簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林佑星
Yu-hsing Lin
論文名稱: 家用型太陽能發電系統之研製
Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic Power System for Household Requirement
指導教授: 張宏展
Hong-chan Chang
口試委員: 梁從主
Tsorng-juu Liang
Jiann-fuh Chen
Ruay-nan Wu
Cheng-chien Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 太陽能數位信號處理器最大功率點追蹤
外文關鍵詞: photovoltaic energy, digital signal processor, maximum power point tracking
相關次數: 點閱:455下載:10
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The traditional stand-alone and grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power systems have many problems, such as islanding and loading protection, which make PV energy difficult to apply to daily life. With a view to facilitating the use of PV energy, this thesis presents a novel 100W online automatic switching module, so that we can effectively use PV power system for household purposes. When the power requirement of household equipments is less than 100W, this module will switch to the PV power system. By contrast, when the requirement is over 100W, this module will automatically switch to grid system without power cut-off.
To avoid islanding and loading protection problems, the strategy of this study is to supply power from either PV system or grid system, depending on the power requirement. In addition, this PV system is built with 100W, so the size and the associated cost of the system can be reduced in comparison with the stand-alone PV power system. It has the advantages of more general market acceptance, environmental protection and energy saving.
In the PV system, digital signal processor is used to control the circuits and to acquire data in this system. The system consists of Buck-Boost, Push-Pull, Full-Bridge converter, battery, relay, and the other components. The technology of maximum power point tracking and battery charging are also employed to make the solar plane output the maximum power. Finally, the feasibility of this system is verified by the experimental results.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與背景 1 1.2 章節概述 1 第二章 家用型太陽能發電系統架構及切換策略 3 2.1 系統架構 4 2.2 電源切換模組控制策略 5 2.2.1 太陽能發電系統供電之時機 5 2.2.2 市電供電之時機 6 第三章 太陽能發電相關技術之介紹 8 3.1 太陽能電池的種類 8 3.2 太陽能電池的特性 9 3.3 最大功率追蹤方法 15 3.4 太陽能發電系統的種類 25 3.4.1 併聯型系統 25 3.4.2 獨立型系統 25 3.4.3 混和型系統 26 第四章 系統電路分析設計與製作 28 4.1 升降壓電路 29 4.2 推挽式升壓電路 32 4.3 全橋式變流器 36 4.4 變流器輸出濾波電路設計 41 4.5 功率開關元件隔離驅動電路 41 4.6 功率元件緩衝電路 42 4.7 電壓回授電路 43 4.7.1 太陽能板及蓄電池電壓回授電路 43 4.7.2 變流器電壓回授電路 44 4.8 電流回授電路 44 4.8.1 太陽能板及蓄電池電流回授電路 44 4.8.2 負載電流回授電路 45 4.9 零點偵測電路 45 第五章 模擬與實測結果 47 5.1 最大功率追蹤 47 5.1.1 照度(2560 lumen/ft2)時之測試 49 5.1.2 照度(2250 lumen/ft2)時之測試 51 5.2 系統加載實測與模擬 53 5.3 系統供電之切換策略 58 5.4 硬體實體圖 62 第六章 結論與未來展望 65 6.1 結論 65 6.2 未來展望 65 參考文獻 67 作者簡介 70

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