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研究生: 李榮輝
論文名稱: 國內汽車業顧客滿意度與品牌忠誠度之關係研究
The Study on the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty in Domestic Car Industry
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 葉明義
Ming-Yi Yeh
Wen-Chih Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 顧客滿意度品牌忠誠度品牌形象
外文關鍵詞: Customer Satisfaction, Brand Royalty, Brand Image
相關次數: 點閱:302下載:1
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  • 國內汽車市場自2005年達51萬四千台高峰後,受到卡債風波、產業西進、全球金融風暴影響,在2008年降到了近20年來的谷底。堪稱火車頭工業的汽車業面臨前所未見的寒冬,不僅台灣地區如此,汽車龍頭的美國前三大廠通用及克萊斯勒面臨破產重整地步,日本第一豐田汽車也首度出現營運虧損,全球汽車不景氣亦正在持續蔓延中。
    本研究採質化分析研究方式,以國內汽車業顧客滿意度與品牌忠誠度之關係為題進行分析探討。參考各汽車品牌一致公認的顧客滿意指標JD POWER調查、對品牌忠誠度深入研究之新車車主意見調查及汽車業的深度訪談,綜合以上,得到以下結論:
    一、 顧客滿意度愈高,消費者回到該品牌維修&再購之比率愈高
    二、 顧客滿意度愈高,該客戶推薦該品牌與他人及品牌忠誠度比率愈高
    三、 品牌形象經營對於提昇品牌忠誠度有顯著影響
    四、 顧客滿意提升對於企業永續經營及獲利有正面助益

    As the peak of 2005 of car industry in Taiwan, total sales volume from each car brand was reached 514,000 units, after then, the car market was faced the serious problems, such as crisis of credit card, cash card, global financial weakness and the move of manufacture location, it was really a frozen season for car industry which treated as the engine industry in developing countries.
    This situation was not only occurred in Taiwan but also in globalization, let’s see the fact in State, top 3 brand of General Motor & Chrysler Motor who confronted bankruptcy condition and forced to reconstruct in this crisis, even though the Toyota Motor, Top 1 of share in Japan Auto Industry, also appeared the condition of profit loss in 2009. The depression of global auto industry were continued to spread widely.
    In order to against the hard times, all the auto companies do the best to hold the volume without big decrease and try to resort to the conceivable situation of maintaining the market share. It is very difficult to stand high only taking the price discount or sale promotion in this tough and competitive environment.
    At present the auto business were transferred from production-in, marketing-in to consumer-in, customer satisfaction-in. Company should think not only to provide the good product and fine service to reach their customer's expectation but also to intensify the quality and value at same time. And then, enhance the customer satisfaction and brand loyalty to strengthen the enterprise constitution and keep the profit to achieve the goal of sustainable management.
    This research has adopted qualitative method and focus on the analysis for relation between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty from auto industry. Base on the analysis in the report of 2008 JD Power (customer satisfaction survey), 2008 NCBS (New cay buyer study) with in-depth interview, after the cross check and analysis, this research has a significant conclusion as the following:
    1.Higher ratio in customer satisfaction gets higher feedback from their loyalty customer in car repair, maintenance or repurchase.
    2.Higher ratio in customer satisfaction gets more recommended in car brand from their loyalty customer.
    3.Enhancement of brand image will improve the brand loyalty.
    4.Boost of customer satisfaction will bring the positive help in business continuity.

    摘要 目錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 第二節 研究目的 第一節 品牌、品牌個性、品牌形象與品牌權益 第二節 品牌與消費者之關係 第三節 品牌與顧客滿意之關係 第四節 品牌與忠誠度之關係 第五節 顧客滿意度與忠誠度之關係 第六節 國內汽車產業分析 第三章 現有車輛品牌消費者在各面向的認知和態度 第一節 品牌定位 第二節 滿意度與推荐意願及再購之關係 第三節 滿意度與品牌忠誠度之關係 第四章 研究個案MAZDA簡介及深度訪談分析 第一節 背景現況與沿革 第二節 公司經營與特色 第三節 對汽車銷售之展望與佈局 第四節 深度訪談的內容及研究發現結論 第五章 研究結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 第二節 建議 參考文獻 圖目錄 圖2- 1 消費者基礎品牌權益金字塔(KELLER, 2001) 圖2- 2 品牌知名度與品牌形象組成成份(KELLER, 1993) 圖2- 3 忠誠度三角模式 資料來源:SHOEMAKER, STOWE AND ROBERT (1999) 圖2- 4 高交易成本下顧客滿意行為之變動情形 圖2- 5 期待-不一致模式 圖2- 6 顧客忠誠度五階段 圖2- 7 1999~2008台灣汽車市場銷售量 圖2- 8 1999~2008台灣汽車市場車型區隔帶分析 圖2- 9 1999~2008國產車前六大品牌銷售量分析 圖2- 10 1999~2008國產車前六大品牌佔有率分析 圖3- 1 2008 NCBS 各品牌車主現有車輛之滿意度分析 圖3- 2 2008 NCBS 各品牌車主會推薦其品牌予他人之分析 圖3- 3 各品牌滿意度與推薦意願排名 圖3- 4 JDPOWER 顧客滿意模型 圖3- 5 JDPOWER 顧客滿意調查涵蓋範圍與影響品牌整體表現之相互關係 圖3- 6 JDPOWER 各項顧客滿意調查目標對象及產出結果之影響度 圖3- 7 JDPOWER 滿意度與推薦意願之關係 圖3- 9 JDPOWER 顧客對於經銷商滿意度與推薦數之關係 圖3- 10 JDPOWER 顧客對於經銷商服務滿意度與再次回廠之關係 圖3- 11 JDPOWER 顧客對於經銷商銷售滿意度與再次回廠之關係 圖3- 12 JDPOWER 顧客非常有可能推薦這家經銷及廠牌之百分比 圖4- 1 MAZDA顧客滿意提昇操作方向 圖4- 2 MAZDA顧客滿意戰略思維 圖4- 3 MAZDA 2004~2008 JDPOWER SSI 成績 圖4- 4 MAZDA 2004~2008 JDPOWER CSI 成績 圖5- 1 MAZDA 2008 NCBS / JD POWER / 市佔率交叉分析 表目錄 表2- 1 各汽車廠品牌定位 表3- 1 以2008年SSI(新車銷售)調查為例

    一、 中文部分
    U- Car 汽車網站, (1/5 2009 & 2/2 2009),u-car.com.tw

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