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研究生: 陳亞狄
Ya-Ti Chen
論文名稱: 奈米光觸媒塗佈於建築物表面之耐久性分析
Durability analysis of Nano Photocatalyst coating on the Building Surface
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-Huai Young
口試委員: 黃兆龍
Chao-Lung Hwang
Hong-Jen Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 二氧化鈦塗佈耐久性色差紫外線強度接觸角亞甲基藍
外文關鍵詞: photocatalyst, coating, durability, color diference, ultraviolet ray indensity, angle of contact, methlene blue
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:3
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研究結果顯示,研究發現實驗室塗佈 含量為15%之試品於各項研究評比中,其整體性能良好,雖未經燒結製成,但已可以與已燒結之光觸媒試品達到相近的功能與耐久性。各試品在耐酸鹼鹽性能中,耐酸性普遍不佳。室外耐候性試驗中,在研究期間內之試品色差與接觸角變化沒有明顯的正相關,甚至某些試品在接觸角檢驗中,照光前已具有非常低接觸角之結果,所以推論造成其擁有低接觸角結果不全然為光觸媒之原因,且光觸媒磁磚試品其色差分解功能預測耐久性與接觸角功能預測耐久性可分開探討。

In this research, nano photocatalyst were used on the surface of brick tiles which forms a thin membrane. Furthermore, the brick tiles were placed vertically on the top of the building to test the durability under the influence of the natural factors. The experiment was proceeded in two different settings---indoor and outdoor. In indoor settings, basic properties of initial photocatalyst membrance were explored to differentiate the pollutant ability of decomposition between different products(by using methylene blue to simulate organic pollution), the difference under the change of contacting angle of the water droplet as well. Moreover, UV testing machine was used to imitate the outdoor setting. By doing pollution testing and spraying the methylene blue repeatedly, the decomposed ability of the photocatalyst was under investigation.
The result shows that the brick tiles with 15% photocatalyst on the surface are better than the others in durability. Generally, acid resistance of each product is not good in the tests like H2SO4, Na2CO3, and NaCl. In outdoor setting, the relationship between the color difference and the change of contacting angle is not closely related. Some samples even present lower contacting angle before being lightened. In other words, photocatlyst doesn’t definitely lead to the change of contacing angle. Furthermore, the function of decomposition and contacting angle would be discussed separately.

誌 謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目 錄 IV 表 目 錄 VI 圖 目 錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究方法 3 1.4研究流程 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1奈米TiO2介紹 5 2.2光觸媒光催化原理 11 2.3光催化反應速率、效率的影響因素 17 2.3.1 光源與光強 17 2.3.2 有機物起始濃度 18 2.3.3 催化劑 19 2.4光觸媒薄膜親水性機理 20 2.5光觸媒分解亞甲基藍機理 23 2.5.1色差分析 24 2.6光觸媒市場應用現況及發展趨勢 26 2.6.1 我國奈米光觸媒材料應用現況 27 2.7 光觸媒功能量測 29 2.8 紫外線照射強度之變化 30 2.9 實驗室加速試驗光源之選擇 32 第三章 試驗計劃 37 3.1 試驗流程 37 3.2 試驗參數 38 3.2.1 室內試驗 39 3.2.2 室外試驗 41 3.3 試驗設備及儀器 42 3.4 接觸角標準檢驗 48 3.4.1 檢驗目的 48 3.4.2 檢驗步驟 48 3.5 色差標準檢驗 52 3.5.1 檢驗目的 52 3.5.2 檢驗步驟 52 3.6 耐酸、耐鹼、耐鹽標準檢驗 54 3.6.1檢驗目的 54 3.6.2 檢驗步驟 56 3.7 快速耐候試驗 60 3.7.1 檢驗目的 60 3.7.2 檢驗步驟 62 3.8 重複污染試驗 65 3.8.1 檢驗目的 65 3.8.2 檢驗步驟 66 第四章 實驗結果與分析 69 4.1 氣候監測記錄 69 4.2 室內試驗 71 4.2.1紫外光照射對亞甲基藍色差值的影響 71 4.2.2 磁磚接觸角試驗 73 4.2.3光觸媒磁磚基本性質試驗 75 4.2.4光觸媒磁磚耐酸、鹼、鹽試驗 78 4.2.5 快速耐候試驗 79 4.2.6重複污染試驗 81 4.2.7 室內試驗小結 85 4.3 室外試驗 85 4.3.1 室外耐久性試驗統計分析 94 4.3.2 室外試驗小結 115 4.4 室外試驗與室內試驗比對 117 第五章 結論與建議 119 5.1 結論 119 5.2 建議 120 參考文獻 122 附錄 128

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