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研究生: 楊梅琳
Mei-Lin Yang
論文名稱: 電紡絲備製蠶絲蛋白質/聚乙烯醇奈米纖維基質之生物功能研究
Studies on Bio-functionality of Electrospinning Silk Protein/ Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofiber Matrices
指導教授: 洪伯達
Po-Da Hong
Tung-Ching Fang
口試委員: 白孟宜
Meng-Yi Bai
Juin-Hong Cherng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 絲膠靜電紡絲生物相容性纖維母細胞細胞因子聚乙烯醇
外文關鍵詞: Sericin, Electrospinning, Biocompatibility, Fibroblast, Cytokines, PVA
相關次數: 點閱:247下載:2
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  • 加速傷口癒合且減小疤痕大小一直是醫學研究努力的目標。近年來,已有多種物理性刺激因子與敷傷材料被研究其對傷口癒合的影響。電紡為一種紡織技術,可用來製造出直徑為數十到數百奈米大小的纖維。許多具有生物可降解性之高分子聚合物,包括天然聚合物及人工合成聚合物,皆可使用電紡之方式製作出奈米纖維細胞基質。本研究利用靜電紡絲的技術製備聚乙烯醇(Poly vinyl alcohol, PVA)與絲膠(Sericin)奈米纖維作為生物基質並分析其生物相容性。聚乙烯醇為一種水溶性、無毒、且具生物相容性之高分子聚合物;絲膠為一天然高分子聚合物,具有生物可降解性、生物相容性及抗菌性,此兩種材料在過去皆廣泛應用於細胞基質之研究。然而,大部分的研究都只採用單一高分子聚合物來製作奈米纖維生物基質。因此,本研究以電紡技術製作出適合組織工程應用之聚乙烯醇及絲膠結合聚乙烯醇結合物,並利用靜電紡絲所製備出的生物基質,觀察基材對細胞貼附與生物相容性與大鼠傷口模型評估傷口癒合。而利用電紡技術製作出適當聚乙烯醇及絲膠結合聚乙烯醇結合物之生物基質後,將人類纖維母細胞培養於生物基質材料中。經由細胞毒性分析(MTT tetrazolium salt)分解,絲膠的生物相容性;以光學顯微鏡觀察細胞之形態,使用苦味酸-天狼星紅染色(Sirius Red Stain)染色技術來標定膠原蛋白,利用Hoechst 33342染細胞核;結果與討論中,利用電紡製作出直徑大小為112±79nm之聚乙烯醇奈米纖維及直徑大小為157±59.07nm、163±65.6nm絲膠結合聚乙烯醇(2:8、1:9)奈米纖維之生物基質,使用人類皮膚纖維母細胞培養,觀察出細胞生長於聚乙烯醇奈米纖維之形態主要為圓形,生長於絲膠與聚乙烯醇生物基質之細胞形態主要為紡錘形。培養之細胞對於基材之貼附性、細胞活性、胞外基質分泌與細胞因子分析中的表現,絲膠與聚乙烯醇結合所製備出的生物基質都比純聚乙烯醇基質來得好。在活體實驗中,對於癒合傷口,絲膠與聚乙烯醇結合物表現出較佳的生物基質特性,可以維持濕潤的癒合環境,防止細菌感染傷口,吸收多餘的分泌物,促進細胞增殖並重建受損的組織。綜合以上結論發現,添加絲膠材料對於細胞貼附、細胞活性、胞外基質分泌與細胞因子分析中有顯著效果;癒合初期有佳傷口密合,有明顯基底層表現之現象。

