簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林淑芳
Shu-Fang Lin
論文名稱: 「數位化、自動化及無紙化,勢在必行」 金控業機器人流程自動化的個案研究
“Digitization, Automation and Paperless Are Imperative” ~ The Case Study of Robotic Process Automation in the Financial Holding Co
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-nan Chen
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Shih-Ti Yu
Hsuan-Chu Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 組織敏捷性資源拼湊左右開弓企業社會責任RPA
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Agility, Bricolage Theory, Ambidexterity, Corporate Social Responsibility, RPA
相關次數: 點閱:602下載:3
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近年來,在金融科技風行的浪潮下,金融業許多交易都可在網路或雲端完成,迥異於以往的櫃台現場作業。在金融科技衝擊下,金融業數位化已是不可避免的趨勢,現行的金融從業人員對組織轉型上都有一個共同認知,那就是擁抱數位轉型(Digital transformation)。
鑑於現在金融科技(FinTech)的演進之快,現階段 RPA 流程機器人可帶來不錯的效益,但未來有新的 AI(人工智能)出現,看起來面對新環境,金融從業人員都應該有重新學習及隨時調整腳步的想法,才能保有高度的競爭力。從這股 RPA與 AI 的浪潮來看,確實是有可能逐步影響金融從業人員的工作態度。對於金融業而言,行員的角色需要被重新定位,需要重新思考如何促進人才轉型,減少處理繁瑣、無趣的工作,而將空出的時間,專注於更多創造性、思考性的工作,提升自己工作的價值。
本個案以哈佛個案研究之方式進行,藉由個案內容可用於討論組織敏捷性、資源拼湊、左右開弓、企業社會責任等議題。以數位創新-RPA 導入作業流程為例,透過個案銀行所經歷的自動化作業流程及客戶的數位體驗,探討個案銀行面對金融科技的發展,如何改變既有的模式,站在客戶的角度,發展多元化的流程,讓客戶有全新的數位體驗,探討高階領導者如何發揮組織敏捷性,迅速的組成小組團隊導入 RPA 流程機器人並就地取材,運用既有的資源,導入各項自動化作業流程,進行新目的之資源重組,產生新流程,充分利用 RPA 流程機器人以提升自動化作業效率及競爭優勢。員工面對金融科技的發展,如何轉型發揮自我價值。本研究結論提出個案銀行如何實踐 ESG 及追求永續金融,善盡金融業企業社會責任。

In recent years, thanks to the popularity of Fintech, many transactions in the
financial industry can be done online or in the cloud, rather than over the counter. Under the impact of financial industry has become an inevitable trend. Current financial practitioners have a common understanding of organizational transformation, that is, to embrace Digital transformation.
Given the speed with which Fintech is evolving, RPA process robots may be good
for the time being, but there may be new AI in the future. It seems that financial
professionals should be prepared to relearn and adjust their steps in order to remain
highly competitive in this new environment. This wave of RPA and AI does have the
potential to gradually affect financial practitioners. For the financial industry, the role of the executive may need to be redefined, and it needs to think about how to promote talent transformation, to deal with less tedious and boring work, and free up time to focus on more creative, thoughtful work, and enhance their value on the job.
This case study is conducted in the form of a Harvard case study, and can be used
to discuss issues such as Organizational agility, Bricolage Theory, Ambidexterity, and
Corporate Social Responsibility. With digital innovation process - RPA import key
factors, for example, through the case bank of automation and digital experience,
explore the case bank in the face of financial science and technology development, how
to change the existing model, standing in customer's point of view, the development of
diversified digital experience, let the customer have a brand-new digital experience,
this paper discusses how to exert organizational agility high-level leaders, Quickly form a team to import RPA process robots and use local materials, use existing resources to import various automated processes, reorganize resources at new targets, generate new processes, and make full use of RPA process robots to improve the efficiency of automated operations and competitive advantages. How can employees transform their careers to give full play to their self-value in the face of Fintech development? The conclusion of this study proposes how the case bank practices ESG and pursues sustainable finance, and makes good use of CSR in Finance

目錄 摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第壹章 個案本文 場序–金融科技(FinTech)席捲銀行業 第二節 成為亞洲一流的金融機構 第三節 個案銀行與概況描述 第四節 個案銀行導入無紙化/自動化作業/RPA 流程機器人序曲 第五節 個案銀行導入 RPA 流程機器人發展歷程 第六節 個案銀行導入 RPA 流程機器人效益及競爭優勢 第貳章 個案討論 第一節 個案總覽 第二節 教學目標與個案問題討論 第三節 學生課前準備 第四節 個案人物背景 第五節 個案分析 課程目標一:組織敏捷性之探討 課程目標二:資源拼湊之探討 課程目標三:左右開弓之探討 課程目標四:CSR 企業社會責任 第六節 課程結論 第七節 教學建議 第八節 板書規劃 參考文獻

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