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研究生: 翁偉倫
Wei-Lung Weng
論文名稱: 新型態鋰離子電池添加劑(三聚硫氰酸/雙馬來醯亞胺)之研究探討
The Investigation of New Type of Additive(N,N-Bismaleimide-4,4-Diphenylmethane and Trithiocyanuric acid) in Lithium Ion Battery
指導教授: 陳崇賢
Chorng-Shyan Chern
口試委員: 王復民
Fu-Ming Wang
Dah-Shyang Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 鋰離子電池電池添加劑三聚硫氰酸/雙馬來醯亞胺
外文關鍵詞: lithium ion battery, additive of battery, trithiocyanate/ N,N- bismaleimide- 4,4-diphenylmethane
相關次數: 點閱:475下載:1
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This study investigated the copolymerization of trithiocyanate(TCA)and N,N- bismaleimide-4,4-diphenylmethane(BMI) using a non- isothermal temperature differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) to understand the reaction in which to carry out the polymerization and to test it by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The thermal cracking temperature simulates the effect of the additive on the thermal runaway of the battery. Both of the above were used as thermochemical analysis, and the material structure identification was analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) as a chemical analysis.
In this study, the above polymers were used as positive electrode additives for lithium ion batteries, and the influence on the positive electrode material LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2. was analyzed. The analysis methods included the use of positive electrode battery charge and discharge test (C/DC) and AC impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Electrochemical reaction tests such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) to understand the electrochemical properties of the additive, and to understand the surface of the electrode state composition after charge and discharge by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Finally, the differential scanning thermal analyzer (DSC) is used to understand the thermal stability of the electrode material. The difference between the electrode with/without additives was compared by electrochemical testing to understand the results of the application of the additive on the positive electrode material of lithium ion batteries.
In the experimental results in this study, BMI/TCA(1.5:1) 0.5% was added to the positive electrode material LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2.It can effectively improve the polarization of the positive half-cell under various experimental conditions and the battery capacity. In addition, the effect of kinetics on the battery can be seen from cyclic voltammetry (CV), adding BMI/TCA (1.5:1) The improvement of polarization in 0.5%, and the cycle life diagram at normal temperature and high temperature can be seen that the electrical properties of this additive are excellent. From the SEM observation, there is a clear coating film after charge and discharge, and EDS is also obvious. It is seen that the increase in carbon indicates the result of BMI addition. The thermal stability of DSC can also be seen to effectively reduce the heat exothermic after the addition of additives. According to the results of this study, BMI/TCA (1.5:1) 0.5% was added as the most stable additive.

摘要I ABSTRACTII 致謝IV 目錄V 圖目錄VIII 表目錄XII 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景2 1.1.1鋰離子電池工作原理2 1.1.2電極材料2正極(陰極)材料2負極(陽極)材料5電解質6 1.2研究動機與目的8 第二章 文獻回顧9 2.1 鋰離子電池的安全設計9 2.1.1隔離膜改質9 2.1.2電解質改質18 更加穩定的鋰鹽19 阻燃型添加劑20 2.1.3正極材料23塗層技術於正極材料23表面活物修飾27 第三章 實驗藥品、儀器與方法32 3.1實驗藥品32 3.2 實驗儀器33 3.3 實驗方法34 3.3.1 DSC樣品配置34 BMI/CA/NMP34 BMI/TCA/NMP(1.5:1)34 BMI/TCA/HQ/NMP34 BMI/TCA/NMP(2:1)34 BMI/TCA/HQ/NMP35 3.3.2 NMR樣品配製35 BMI/TCA/NMP(1.5:1)35 BMI/TCA/NMP(2:1)35 3.3.3 TGA樣品製備36 BMI/TCA/NMP(1.5:1)36 BMI/TCA/NMP(2:1)36 3.3.4 電極添加劑製備37 BMI/TCA(1.5:1)添加劑製備37 BMI/TCA(2:1)添加劑製備37 BMI/CA(1.5:1)添加劑製備37 3.3.5 電極漿料(slurry)製備38 漿料製備- Blank38 漿料製備-0.5wt% BMI/TCA(1.5:1)、1.0wt% BMI/TCA(1.5:1)、0.5wt% BMI/TCA(2:1)、1.0wt% BMI/TCA(2:1)38 3.3.6 電極極片製備39 3.3.7 鈕扣型電池(coin cell)組裝39 第四章 結果與討論41 4.1 DSC熱分析41 4.1.1 BMI/TCA與BMI/CA DSC比較圖 41 4.1.2 BMI/TCA 有無HQ之DSC比較圖42 4.2 H1-NMR 分析 44 4.2.1 BMI/TCA(1.5:1)44 4.2.2 BMI/TCA(2:1)47 4.3 TGA熱分析49 4.4 循環伏安法(CV)51 4.4.1 NCM523-Blank-CV51 4.4.1 NCM523-BMI/TCA(1.5:1)0.5% 循環伏安法/微分圖53 4.4.3 NCM523-BMI/TCA(1.5:1)1% 循環伏安圖/微分圖55 4.4.4 NCM523-BMI/TCA(2:1)0.5% 循環伏安圖/微分圖57 4.4.5 NCM523-BMI/TCA(2:1)1% 循環伏安圖/微分圖59 4.4.6 BMI/CA與BMI/TCA添加0.5%比較61 4.4.7 BMI/CA與BMI/TCA添加1%比較63 4.4.8 BMI/TCA(2:1)0%和%BMI/TCA(2:1)1%以及BMI/TCA(2:1)2%比較65 4.5充放電測試(C/D TEST)67 4.5.1 第一圈充放電比較67 4.5.2 常溫下循環次數68 STOBA與BMI/TCA比較68純BMI與BMI/TCA比較69 4.5.3 NCM523-Blank 充放電圖/EIS圖71 4.5.4 NCM523-BMI/TCA(1.5:1)0.5% 充放電圖/EIS圖75 4.5.5 NCM523-BMI/TCA(1.5:1)1% 充放電圖/EIS圖78 4.5.6 NCM523-BMI/TCA(2:1)0.5% 充放電圖/EIS圖81 4.5.7 NCM523-BMI/TCA(2:1)1% 充放電圖/EIS圖84 4.6 高溫(55OC)循環次數圖 87 4.6.1 NCM523-Blank(55 oC)充放電圖/EIS圖 89 4.6.2 NCM523- BMI/TCA(1.5:1)0.5% (55 oC)充放電圖/EIS圖91 4.6.3 NCM523- BMI/TCA(1.5:1)1% (55 oC)充放電圖/EIS圖93 4.6.4 NCM523- BMI/TCA(2:1)0.5% (55 oC)充放電圖/EIS圖95 4.6.5 NCM523- BMI/TCA(2:1)1% (55 oC)充放電圖/EIS圖97 4.7 電極極片之SEM與EDS分析99 4.8 電極極片熱穩定性分析(DSC)103 第五章 結論104 參考文獻 106

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