簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 羅士巽
Shih-Hsun Lo
論文名稱: 訂製服飾的華麗轉身– 以Ceostyle公司為例
Ceostyle: A Case of Agile Tailored-clothing Company
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Guang-Di Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 服飾股權結構商業模式敏捷性量身訂製創業企劃書
外文關鍵詞: apparel, shareholding structure, business model, agility, tailor-made, entrepreneurship plan
相關次數: 點閱:294下載:0
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  • 個案描述2010年Ceostyle 服飾公司創辦人Honor與合夥人(共計四人,股權平均分配),以自身十數年的業務經驗以及對商務客戶服飾需求的敏感度,切入台灣原本逐漸沒落的手工訂製服飾市場;在公司草創階段,主要產品為量身訂製男性襯衫與西服,以價格破壞與創新的業務經銷模式,主動出擊,至客戶工作場所進行量身相關的服務,滿足準客戶群對於訂製服飾需交通往返時間的不經濟以及不易與裁縫師傅溝通的服務缺口;公司因其快速的市場開發與業務反應速度,開發了多元化的訂製服飾市場。
    但在公司業務快速擴張與跨足經營女性專業服飾的第四年,公司獲利反而由盈轉虧,連續虧損了四年之後,在2018年12月初的會議上,同為公司共同創辦人的總經理Tain提出公司最後的華麗轉身計畫,擬將其關係企業-手機包膜公司分布在全國各縣市的行動包膜師訓練成招商的業務員,計畫向全國的個體戶精品服飾店老闆,招攬其成為Ceostyle 服飾公司的經銷商。
    執行計畫落在了Honor 的身上,他應該如何評估計畫是否可行?他原本想跨足的運動休閒服飾與電子商務是否還是要持續進行?!

    Ceostyle, a tailor-made apparel company, was established by Honor in 2010 to join the declining clothing industry with four people of average shareholding and ten years of experience and sensitivity of business people in apparel needs. The main products of Ceostyle are initially tailor-made shirts and suits for men. As the prices become competitive and business models become innovative, the company took the initiative to go to the customers’ workplace for tailor-made services to meet the clients’ needs, such as efficient transportation time and the ease of communication with tailors. Hence, the company has successfully developed a diversified custom clothing market as a reaction to the rapid changing market.
    However, in the fourth year of the rapid expansion of the company’s business and the professional operation of women’s professional apparel, the company’s profits experienced a decline. General Manager Tain and the co-founders of the company proposed the company’s last brilliant turnaround plan at a meeting early December 2018. Employees of the company’s related enterprise, which is a smartphone screen protector company, are being trained across the country to become the sales clerk of the investment. Furthermore, owners of boutique clothing across the country are being recruited to become a distributor of Ceostyle.
    The aforementioned plan by the founders of Ceostyle was assigned to be executed by Honor. Several questions arose with regards to this plan as follows. How should Honor evaluate whether the plan is feasible? Should he proceed with the original plan of joining the sportswear industry and e-commerce?
    The 2017 SME White Paper release indicates that the number of SMEs in Taiwan in 2016 was 1.437 million, which accounted for 97.7% of all enterprises. In addition, the number of SMEs employed was 8.9 million, accounting for 78.44% of the national employment. Therefore, the vitality of SMEs is an important key because the growth or decline of economic strength of a country and its employment rate is dependent on SMEs. Through this case study, many challenges and crucial environment that SMEs in Taiwan will face upon creating a new company will be understood. Furthermore, this case study will help readers understand the use of the advantages of small, customized, and flexible enterprises to survive and create a sustainable company.
    This thesis is divided into two parts, that is, the case study and the instruction manual. This thesis can make students understand that in addition to a good idea, a new company can refer to business models and entrepreneurial plans to assess whether the idea can be molded into a new business through the gradual integration of resources and energy. Comprehensive thinking angles and related theories and topics that can be discussed will be provided through the analysis of the situation in the case study. These theories and topics can aid in solving issues efficiently and increase the chances of successful execution in the future when challenges in creating new companies arise.
    Keywords: apparel, shareholding structure, business model, agility, tailor-made, entrepreneurship plan.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序幕 1 二、 台灣中小企業與訂製西服相關產業介紹 3 1. 台灣中小企業的定義與現況 3 2. 台灣訂製西服歷史沿革與現況 5 3. 永樂布市的歷史沿革與現況 6 三、 Ceostyle的創立 7 四、 Ceostyle初期成功的關鍵因素 10 1. 主動出擊 10 2. 專人服務 10 3. 模組化+客製化 11 4. 成本控制 12 5. 不壓庫存 12 6. 不壓廠商貨款 12 五、 Ceostyle 因應市場變化快速的轉身策略 13 1. 重作市場STP分析 13 2. 增加西服產品 13 3. 跨足女性市場 15 4. 轉型為制服訂製 17 5. 禮儀與運動服市場 17 六、 公司目前面臨的經營困境 18 1. 股權結構四人平均 18 2. 財務缺口擴大 18 3. 壽險市場業績快速下滑 20 4. 女裝部持續虧損 21 七、 最後一次的華麗轉身 24 八、 討論問題 26 貳、 教學手冊 27 一、 個案總覽 27 二、 教學目標與適用課程 27 三、 課前準備 29 四、 個案背景 29 五、 個案分析 31 六、 教學建議與時間分配 50 七、 板書規劃 50 參考文獻 53

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