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研究生: 莊君豪
論文名稱: 數位金融支付業務發展探討- 以玉山銀行支付為例
The Development of Digital Financial Payment Business – The Case Study of Esun Bank
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: FinTech金融科技破壞式創新商業模式商業生態系統
外文關鍵詞: Financial Technology, Disruptive innovation, Business model, Business ecosystem
相關次數: 點閱:603下載:2
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  • 現今的金融科技發展,有三股力量會改變金融服務競爭面貌:一、科技的力量:讓中小型企業或新創事業更有能力與大型企業競爭,如FinTech業者即為一例,其透過科技的力量來翻轉及替代金融業者部份服務。二、金融法規的改變:法規日益開放或監理沙盒的應用,讓更多有創意的業者透過創新服務模式進入金融服務領域。三、用戶行為的改變:如用戶對行動裝置的黏著度越來越高,偏好的交易行為模式也逐漸改變,再加上年輕顧客群對於互聯網產業的信任度逐漸提高。這樣的的環境下,也考驗金融業者的服務模式是否能與時俱進,不會被淹沒於金融科技崛起時代。

    In today's financial technology development, there are three forces that will change the competitive landscape of financial services. First, the power of technology enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or new FinTech startups to compete with large enterprises. The FinTech companies are an example of technologies flipping and replacing some of the financial services. Second, financial regulatory or the laws, for example the supervisory sandbox will change the financial service. Third, the change of user behavior using mobile devices that also gradually change. Under such circumstances, financial service must be able to advance with the times in order to not overwhelm by the rise of financial technology.
    Most of the bank's main profit comes from personal finance, corporate finance, wealth management and credit card businesses. Many people assume “digital financial services and FinTech are simply a fad”.” Unprofitable and no help for banks”. “Banks will continue to experience profitability without FinTech and Internet”.
    The Kodak's case shows that Kodak took note of the digital trends and hold more than a thousand imaging patents, but the development of digitized (digital camera) services erodes into the main source of revenue - photographic film. Therefore, organizations restrain the development of digital services. Kodak Company eventually had to declare bankruptcy when the new players gradually invested in digital camera service, and Internet changed the way people share photos step by step. This fact is to remind all the enterprises, if not, start a revolution voluntarily, will eventually be killed.
    Esun Bank set up the Digital Business Development in 2015 and became the first financial institution in Taiwan to set up the position of Chief Digital Financial Officer. Esun Bank believes that financial services should be like hydropower, when customers need it, the relevant financial services can be readily available. Also, Esun Bank sees itself as a technology company with financial license. It means Esun Bank wants to change the mode of financial services and enhance the service efficiency of the original business through the power of technology; to gain a new user base with new service models and key scenarios; to increase user value in a creative way.
    Financial services are less frequently used than other services. How to create value with financial services and cross-border partners so that financial services can naturally be integrated into the user's life and use financial services indirectly. This is the challenge for the development of digital finance at Esun Bank. How does Esun Bank develop different financial service models, create a new business model and cooperative ecology, and change Taiwan's financial services with the limited resources, the rapid development of FinTech industry, the opening of laws and regulations, and the rapid evolution of new technologies and user habits?
    This paper is written in the way of Harvard case study. It can be used to discuss topics such as financial technology, disruptive innovation, business models and business ecosystems. The purpose of this study is to understand how Esun Bank can provide new service models through the power of technology and cross-border partners, and make financial services be as convenient as hydropower.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 壹、 個案本文 1 第一節、序幕 – 金融服務大未來 1 第二節、關於玉山銀行 2 公司簡介 2 重視人才培育、傳承及文化 4 決策模式 5 第三節、金融科技結合創意帶來全新體驗的金融服務模式 6 從場景到場景金融 7 隨經濟,隨金融 9 去中間化,創新服務模式 11 用戶行為,Jobs to be done 13 第四節、玉山銀行數位金融發展之路 16 小步快跑,快速迭代,有容錯空間的智慧學習文化 17 橫空出世的WebATM發展契機 18 跨界合作,開創新局 25 跨界合作,共同帶動台灣行動支付市場風潮 30 玉山銀行數位金融的下一步 32 貳、 教學指引 35 第一節、個案總覽 35 科技帶來金融服務模式的改變 35 如果銀行不改變,我們就改變銀行 35 賠錢生意沒人做? 36 玉山銀行數位金融的下一步 37 第二節、教學目標與適用課程 38 第三節、學生課前討論問題 41 第四節、個案人物背景 42 第五節、個案分析 43 課程目標一:金融科技的探討 45 課程目標二:商業模式的探討 47 課程目標三:破壞性創新的探討 50 課程目標四:情境理論的探討 52 第六節、教學建議 55 第七節、板書規劃 56 參考文獻 57  圖目錄 圖1、玉山銀行組織圖 2 圖2、玉山銀行 LEARNING ROADMAP 4 圖3、螞蟻金服旗下服務體系 8 圖4、金融科技直撲金融業,影響層面大 15 圖5、玉山銀行數位金融發展重要創新里程 16 圖6、WEBATM服務特色 19 圖7、WEBATM讀卡機及王建民棒球造型讀卡機 21 圖8、玉山WEBATM喵喵造型讀卡機 21 圖9、WEBATM即時付 22 圖10、WEBATM網路收款機 22 圖11、玉山WEBATM服務市佔資訊 24 圖12、中國網路購物市場交易規模 26 圖13、2012年中國第三方互聯網支付市場競爭格局 26 圖14、玉山銀行與NTT DATA跨境支付合作締約儀式 29 圖15、中央銀行預算-發行現金成本 31 圖16、玉山數位金融支付發展歷程 32 圖17、教學目標層次圖 38 圖18、個案策略思維圖 44 圖19、商業模式圖 48 表目錄 表1、玉山銀行重要投資及併購事件 3 表2、教學目標 39 表3、適用課程 40 表4、登場角色人物介紹 42 表5、玉山新興支付商業模式 49 表6、課程教學重點及建議之時間配置 55

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