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研究生: 楊曜丞
Yao-Cheng Yang
論文名稱: 以AHP層級分析法探討臺灣金融科技產業專利申請動機因素
An analysis of patenting motivation in Taiwan Fintech industry by analytic hierarchy process
指導教授: 朱曉萍
Sheau-Pyng Ju
口試委員: 樊晉源
Chin-Yuan Fan
John S. Liu
Sheau-Pyng Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 金融科技層級分析法專利申請動機
外文關鍵詞: motivation for patenting
相關次數: 點閱:325下載:4
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科技的進步日新月異,各產業也隨著科技發展不斷調整商業模式。2008年全球金融海嘯大規模衝擊政府監管的傳統金融業者,與此同時,以資訊科技提供新型金融服務的新創公司開始在世界各地湧現,金融科技(fintech)一詞躍然成為各方焦點,而全球金融科技專利的申請數量也隨之攀升,在2006年至2012年間,我國金融科技專利申請數量成長逾1倍之多,這快速興起的金融科技業者們申請專利保護的目的為何值得探究。回顧過往專利申請動機相關文獻,皆是探討硬體與實體產品相關產業,且專利申請動機大多以「保護技術不被模仿」為主,但在軟體服務與流程創新為主的金融科技產業裡,其專利申請動機與目的是否與其他硬體製造產業有所不同?有鑑於此,本研究針對各國與各產業之專利申請動機相關文獻,初步整理專利申請動機中之重要因素,並透過層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)來了解我國金融科技公司專利申請的主要動機及其重要性排序。

Since the technology is moving so fast, the companies need to modify their business model continually. In 2008, the global financial crisis impacted the traditional financial industry which had strict government regulation. At the same time, the start-up financial service company with information technology established quickly around the world. The term "Fintech" suddenly became the spotlight in this industry. Moreover, the numbers of global Fintech patent applications were growing increasingly. From 2006 to 2012, in Taiwan, Fintech patent applications had increased more than one time. I cannot help but wonder, what is the purpose of the patent application? However, in related literature, all the studies discussed the hardware or physical production industry, the motivation of applying patent mostly is “Protection from imitation.” But, in Fintech industry which mainly on software service and process innovation, regarding patent application motivation and purpose, is there difference from other hardware production industry? For this reason, this study has reviewed the related literatures of patenting motivation and Fintech's expert questionnaire, analyzed the important factors of patenting motivation in Fintech industry by way of analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
Analytic hierarchy process was used throughout this research, analyzed the importance of patenting application motivation and the ranking for Fintech industry in Taiwan. First, for Taiwan Fintech industry, patenting motivation hierarchal architecture was built in this research by way of literature reviews and expert interviews. The hierarchal architecture includes four sections: “Defense Motivation,” “Reputation Motivation,” “Incentive Motivation” and “Business Strategy Motivation,” a total of thirteen evaluation indicators. Next, invited experts filled out the pre-test questionnaires, and official questionnaires were distributed to Fintech experts after passing through the consistent tests. After analyzing the importance of patenting application motivation and the ranking, it revealed the meaning of those ranking from literature and the interviews with experts.
The result shows that the most important section is “Business Strategy Motivation,” following by “Defense Motivation,” “Reputation Motivation” and “Incentive Motivation.” Regarding the thirteen indicators, the most important ones on top three in orders are “Enhance the negotiation position,” “Access to VC or other investment opportunities” and “Protection from imitation.” When Fintech companies face on patent applications and strategic decisions, the result of patenting motivation importance sorting and the feedback of experts in this research should provide them with a valuable reference.

摘要 III 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第壹章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究範圍與限制 4 1.4 研究結構與流程 5 第貳章、 文獻回顧 7 2.1 金融科技 7 2.1.1 金融科技定義 8 2.1.2 金融科技主要領域 9 2.1.3 金融科技專利分類 12 2.2 專利申請動機 13 2.3 層級分析法 17 第參章、 研究設計 20 3.1 研究假設 20 3.2 層級分析法操作步驟 21 3.3 專利申請動機研究層級 29 3.4 層級分析法問卷設計 31 第肆章、 研究結果 33 4.1 問卷發放與回收 33 4.2 分析結果與排序 34 4.2.1 主要構面分析 34 4.2.2 各項評估指標分析 35 4.3 其他文獻綜合比較分析 39 第伍章、 結論與建議 43 5.1 結論 43 5.2 學術與實務管理意涵 45 5.2.1 學術貢獻 45 5.2.2 實務管理意涵 45 5.3 未來研究建議 46 參考文獻 47 附錄 51 附件一、前測問卷-金融科技公司專利申請動機問卷 51 附件二、正式問卷-金融科技公司專利申請動機問卷 59 附件三、前測問卷分析數據 67

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