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研究生: 楊朝雅
Chao-Ya Yang
論文名稱: 太陽能模組應用於鐵皮屋頂改建之結構與節能分析
Structural and Energy Efficiency Analysis on Retrofit of Traditional Iron-Sheet Roof by Solar Modules
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-huai Young
口試委員: 楊亦東
I-tung Yang
Shuo-yan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 鐵皮屋太陽能模組結構分析熱流模擬光環境模擬發電模擬耗能模擬經濟性分析
外文關鍵詞: iron-sheet roof, solar module, power generation simulation
相關次數: 點閱:508下載:0
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Owing that the crisis of global warming and energy shortage in recent years, searching for an alternative energy sources and reducing the carbon emissions have been raised as an international issue. However, in Taiwan, a particular construction is widely seen in the top of the attic, which is commonly called “metal rooftop additions.” This kind of iron-sheet roof is not only undermining the cityscape but also absorb a lot of heat during summer, leading to the indoor temperature rising, which indirectly increase energy consumption. According to the concerning above, this study use the climatic conditions in Taiwan, to know the results of solar module applied on iron-sheet roof. The study aims at doing the structure analysis, power generation analysis, insulation analysis and energy consumption analysis. With software simulation, to compare four different types of roofs, which are iron-sheet type, opaque type, transmission type and mixed type. The corrugated metal, monocrystalline silicon modules, heat insulation solar glass (HISG), and mixed from the latter two materials are used as different kinds of roof material.
The study results show that, in structural stability simulation, the structural with the solar module on the iron-sheet roof is qualified by Taiwan’s specification. In temperature simulation, using solar module can reduce 14~16 ℃under the closed-door condition. In light simulation, natural light performs the best in the transmission analysis. In air conditioning energy consumption and power generation simulation, the amount of power generation and energy performs the best since the single crystal silicon modules is used as the opaque type of roofing material. In economic analysis, the recovery period of solar modules is 4.1 to 5.9 years, while the investment rate is 6.0 to 8.0 percent after 20 years, which is a profitable investment. In comprehensive analysis, mixed type performs the best in electricity demand. Take the construction model in this study for example; the weather in Taichung is the most efficient for saving energy.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 總目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與背景 1.2研究目的 1.3研究方法 1.4研究流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1太陽資源 2.1.1 太陽能電池簡介 2.1.2 太陽能節能玻璃(HISG) 2.2建物一體太陽光電(BIPV) 2.2.1太陽日射量與日照時數 2.2.2太陽方位與角度 2.2.3 BIPV應用層面與案例 2.3建築環境 2.3.1空氣環境 2.3.2熱環境 2.3.3光環境 2.3.4熱舒適理論 2.5台灣鐵皮屋建築 2.5.1鐵皮屋構築方式 2.5.2鐵皮屋主要材料 2.5.3鐵皮屋建築形式與使用 第三章 研究計畫與模擬方法 3.1模擬模型建構 3.2結構穩定分析 3.2.1結構穩定分析試驗流程規劃 3.2.2結構模擬軟體數值分析設定 3.3溫度場分析 3.3.1溫度場分析試驗流程規劃 3.3.2溫度場模擬軟體數值分析設定 3.4光環境分析 3.4.1光環境分析試驗流程規劃 3.4.2光環境分析軟體數值分析設定 3.5發電量模擬分析 3.5.1發電模擬分析試驗流程規劃 3.5.2發電量模擬軟體數值分析設定 3.6空調耗能模擬分析 3.6.1空調耗能模擬分析試驗流程規劃與項目 3.6.2空調耗能模擬軟體數值分析設定 3.7經濟性評估分析 3.7.1經濟性評估分析流程規劃 3.7.2經濟性評估數值分析設定 第四章 數值模擬結果與討論 4.1結構穩定分析結果 4.1.1模型之結構穩定分析結果 4.2溫度場分析結果 4.2.1各式屋頂模型於台北之溫度場分析結果 4.2.2各式屋頂模型於台中之溫度場分析結果 4.2.3各式屋頂模型於高雄之溫度場分析結果 4.3光環境分析結果 4.3.1各式屋頂模型之晝光率分析結果 4.3.2各式屋頂模型之晝光利用節能率分析結果 4.4發電模擬分析結果 4.4.1各式屋頂模型於台北之發電分析結果 4.4.2各式屋頂模型於台中之發電分析結果 4.4.3各式屋頂模型於高雄之發電分析結果 4.5空調耗能模擬分析結果 4.5.1各式屋頂模型於台北之空調耗能分析結果 4.5.2各式屋頂模型於台中之空調耗能分析結果 4.5.3各式屋頂模型於高雄之空調耗能分析結果 4.6經濟性分析結果 4.6.1各式屋頂型之經濟性分析結果 4.7綜合比較結果分析 4.7.1各式屋頂模型於台北綜合比較分析 4.7.2各式屋頂模型於台中綜合比較分析 4.7.3各式屋頂模型於高雄綜合比較分析 第五章 結論與建議 5.1結論 5.2建議 參考文獻 附錄

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