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研究生: 施元凱
Yuan-kai Shih
論文名稱: 多天線系統設計與天線分集量測系統開發
Multi-Antenna System Design and Development of Antenna Diversity Measurement System
指導教授: 廖文照
Wen-jiao Liao
口試委員: 楊成發
Chang-fa Yang
Guo-wei Huang
Yu-shao Shiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 天線分集量測毫米波量測場無線區域網路MIMO分集增益解耦合
外文關鍵詞: Antenna diversity measurement, millimeter wave, wireless LAN, MIMO, diversity gain, antenna decoupling
相關次數: 點閱:510下載:7
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第二部分提出了一款應用在無線區域網路頻段無線存取基地台的四天線系統。此系統採用四支相同雙頻段的晶片天線,晶片天線的尺寸大小僅有8.5 × 3 × 1.6 mm3,天線之結構主要包含一條饋入帶線、淨空區以及晶片天線上的迴紋針槽縫。將晶片天線放置於測試板的四個角落來模擬WLAN基地台,藉由四支天線擺放位置的不同,達到空間分集與場型分集的效果。模擬與量測之結果顯示高頻具有良好的隔離度,但在低頻天線間的隔離度較差;為了抑制低頻天線間的耦合,我們在接地面上插入兩條槽縫,破壞地板上的電流分佈。增加解耦合系統後的反射係數可符合IEEE 802.11的標準,而兩操作頻段的天線耦合都有獲得抑制;原型天線以本研究所提出的天線分集量測系統量測,結果顯示該天線系統可以應用在無線區域網路裝置且能提供天線分集的效果。

Two topics relevant to antenna diversity are studied in this thesis. In the first part, two antenna measurement systems are developed. One is a antenna diversity measurement system. Wireless communication devices are usually used in the multi path-rich environment. In order to suppress the multipath fading, MIMO and antenna diversity technology are commonly used methods. Hence an antenna diversity measurement system is devised to measure the diversity performance. The other antenna measurement system is a two dimensional planar scanner that is capable of measuring far-field antenna patterns in the mmWave range. The two dimensional planar scanner operation is automated in conjunction with network analyzers. By implementing post signal processing algorithms, the antenna’s radiation patterns can be derived.
An antenna arrangement made of four similar compact dual-band chip antennas is proposed for uses on WLAN access point devices. The antennas are placed at corners of a small printed circuit board that emulates a WLAN base station. The antenna comprises a feeding line, a clearance region and a chip with a slotted patch. The volume occupied by the antenna chip is 8.5 × 3 × 1.6 mm3 only. Antenna diversity is achieved with a combination of spatial and pattern diversities. In order to suppress the antenna’s coupling, two slits are added to in the ground plane to disturb the current distribution. Reflection coefficient of the decoupled system is comply with the IEEE 802.11 standard, and the isolation in both band is reduced. The antenna diversity performance was measured by the antenna diversity measurement system, the results indicated the proposed antenna configurations can be applied to WLAN devices with the MIMO feature.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2 章節概述 2 第二章 天線分集與毫米波自動化量測系統 3 2.1 前言 3 2.2 現有天線分集量測系統介紹 4 2.3 天線分集量測系統設計與射頻元件特性 8 2.4 天線分集量測系統自動化與量測結果 12 2.4.1自動化系統架構與控制程式 12 2.4.2量測結果 16 2.5 毫米波量測系統開發 19 2.6 驗證毫米波量測系統效能 22 2.7 小結 25 第三章 應用於無線區域網路具有天線分集效果的天線系統 26 3.1 簡介 26 3.2 四天線系統設計 28 3.2.1 天線結構及其設計原理 28 3.2.2 天線參數分析 31 3.2.3 四天線系統佈置 39 3.3 晶片天線與四天線系統之性能驗證 41 3.4 解耦合與四天線系統 49 3.4.1 解耦合之四天線系統結構 50 3.4.2 解耦合之四天線系統參數分析 53 3.5 解耦合之四天線系統效能驗證 56 3.6 四天線系統之分集特性探討 63 3.7 小結 68 第四章 結論 69 參考文獻 70 附錄A 射頻切換開關規格 74 附錄B PCI-GPIB控制卡規格 77

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