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論文名稱: Electrical characterizations of diodes fabricated on GaN and InGaN films by RF magnetron sputtering
Electrical characterizations of diodes fabricated on GaN and InGaN films by RF magnetron sputtering
指導教授: 郭東昊
Dong-Hau Kuo
口試委員: Jian-Jang Huang
Jian-Jang Huang
Cheng-Yen Wen
Cheng-Yen Wen
Ching-Hwa Ho
Chiu-Yen Wang
Wen-Cheng Ke
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 190
外文關鍵詞: MS Schottky diode, MOS Schottky diode, p–n junction diode, I–V measurement, C–V measurement, Cheungs’ method, Norde method, SBHs, ideality factor.
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:0
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High thermal conductivity, high electron mobility, high electron saturation velocity, and large band gap of nitride based materials have attracted many research interests in recent years. The GaN and InGaN materials have brought promising future for the application of electronic devices such as metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), hetero junction field-effect transistors (HJ-FETs), Schottky diodes, p–n junction diodes, laser diodes, light emitting diodes (LEDs) etc. However, high-quality GaN, InGaN films and III-V nitride semiconductors for optoelectronic and electronic devices often have been grown on sapphire and several other semiconductor substrates by using metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) above 800 oC. The developments of III-V nitride materials and their devices made by using low-cost methods at low processing temperatures are very important in fabricating electronic devices.
In this study, all diodes based on GaN and InGaN materials will be made at the low temperature with the cost-effective and reactive radio-frequency (RF) sputtering technique. The GaN and its alloy films were characterized by FE-SEM, EDS, XRD, TEM, AFM and Hall measurement at the room temperature. The electrical characterizations of diodes were determined by I–V and C–V measurements. The characteristics of our diodes can be successfully explained with the thermionic-emission (TE) model. Cheungs' and Norde methods were used to determine all electrical parameters of Schottky and p–n junction diodes.
For the diode devices based on n–GaN and n–InGaN, the 500 oC-annealed n–GaN MS (metal–semiconductor) and MOS (metal–oxide–semiconductor) Schottky diodes showed the smallest leakage currents of 1.02�e10-8 and 1.86�e10-9 A, respectively, at -1V. The highest SBHs for n–GaN MS and MOS Schottky diodes were calculated to be 0.79 and 0.81 eV, respectively, by the Cheungs’ method, and 0.91 and 0.94 eV by the Norde method. The n–GaN MOS diode showed a high series resistance of 84.4 k��, as compared to 27.9 k�� for the n–GaN MS diode. In addition, n–InGaN MS and MOS Schottky diodes were studied before and after annealing at 400 oC. The 400 oC-annealed samples displayed the leakage current of 3.86�e10-6 (MS) and 1.42�e10-7 A (MOS). The SBH of n–InGaN MOS diode increased from 0.69 eV (I–V), 0.77 eV (Norde) to 0.82 eV (C–V) after annealing at 400 oC. By C–V measurement for n–InGaN MOS diode, the carrier concentration was found to be 4.48�e1017 cm-3 for the as-deposited and 2.41�e1017 cm-3 for the annealed samples. The n–InGaN MOS diode had a small series resistance of 911 ��, as compared to 84.4 k�� for the n–GaN MOS diode.
For the homo junction diodes, four different diodes based on n– and p–GaN, InGaN, and AlInGaN materials were made by reactive RF sputtering technique. All homo junction diodes were designed with the electrode configuration of the top–bottom mode on Pt/TiO2/Si(100) substrates. They can be presented as n�{GaN/p�{GaN (Mg-doped-GaN), n–GaN/p�{InGaN (Mg-doped In0.05Ga0.95N), n–InGaN/p–GaN (Mg-doped GaN), and n–AlInGaN/p–GaN diodes. Among of them, the good performance had been showed in the n–InGaN/p–GaN diode. The variations of electrical properties of this diode with the wide bias range of [-20; 20] V were measured at 25-150 oC. The diode tested at 25 oC showed the turn-on voltage of 2.1 V, the leakage currents of 4.7�e10-7 A at -5 V and 1.04�e10-5 A at -20 V, the breakdown voltage above ~20 V, the barrier height of 0.60 eV, and the ideality factor of 5.9. By increasing the testing temperature, the barrier height increased from 0.60 eV (I–V) and 0.69 eV (Norde) at 25 oC to 0.73 eV and 0.85 eV at 150 oC, respectively. The series resistance decreased from 1925 Ω (25 oC) to 131 Ω (150 oC). For the ideality factor, it decreased from 5.9 to 4.8 by the I–V tests and from 6.4 to 5.1 by the Cheungs’ method.
