簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張杞益
Chi-Yi Chang
論文名稱: 客戶服務中心的精實服務管理 - 以上海維修中心為例
Lean Service Management for Customer Service Center – A Case Study from Shanghai Repair Center
指導教授: 羅士哲
Shih-Che Lo
口試委員: 蔡鴻旭
Hung-Hsu Tsai
Yu-Chung Tsao
Shih-Che Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 企業轉型豐田生產方式精實服務管理即時生產自働化防波堤
外文關鍵詞: Enterprise Transformation, Toyota Production System, Lean Service Management, Just in Time, Jidoka, Breakwater
相關次數: 點閱:232下載:0
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本論文個案探討如何在後勤維修的流程中導入精實服務(Lean Service)的管理思維並透過TPS二大支柱,JIT與自働化的概念來杜絕7大浪費,透過防波堤理論在合理管控庫存情況下可同時確保維修料件不虞缺乏,另外傳統維修作業的推式生產如何順利轉型為依需求的拉式生產,在導入精實服務過程中所面臨的組織變革及管理思維模式的變化,由管理層到現場的操作工如何調適因應並一一落實到現場每一環節以迎接日後的生存之戰。

The parent company of the customer repair center in this case study is one of the top 5 global brand in the PC industry and at the same time holds a number of manufacturing orders for many big brands. The company has sales location globally in the major market worldwide as well as owning customer repair centers in various magnitudes. The main manufacturing site is distributed in the areas of China, Americas and Europe and others. Yet market changes and its own brand market increase caused by the burst of the internet bubbles in the year 2000 led other ODM customers to compete under pressure. Hence, the separation of brand and ODM operation in corporate transformation has become an unchangeable strategic structure.
The role of traditional customer service department in a company only functions as support department and not a division that creates profit to the company. Under the environment with tremendous competition, profits in the PC industry ODM has gone downhill with a gross margin as low as 3% to 4%. Turnaround time for customer services and dealing with customer complaints from the former customer service center has been unable to satisfy the current challenges the company faces in the market as well as not able to continue to pursue a sustainable goal for the company. To resolve the current issues, customer service center should implement lean process, customize services with added values and the ability to create revenue.
In the pursuit of a lean manufacturing process, TPS (Toyota Production System) of Toyota Motor Company from Japan has brought forth the idea of reduction of waste and increasing competitiveness and has been gradually adopted by major companies in recent years.
This case discusses how to introduce Lean Service Management ideas into the reverse logistics repair process and eliminate the 7 major wastes through repair production lean system design with the two concepts, JIT and Jidoka of TPS. Through the breakwater theory, it can at the same time ensure the assurance of service materials. Additionally, it also looks into how the push production in traditional service repair operation method has successfully transformed into pull production. It discusses the organizational and management system changes whilst implementing lean process and how each organizational levels need to adjust ensure that each and every step is dutifully performed to safeguard its future.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 個案本文 1.1序場-生存之戰、欲練神功必先自宮 1.2產業背景 1.3個案背景 1.4豬羊變色、分出去的孩子沒奶水 1.5客服維新、成立精實團隊 1.6把心歸零、精實生產DNA 1.7 Show Case之個案導入實例 1.8若不自宮也要成功之課題研究 第二章 教學指引 2.1 個案總覽 2.2 教學目標 2.3 適用課程 2.4 學生課前討論問題 2.5 教學建議 2.6 個案分析 2.7 可能的解決方案 2.8 教學投影片設計 參考文獻

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