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研究生: 林逸鳳
論文名稱: 打造美髮設計師創業孵化器 -談傳統美髮業的數位轉型
Build up a startup incubator for hair designers - The digital transformation of the hairdressing industry
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Jen-Chuen Tzou
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Jen-Chuen Tzou
Tain-Yi Luor
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 美髮商業模式動態能力數位轉型隨經濟利他的生態價值思維
外文關鍵詞: Hairdressing, Business Model, Dynamic Capabilities, Digital Transformation, Value Co-creation, Ubiquinomics
相關次數: 點閱:559下載:4
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The hairdressing industry is deeply influenced by the economic environment and fashion trends. In 1982, Chairman Zheng Maofa(鄭茂發), the founder of Mingliu Group(ML Group), established the first store as a well-known hairdresser. In order to strengthen the management ability, he initiated "the system of professional managers " and set up the comprehensive management office. He coordinated and supported the operation of each branch, and formulated training courses on hairdressing technology and fashion trends to ensure consumers' perception of brand value. In 2000, brand management strategies were arranged in four sub-brands, and flexible marketing activities were combined. Four chain brands were used to overcome the challenges of slow economic growth, high price sensitivity and increasingly strict legal working conditions. In 2016, it opened 200 stores in Taiwan, employing 3,000 people. However, with the advent of the 5 G Internet era and the changes of hairdressing consumption habits, the number of stores in ML Group stagnated for the first time in 2020.
In 2018, Jason, the founder of the second generation who returned to Taiwan, pointed out as the chief technology officer: " Facing the changes of social environment and the digital tide, the ML Group has to solve more than one problem, including brand upgrading, young designers leaving, fewer visitors, the need for technical system support, and the new demands of consumers, such as online dating, online payments, and online consultation. " After sorting out these issues, it was found that it was time to build a business incubator with a "hairdressing designer as the core", promote digital transformation with innovative business models, and help the ML Group break through the bottleneck of stagnant growth.
This study is conducted by Harvard Case Teaching Method. Through case discussions, students can understand the industry characteristics and business models of the human technology-based service industry, and analyze how business leaders can exert their dynamic abilities to make the 38-year-old companies continue to grow.

目錄 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 壹、個案本文 1 第一節、序曲 1 第二節、名留集團面臨之營運擴大瓶頸與年輕世代思維的挑戰 2 (一)、 集團連鎖美髮沙龍家數擴張停滯 2 (二)、 跨國投資與水平發展醫美生技產業的成效不如預期 4 (三)、 年輕新世代數位思維,影響關鍵資源的穩定性 6 第三節、美髮產業的特性與產業現況 9 (一)、 美髮產業的特性 9 (二)、 美髮產業的現況 11 (三)、 美髮產業生態的痛點 14 第四節、名留集團的發展大事記 15 第五節、名留集團近年來所面臨的挑戰 17 (一)、 多品牌與跨產業水平發展美髮美容醫美一條龍(2000-2016年) 17 (二)、 互聯網+時代的來臨與科技掌握度(2016-2018年) 24 (三)、 品牌連鎖體系成長停滯(2018-2020年) 26 第六節、二代思維催生數位轉型 28 第七節、美髮設計師創業孵化器新商模 31 第八節、新夥伴關係推動名留下一步 33 貳、教學指引 35 第一節、個案總覽 37 第二節、教學目標與適用課程 38 第三節、學員問題討論 40 第四節、個案分析 40 課程目標一:商業模式探討 42 課程目標二:動態能力理論 48 課程目標三:數位轉型 53 課程目標四:隨經濟-利他的生態價值思維探討 57 第五節、教學建議 62 第六節、板書規劃 63 參考文獻 67 英文文獻 67 中文文獻 68 網站資源 69

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