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研究生: 戴嘉宏
Jia-Hong Dai
論文名稱: 支持向量機應用於電力電纜接頭絕緣狀態評估之研究
Application of Support Vector Machine to the Insulation Status Assessment of Power Cable Joints
指導教授: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 局部放電電纜接頭絕緣狀態評估支持向量機
外文關鍵詞: partial discharge, cable joint, status assessment, support vector machine
相關次數: 點閱:396下載:5
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The underground cable joint may be deterioration for breakdown as a result of the construction joint of the artificial defection,power quality is closely related to the operating condition of underground cable,have been stable of power system for fault avoidance.
Beause of encountering long time with partial discharges,The internal material of insulation defects might become resistive. Then, it is likely difficult to assess the insulation status of power apparatus by just utilizing the partial discharge information of a single measurement. The difficulty might be alleviated if the evolution of partial discharge information can be acquired by on-line long-term monitoring,The research was to conduct partial discharge deterioration test on two kinds of defects of underground cable joints with fifteen sample The measured PD signal was subject to noise suppression, dimension reduction, feature extraction and finally became 104 kinds of features.
The research has select four features,then categorized by anatomical analysis of underground cable joint, observe the same path of destruction, Because PD data is irregular, applying of support vector machine(SVM) to the insulation status assessment of power cable joints is important,
Finally, The research integrated with the SVM analysis and aging trace curve that can update the SVM model if increase the number of samples. The insulation warning system has safety period, attention period, danger period.

中文摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究方法與步驟 1.3章節概述 第二章 地下電纜接頭與局部放電簡介 2.1地下電纜構造 2.1.1地下電纜 2.1.2地下電纜接頭 2.1.3終端接頭 2.2局部放電定義與類型 2.2.1局部放電定義 2.2.2局部放電類型 2.3地下電纜老化事故 第三章 局部放電試驗架構 3.1試驗環境 3.2直線接頭瑕疵施作 3.3加壓程序 第四章 局部放電特徵萃取與支持向量機摘要 4.1資料處理架構 4.3雜訊抑制 4.4資料化簡 4.4.1建立特徵參量 4.5移動平均法 4.6支持向量機摘要 4.7線性支持向量機 4.8非線性支持向量機 第五章 地下電纜絕緣診斷分析 5.1絕緣診斷系統流程 5.2解剖與分析電纜接頭 5.3初步定義初期與末期 5.4全部試驗雙特徵曲線 5.5全部試驗雙特徵曲線轉折點紀錄 5.6支持向量機實驗結果 5.6.1第一組支持向量機模型 5.6.2第二組支持向量機模型 5.6.3第三組支持向量機模型 5.6.4第四組支持向量機模型 5.6.5瑕疵A支持向量機模型 5.6.6瑕疵B支持向量機模型 5.6.7全部試驗支持向量機模型 5.7雙特徵曲線轉折點程式流程 5.8應用支持向量機於量測流程 5.9試驗於絕緣評估結果 第六章 結論與未來展望 6.1結論 6.2未來展望 參考文獻 附錄

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