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研究生: Tsegay Amaha Gebrehiwot
Tsegay Amaha Gebrehiwot
論文名稱: 應用於5G之雙極化天線設計
Dual Polarized Antenna Design for 5G Applications
指導教授: 馬自莊
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
口試委員: 楊成發
Chang-Fa Yang
Wen-Jiao Liao
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Huy Nam Chu
Huy Nam Chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 雙極化集成巴倫雙極化天現基板整合波導毫米波共振腔槽孔天線孔徑耦合
外文關鍵詞: dual-polarization, integrated balun, dipole antenna, SIW, Millimeter-wave, cavity-backed slot antenna, aperture coupler
相關次數: 點閱:590下載:0
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在論文的第二部分,設計了雙極化毫米波天線,在這裡使用基板整合波導(SIW)製造一共振腔,並在其上設計輻射於28GHz之交叉槽孔天線,共振於28.3GHz。天線經由SIW中的多層孔徑偶和饋入,具兩個獨立的端口,這兩個端口正交放置於不同的層上。因此實現了共振在28.3GHz 具有5dBi的模擬增益的窄頻線性雙極化天線

Nowadays, due to the rapid increase of mobile and wireless applications resulted in a shortage of available frequency spectrum. To solve this, a technology called 5G communications is introduced. This thesis is about designing a dual-polarized antenna for 5G communications. It consists of 2 research types, the first one is dual-polarized antenna at sub-6 GHz band. While the second one is a design of a linearly dual-polarized antenna for mm-Wave applications.
In the first antenna, an integrated balun feed planner dipole is proposed to realize the dual-polarized antenna. Two single, linearly polarized integrated balun feed antenna is designed first, after that, the two single polarized antenna elements are combined in an orthogonal form. This resulted in a linearly dual-polarized antenna which has 33% impedance bandwidth and 7.7 dBi simulated antenna gain with compact structure.
In the second part of the thesis, a linearly dual-polarized mm-Wave antenna is designed. Here Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed crossed slot antenna is used for radiation at 28GHz band resonance. The antenna is fed by SIW multilayer aperture coupling using two independents ports which is placed orthogonally at a different layer. Thus, a linearly narrowband dual-polarized antenna that resonates in the 28.3 GHz and 5 dB simulated gain is achieved.

Contents Abstract ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii List of Figures vi List of Table ix Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Literature review 2 1.3 Contribution 5 1.4 Thesis outline 5 Chapter 2: Wideband Dual-Polarized Sub-6 GHz 5G Planar Dipole Antenna 6 2.1 Introduction to Dipole Antenna 6 2.2 Types of dipole Antenna 7 a) Half-wave dipole Antenna 7 b) Folded Dipole 8 c) Bowtie Dipole 9 2.3 Dipole Antenna Feeding Techniques 10 2.3.1 Coaxial Feed 10 2.3.2 Proximity Coupling Feed 12 2.3.3 Aperture Coupled Feeding Mechanisms 13 2.4 Dual polarized Dipole Antenna Designing Techniques 13 2.4.1 Crossed Dipole 13 2.4.2 Magneto Electric Dipole 14 2.4.3 Shorted Dipole Antenna 16 2.5 Design and Analysis of Planar Dual Polarized Antenna 16 2.5.1 Balun Design 16 2.5.2 Back to Back Balun Connection 20 2.5.3 Planar Dipole Antenna 31 2.5.4 Single linearly polarized dipole antenna 35 2.5.5 Design of Linear Dual Polarized Antenna 37 2.6 Experimental Result and Validation 39 2.7 Summary 47 Chapter 3: MM -Wave Dual Polarized Cavity Backed Crossed Slot Antenna 48 3.1 Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) 48 3.2 Grounded Coplanar Waveguide to SIW Transition 51 3.3 Aperture Coupled Multilayer Substrate Integrated Waveguide Crossover 54 3.4 Dual Polarized cavity-backed Crossed Slot Antenna Design & Analysis 70 3.4.1 SIW cavity-backed Slot Antenna design 70 3.4.2 Dual Polarized SIW Cavity Backed Crossed Slot Antenna 72 3.5 Experimental Result and Validation 79 3.5.1 Discussion 86 3.6 Summary 88 Chapter 4: Conclusion 89 4.1 Summary 89 4.2 Future work 89 Reference 90


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