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研究生: 林致祥
Chih-Hsiang Lin
論文名稱: 壓力衣修改原因分析與品質機能展開應用研究
The Defect Analysis and Quality Function Deployment Analysis of Requested Alteration for Pressure Garment
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員: 王茂駿
Mao-Chun Wamg
Hsueh-Ling Huang
Jui-Yun Hung
Yun-Hung P'eng
kuang-chin Hsieh
Jui-Hui Yeh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 壓力衣瑕庛分析原因分析品質機能展開品質屋
外文關鍵詞: Pressure Garment, Defect Analysis, Causal Analysis, QFD, HoQ
相關次數: 點閱:238下載:12
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  • 雖然壓力衣已被廣泛的用在燒燙傷病患的壓力治療,但許多的燒燙傷病友在不同的療程階段中仍然需要不斷的調整與修改他們的壓力衣,許多的問題是與壓力衣的不合身與修改的處理不當有關。本研究在2007年3月至9月間收集分析了127位購置壓力衣的燒燙傷病患,將壓力衣送回陽光重建中心進行修改共有342件,找出這些壓力衣瑕疵與需要修改的原因。
    應用瑕疵分析(Defect Analysis)與品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)的分析方法。瑕疵分析部份先收集壓力衣的修改原因,將需要修改的原因分為適合度不佳(Poor Fit)、不舒服(Discomfort)、零件(Component Part)、布料(Fabric)以及外觀(Cosmetics)幾大類,找出每一種壓力衣款式(頭套、頸圈、上衣、袖套、手套、褲子、腿套、腳套、指套)的關鍵問題。研究結果發現:壓力衣的修改原因主要為身體各部位長度與圍度尺寸不合、眼部、鼻子、耳朵和嘴部開洞位置及尺寸不正確,或拉鍊的的長度、位置不合。從原因分析與品質機能展開分析得到的資訊可以用來減少重複修正壓力衣的次數,因而增進壓力治療的品質與效果。
    本研究在品質機能展開部分藉由品質屋的相關圖表來呈現,將品質屋(House of Quality,HoQ)的顧客(病友)心聲(Voice of Customer(Patient),VoC)與處理壓力衣改善作業需求品質展開中之工程聲音(Voice of Engineering,VoE)之矩陣展開,得出壓力衣五個重要品質管理上急需改善的項目,分別是(1)壓力衣太鬆、(2)壓力衣太緊、(3)撕裂、破洞、磨損、(4)體型改變、及(5)開洞位置、大小上的錯誤;另外從關係矩陣中得到五個關鍵作業重點改善的排序,分別是(1) 減布處理、(2)調整配件位置、(3)放寬處理、(4)改短處理、及(5)開洞大小與位置調整處理。又藉由不同領域專家的討論,共同規範出壓力衣七大製程中的管制點、能力指標與品質規格,以供所有壓力衣製作團隊成員的參考資料。

    The purpose of this study was to examine altered pressure garments requested by burn patients, in Taiwan. 342 pressure garments needing alterations were collected from 127 burn patients at the Sunshine Foundation Organization, an nonprofit organization for burn patients, between March and September 2007, to identify the major defects found in these pressure garments and their causes.
    Both of the defect analysis and Quality Function Deployment were adopted in this study. In the first part of our study, defect analysis causes of required alterations were classified according to a hierarchical coding scheme focusing on poor fit, discomfort, component part, fabric and sewing, and cosmetics to identify systematic problems for each garment type. The result of our analysis indicated that the majority of the pressure garment alterations were related to poor fit in circumferential and longitudinal dimensions of the various body parts, incorrect position and size of openings for eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, or inappropriate length or position of zippers. Information derived from this causal analysis and QFD analysis can be applied in helping to reduce the recurrence of alterations in pressure garment, thus improving the quality and effectiveness of pressure therapy.
    Quality Function Deployment (QFD) analysis five critical quality management items “Garment too loose” , “Garment too tight” , “Tear/hole and Wear/friction” , “Change in body size” , and “Incorrect size and position of opening.” The key operation management items “Reduce circumstances” , “Reposition the component” , “Add circumstances” , “Reduce length” , and “Cut (key) hole shape around the perineum” were identified through the relationship matrix analysis. After through discussion with various experts in field standardized operating procedure with specific quality control check points were developed to the pressure garment manufactures to further improve their quality.

    目  錄 中文摘要----------------------------------------------------------------------I Abstract---------------------------------------------------------------------II 誌謝--------------------------------------------------------------------------V 目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------VI 表目錄---------------------------------------------------------------------VIII 圖目錄-----------------------------------------------------------------------IX 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究背景與動機--------------------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------4 第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------6 第一節 燒傷-------------------------------------------------------------------6 第二節 疤痕------------------------------------------------------------------11 第三節 壓力衣----------------------------------------------------------------12 第四節 品質機能展開模式------------------------------------------------------14 第五節 根本原因分析----------------------------------------------------------22 第三章 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------------28 第一節 研究架構-------------------------------------------------------------28 第二節 台灣壓力衣現況與問題的暸解-------------------------------------------30 第三節 圖表紀錄模式的建立與施行---------------------------------------------35 第四節 統計分析方法---------------------------------------------------------36 第四章 結果與討論 -----------------------------------------------------------37 第一節 基本資料的分析-------------------------------------------------------37 第二節 因素之間的關聯性與因素水準-------------------------------------------40 第三節 建構壓力衣品質屋整合模式---------------------------------------------45 第四節 燒傷病友需求品質要素展開---------------------------------------------46 第五節 品質要素權數與相對重要度---------------------------------------------49 第六節 影響強度關係權數-----------------------------------------------------49 第七節 企畫提升(改善)品質權數---------------------------------------------52 第八節 關係矩陣-------------------------------------------------------------53 第九節 7大製程的管制點分析--------------------------------------------------56 第十節 7大製程的品質規範----------------------------------------------------56 第五章 討論-----------------------------------------------------------------58 第六章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------66 第一節 結論-----------------------------------------------------------------66 第二節 建議-----------------------------------------------------------------69 參考文獻---------------------------------------------------------------------73 中文-------------------------------------------------------------------------73 英文-------------------------------------------------------------------------75 網路-------------------------------------------------------------------------79 附錄一 陽光基金會壓力衣製作/修改測量單(舊式)-----------------------------80 附錄二 陽光基金會壓力衣製作/修改測量單(新式-------------------------------82 附錄四 陽光基金會壓力衣製作/修改紀錄單(新式)-----------------------------83







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