For studying the hetero junction diodes, all diodes based on GaN, InGaN, and Si wafer were made by using RF sputtering technique. All hetero junction diodes were designed on n�{ and p�{Si wafers by the electrode configuration of the top-top mode. They can be listed as n–InxGa1-xN/p–Si (x = 0, 0.15, and 0.4), Mg-doped p–InxGa1-xN/n–Si (with x = 0 and 0.05), and Zn-doped p–GaN/n–Si diode. The best diode was the Zn-doped p–GaN/n–Si, which were made to confirm the strong p�{type behavior by Zn doping. The lowest leakage current of ~1.65�e10-9 A at -5 V and the breakdown voltage above 20 V were found at 25 oC. The series resistance Rs and ideality factor decreased from 539 Ω to 234 Ω and 6.5 to 4.2, respectively, with testing temperature changed from 25 to 125 oC. The barrier height increased from 0.64 eV at 25 oC to 0.77 eV at 150 oC.

Abstracti Acknowledgementiv Table of contentsvi List of Tablesix List of Figuresxi List of Equationsxix 1. Introduction1 1.1 Background of study1 1.2 Technology for development GaN materials and devices3 1.2.1 Substrate growth for GaN and electric devices3 1.2.2 Method growth for GaN and electric devices4 1.3 Motivation and objectives of this study7 2. The basic theory and Literature review10 2.1 The basic theory of electric devices10 2.1.1 Metal–Semiconductor (MS) contact10 2.1.2 Metal−Insulator−Semiconductor (MIS) contact15 2.1.3 p−n junction19 2.1.4 Calculation modes.23 2.1.5 Current–Voltage (I–V) measurement26 2.1.6 Capacitor –Voltage (C–V ) measurement30 2.2 Literature Review34 2.2.1 Growth for GaN and its alloys34 2.2.2 MS and MOS Schottky diodes38 2.2.3 p–n junction diodes41 3. Experiment Apparatus and Procedure44 3.1 Description of experimental instruments44 3.1.1 Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) machine44 3.1.2 Vacuum hot pressing machine44 3.1.3 RF magnetron sputtering46 3.2 Material characterization techniques48 3.2.1 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)48 3.2.2 Hall effect measurement51 3.2.3 Field emission of scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM)53 3.2.4 Atomic Force Microcopy (AFM)56 3.2.5 Transmission electron microcopy (TEM)59 3.2.6 Semiconductor Device Analyzer (I–V and C–V measurement)61 4. Results and Discussions63 4.1 MS and MOS Schottky diodes63 4.1.1 n–GaN MS and MOS Schottky diodes63 4.1.2 n–InGaN MS and MOS Schottky diodes74 4.2 Homo junction diodes86 4.2.1 n�{GaN/p�{GaN homo junction diode86 4.2.2 n�{GaN/p�{InGaN homo junction diode95 4.2.3 n–InGaN/p–GaN homo junction diode104 4.2.4 n–AlInGaN/p–GaN junction diode110 4.2.5 Comparison between n–InGaN/p–GaN and n–AlInGaN/p–GaN homo junction diodes116 4.3 Hetero junction diodes118 4.3.1 The comparison of n–InxGa1-xN/p–Si hetero junction diode118 4.3.2 Comparison between p–GaN/n–Si and p–InGaN/n–Si junctiondiodes130 4.3.3 p–Zn-GaN/n–Si hetero junction diode137 5. Conclusions and Future works144 5.1 Conclusions144 5.2 Future works148 6. References150 7. Curriculum Vitae165

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