconductor industry, which is regarded as a key industry in Taiwan, is a well-known industry with knowledge and technology. In semiconductor industry, the relationship among upper, middle and lower stream are very close. Global Wafers Co., Ltd. which is a professional semiconductor manufacturer in Taiwan and it belongs to wafer silicon industry located in the upper reaches of the semiconductor. With the new technology advances and increasing of market demand, the sales volume of silicon wafer has increased. However, the price of silicon wafers become cheaper and cheaper. In the age of globalization, the silicon wafer industry is gradually become Monopoly market. They can’t only focus on local market; instead, they are forced to pay attention to global market. To keep the competitiveness, company need to ensure a more effective use of resources. Mergers and acquisition as well as strategic alliance are the most common strategies in the market.

Global Wafers Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Sino-American Silicon Products Inc. (SAS). In 2007, Mr. Lu took over the position of chairman of SAS. Under his leadership, SAS successfully acquired GTI for the semiconductor business group in 2008. In October 2011, the semiconductor business group has been split from SAS and after that Global Wafers Co., Ltd. was founded in 2011. Thanks to three international mergers and acquisitions projects, Global Wafers Co., Ltd has become the world's third largest silicon FAB.

The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: merger and acquisition, Industry analysis, Dynamic Capability Theory and Resource harmony. To realize the challenge of business transformation and exam of rapidly changing of market, they must carefully evaluate the opportunity of internal growth, external mergers and acquisitions of the company. Moreover, they must find the right way to get the resources and develop their core technology. After completing the merger process, it is very important to overcome the problem of cross-culture communication among different departments. In conclusion, companies must continue to find new resources from time to time, and they must use the old and new resources flexibly. Through the re-allocation of resources and reconstruction of knowledge and transformation, companies will maximize their value and enable enterprises growing steadily.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場 1 二、全球半導體矽晶圓產業板塊開始移動 3 三、不敗併購,「中美」「環球」併火花 6 第一步:技術PK混血平台 8 第二步:產品認證混血平台 8 第三步:台日混血品質系統混血平台 8 第四步:產品開發及研發混血平台 9 第五步:專利混血平台 10 第六步:應用工程混血平台 10 五、混血文化看世界 12 六、全球混血造就環球 15 七、附錄 16 貳、個案討論 21 一、個案總覽: 21 二、教學目標與適用課程: 23 三、學生課前問題討論: 26 四、個案人物背景 27 五、個案分析: 28 七、教學建議 54 八、板書規劃 58 參、參考文獻 59 中文參考文獻 59 英文參考文獻 60 網站部分 60

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