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研究生: 劉家妤
Jia-yu Liou
論文名稱: 推動e化對原鄉部落之影響-以復興鄉為例
The Impact of Promoting Digitization on Aboriginal Tribes - A Case Study of Fuxing Township.
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Jau-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 主導邏輯結構化理論原鄉e化數位落差
外文關鍵詞: Dominant Logic, Structuration Theory, Digital Divide, Aboriginal Tribes Digitization
相關次數: 點閱:356下載:3
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  • 隨著數位時代的來臨,資訊科技蓬勃發展使我們的生活更為便利,但也使原鄉部落與都會區之間的數位落差情況更為嚴重,造成部落發展逐漸沒落之問題。政府為解決此問題而推動一系列縮減原鄉落差之協助原鄉導入E化的活動,改善原鄉部落之數位基礎設備,並招募資訊志工團隊,希望能提升原鄉居民資訊使用能力與素養,創造更多數位機會,使部落能永續發展。推動e化改變原鄉部落原有的結構環境,而影響其改變之因素分別為IT主導邏輯與IT結構 。

    With the advent of the digital era, the booming developments of information technology have made our life much more convenient. However, the digital divide between the aboriginal tribes and metropolitan areas has correspondingly increased, which has also caused tribal degenerations. In order to solve this problem, the government promoted a series of actions to help the aboriginal tribes reducing the digital divide; for instance, they dedicated to make improvements on the digital infrastructures in the aboriginal tribes, recruitments for the IT volunteers, and so on, hoping to enhance the abilities of capitalizing information for sustainable advance of the tribes. The IT Dominant Logic and the IT Structure are the most relevant factors for promoting the Digitization in the tribes that exerted transformative changes to both their IT Structure.
    Based on the environment viewpoint, this study intends to discuss how IT Dominant Logic impacts and alters the IT Structure, and how it influences the tribes thereafter. By adopting the method of case study, this research found that the IT Dominant Logic does affect the limitations and conversions of the resources and rules in the Structure. Furthermore, adoption of the Structuration theory in analysis allows the organizations to assess the current environmental conditions, and thus develop suitable resources management enabled mechanism, which can make implementations of electronic activity more reliable and effective. Contributions and future research directions of this research are also included.

    摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第一章、緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究問題與目的 2 1.3研究範圍與流程 4 1.4論文架構 6 第二章、文獻探討 7 2.1IT主導邏輯(IT Dominant Logic) 7 2.1.1主導邏輯(Dominant Logic) 7 2.1.2 IT主導邏輯(IT Dominant Logic) 10 2.2結構化理論(Structuration Theory) 10 2.2.1結構化理論簡介 10 2.2.2 IT結構(IT Structure) 13 2.3資源管理理論 14 2.3.1資源基礎觀點 14 2.3.2資源管理觀點 16 2.4社會影響力 18 2.5 數位落差 19 第三章、研究架構與方法 22 3.1研究方法 22 3.2研究架構 25 3.3研究觀察重點 28 3.4研究對象 29 3.5資料蒐集與分析 29 第四章、個案描述與分析 33 4.1個案背景描述 33 4.1.1 I-Tribe愛部落無線網路 33 4.2 個案組織簡介 34 4.2.1復興鄉 34 4.2.2 復興鄉衛生所 36 4.2.3 桃園縣原住民部落大學 37 4.2.4數位機會中心 38 4.3個案分析 38 4.3.1行動醫療 38 4.3.2線上學習 44 4.3.3數位機會中心(DOC) 50 4.3.4部落大學 58 4.3.5分析總結 64 第五章、研究結論 67 5.1結論與研究貢獻 67 5.2研究限制與未來研究方向 70 參考文獻 71 中文部分 71 英文部分 73 網站部分 75

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