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研究生: Robby Gunadi Kuncoro
Robby Gunadi Kuncoro
論文名稱: Nanoimprint Micro-textured Thin Film to Reduce Separation Force for Bottom-up DLP 3D Printer
Nanoimprint Micro-textured Thin Film to Reduce Separation Force for Bottom-up DLP 3D Printer
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
口試委員: Fuh-Yu Chang
Fuh-Yu Chang
Yih-Lin Cheng
Yih-Lin Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: Additive manufacturingSeparation forceNanoimprint
外文關鍵詞: Additive manufacturing, Separation force, Nanoimprint
相關次數: 點閱:2056下載:0
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Bottom-up Additive Manufacturing (AM) have been widely used in industry. Compared to traditional AM technology, properties like better vertical resolution, higher material filling rate, less production time, and less material waste make bottom-up AM technology a suitable candidate for fabrication of complex 3D materials with high accuracy. However during the pulling up stage, the substantial force generated between the formed part and the material container has high risk of breaking the part and therefore reduces the process reliability. The goal of this study is to reduce separation force between Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) Film. IPG Fiber Laser was used to texturing pattern on the aluminium substrate. Afterwards contact angle goniometer was used to measure contact angle on that pattern. The time-histories of the pulling-up forces are measured using S-type load cells and to validate micro textured FEP Films effect on reducing separation force and probable application of this micro textured FEP films experiments were designed and conducted on Bottom-up Digital Light Processing (DLP) printer with 2 kind of resin vat (with micro Textured FEP Films and with original FEP Films) with same parameters.

Bottom-up Additive Manufacturing (AM) have been widely used in industry. Compared to traditional AM technology, properties like better vertical resolution, higher material filling rate, less production time, and less material waste make bottom-up AM technology a suitable candidate for fabrication of complex 3D materials with high accuracy. However during the pulling up stage, the substantial force generated between the formed part and the material container has high risk of breaking the part and therefore reduces the process reliability. The goal of this study is to reduce separation force between Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) Film. IPG Fiber Laser was used to texturing pattern on the aluminium substrate. Afterwards contact angle goniometer was used to measure contact angle on that pattern. The time-histories of the pulling-up forces are measured using S-type load cells and to validate micro textured FEP Films effect on reducing separation force and probable application of this micro textured FEP films experiments were designed and conducted on Bottom-up Digital Light Processing (DLP) printer with 2 kind of resin vat (with micro Textured FEP Films and with original FEP Films) with same parameters.

Bottom-up Additive Manufacturing (AM) have been widely used in industry. Compared to traditional AM technology, properties like better vertical resolution, higher material filling rate, less production time, and less material waste make bottom-up AM technology a suitable candidate for fabrication of complex 3D materials with high accuracy. However during the pulling up stage, the substantial force generated between the formed part and the material container has high risk of breaking the part and therefore reduces the process reliability. The goal of this study is to reduce separation force between Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) Film. IPG Fiber Laser was used to texturing pattern on the aluminium substrate. Afterwards contact angle goniometer was used to measure contact angle on that pattern. The time-histories of the pulling-up forces are measured using S-type load cells and to validate micro textured FEP Films effect on reducing separation force and probable application of this micro textured FEP films experiments were designed and conducted on Bottom-up Digital Light Processing (DLP) printer with 2 kind of resin vat (with micro Textured FEP Films and with original FEP Films) with same parameters.

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