    Electrospinning is one of the process techniques to produce fiber in nanoscale diameter. Various biodegradable polymers were used to develop nanoscaffolds including natural and synthetic type. (Poly vinyl alcohol, PVA) is a non-toxic, hydrophilic, and biocompatible material. Sericin is a natural polymer, which is biodegradable, biocompatible, and antibacterial. In the previous studies, PVA and Sericin have been used for many tissue engineering applications. However, most of the studies use only single polymer to fabricate nanofibers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fabricate PVA and Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix for further tissue engineering applications.However, most of the studies use only single polymer to fabricate nanofibers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to fabricate PVA and Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix for further tissue engineering applications.
    This study , PVA and Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix were used as the material to fabricate matrix. The 3D nanofiber matrix was produced via electrospinning. WS1 human skin fibroblast cell line was used as the cell source in this study. Fibroblast cells were seeded onto 3D matrix for different time points. Cellular morphology characterization was observed using inverted light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The cell adhesion and spreading rate were determined by Sirius Red staining is presented as a method for collagen determination .
    Scaffolds countaining sericin was prepared accuring to the method of electrospinning. PVA nanofiber of 112±79 nm in diameter and Sericin:PVA nanofiber of 157±59.07 nm、163±65.6nm in diameter were obtained.
    The fibroblast cell was attached with round shape on the PVA nanofiber matrix and with spindle shape on the Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix. The result shows that the fibroblast exhibit excellent cell adhesion rate, spreading rate, cell viability and secretion of growth factor on the Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix.
    In vivo study Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix could maintain a moist healing environment, protect the wound from bacterial infection, absorb excess exudates, and promote cell proliferation to reconstruct damaged tissue. In present study, Sericin:PVA nanofiber matrix shows better biocompatibility than PVA nanofiber matrix. Further coating collagen on nanofiber matrix does not display further improvement in cell compatibility except cell adhesion rate. Future study will focus on systematic parameter setting, platform modification, increase strength of matrix, bioreactor, and in-vivo experiment.

    中文摘要I ABSTRACT III 誌謝V 目錄VI 圖目錄VIII 表目錄XII 第一章 緒論1 1.1前言1 1.2組織工程介紹2 1.3皮膚結構、組成與功能2 1.4皮膚傷口癒合過程5 1.5生醫材料之生物相容性8 1.6靜電紡絲原理9 1.7靜電紡絲裝置11 1.8靜電紡絲主要變因13 1.9靜電紡絲於組織工程之應用13 1.10靜電紡絲纖維種類16 1.11蠶絲蛋白結構特性及生醫材料的應用17 1.12聚乙烯醇特性19 第二章 實驗材料與方法20 2.1實驗架構20 2.2實驗材料與儀器設備21 2.3靜電紡絲製作與電紡參數設置23 2.3.1黏度測定23 2.3.2掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察23 2.3.3纖維直徑分析23 2.3.4接觸角測定24 2.3.5孔徑大小分析24 2.4傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀 (Fourier Transform- Infrared Spectrometer FT-IR)24 2.5紡絲溶液製備及電紡膜材料固定24 2.6材料生物相容性觀察25 細胞毒性分析25 2.6.1細胞存活性測試25 2.6.2 成人纖維母細胞在絲膠基質中的培養25 2.7細胞形態觀察26 2.7.1光學顯微鏡26螢光染色26化學染色26 2.8 細胞因子分泌蛋白濃度分析(Luminex)28 2.9活體傷口癒合大鼠燒傷實驗28 3.0組織切片染色28 第三章 結果與討論29 3.1 奈米電紡絲之形態學觀察29 3.1.1 紡絲材料製備29 3.1.2 不同針頭孔徑對於聚乙烯醇靜電紡絲影響36 3.1.3 不同針頭孔徑對於聚乙烯醇靜電紡絲纖維直徑分析41 3.1.4 不同比例之絲膠結合聚乙烯醇靜電紡絲影響44 3.1.5接觸角及孔徑大小分析50 3.2傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀分析51 3.3奈米纖維固定形態觀察53 3.4細胞生物存活性測試(Cell Viability-MTT assay)55 3.5細胞形態學觀察58 3.5.1光學顯微鏡觀察58免疫螢光染色58 化學染色63 3.6纖維母細胞分泌細胞因子之分析67 3.7大鼠燒傷實驗74 3.7.1手術流程77 3.7.2絲膠對於大鼠皮膚燒傷傷口癒合之外觀78 3.7.3不同生物基質與不同時間對於皮膚傷口癒合之影響79 3.8 組織切片觀察82 第四章 結論84 參考文獻85

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