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研究生: 陳泳勳
Yung-Hsun Chen
論文名稱: 應用影片傳達未來生活與科技想像之創作
The Portrait of Future Life and Technological Imagination through Filmmaking
指導教授: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
口試委員: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
Rung-Huei Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 影片製作未來生活科技想像M2M技術
外文關鍵詞: film production, future life, technological imagination, M2M technology
相關次數: 點閱:357下載:6
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  • 提供未來生活的願景,是設計師重要的工作。設計師藉著對過去及現在的了解與觀察,提出對未來的看法。透過跨領域設計團隊合作,概念具備了多方專業的支持,對未來的預想將更有可能落實。利用情境故事法,可以有效以使用者為中心進行構想,發展出更貼近使用者的設計。為了有效地傳達現今許多新興科技,並節省設計概念在技術落實所需的成本與時間,視覺化的影片提供了很好的解決方案。
    創作者以描述M2M技術為主,首先創作出「Have You Ever Noticed that Everything is Chatting Quietly」前導影片,讓設計人員快速了解該技術,提供設計發想。接著透過技術與設計跨領域合作,創作「Apps4Home- Kids’ Edition」,描述M2M技術應用於家庭中孩童的生活。最後獨立創作「Serious & Naughty」,描述未來的智慧物件,具有自己的個性,根據自我意志,提供使用者意見。

    It is important for designers to envisage future life. Designers can provide their viewpoints for the future through the understanding and observation of the past and the now. Interdisciplinary design teamwork can provide multiple professional supports for concepts and the vision of the future is more likely to be implemented. Scenario storytelling helps concepts to be user-centered generated effectively and designs closer to users can be developed. In order to effectively portray many latest technologies and save the cost and time required to practice the technology for design concepts, visualized films provide a good solution.
    Firstly, the designer made an introductory film titled “Have You Ever Noticed that Everything is Chatting Quietly” to portray the M2M technology. It could help designers to quickly familiarize the technology for concept generation. A second film titled “Apps4Home- Kids’ Edition” was made by interdisciplinary collaboration between engineers and designers. It portrayed the application of M2M technology in domestic kids’ life. The last film titled “Serious & Naughty” was made to portray future intelligent objects with characters that could provide suggestions for users by their own wills.
    Subsequently, the following suggestions were made for future designers as references of relevant studies. (1) Concept generation for future life scenarios should be macroscopic and microscopic to envisage holistically the future world. (2) Designers could collaborate with engineers and also filming and imaging professionals for interdisciplinary teamwork to make the screenplay story more attractive and the filmmaking process more smoothly. (3) A film based on design language and visualized interpretation of new technologies could be used to stimulate designers for concept generation and to provide viewers with future life experiences. The result could provide interactive feedbacks to the design team for subsequent design references.

    目錄 論文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 圖表索引 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 創作背景 1 1.2 創作動機 1 1.3 創作目的 2 1.4 創作範圍與限制 3 1.5 創作架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 跨領域團隊合作 6 2.1.1 跨領域團隊 6 2.1.2 設計與科技的跨領域組成 7 2.1.3 跨領域團隊合作互動與溝通 8 2.1.4 影響跨領域團隊成效之因素 9 2.2 情境故事法 10 2.2.1 情境故事法之定義 10 2.2.2 情境故事法的設計流程 11 2.2.3 情境故事法應用於產品開發項目 12 2.3 影片與概念設計之關係 14 2.3.1 影片應用於設計概念 14 2.3.2 影片視為設計素材 17 2.3.3 電影語言應用於概念設計影片 17 2.3.4 概念影片應用於設計討論 19 2.4 IOT與M2M技術簡述 20 2.4.1 物聯網(Internet of Things,IOT) 20 2.4.2 機器對機器(Machine to Machine,M2M) 22 2.4.3 家庭M2M網路 23 2.5 小結 25 第三章 創作方法 26 3.1 創作流程 27 3.2 影片設計案例 28 3.2.1 技術說明影片設計案例 28 3.2.2 未來生活情境影片設計案例 31 3.2.3 電影廣告設計案例 39 3.3 小結 43 第四章 創作過程與成果 45 4.1 Have You Ever Noticed that Everything is Chatting Quietly 45 4.1.1 設計概念發展 45 4.1.2 故事情境與劇情腳本 48 4.1.3 素材製作與影片拍攝 51 4.1.4 影像後製與合成 55 4.1.5 設計成果與效益訪談 58 4.2 Apps4Home- Kids’ Edition 67 4.2.1 設計概念發展 68 4.2.2 故事情境與劇情腳本 70 4.2.3 素材製作與影片拍攝 77 4.2.4 影像後製與合成 83 4.2.5 影片設計成果 88 4.3 Serious & Naughty 96 4.3.1 設計概念發展 96 4.3.2 故事情境與劇情腳本 98 4.3.3 素材製作與影片拍攝 102 4.3.4 影像後製與合成 108 4.3.5 影片設計成果 114 第五章 結論與建議 127 5.1 創作結論 127 5.1.1 Have You Ever Noticed that Everything is Chatting Quietly 127 5.1.2 Apps4Home- Kids’ Edition 128 5.1.3 Serious & Naughty 129 5.1.4 整體評述 129 5.2 後續創作與建議 130 參考文獻 132

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