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研究生: 吳安璿
An-Hsuan Wu
論文名稱: 探討學習者於社會科學議題多重文本閱讀任務的個人因素、視覺行為與結果之關係
Exploring the relationships among learner characteristics, visual behaviors, and outcomes in socio-scientific multiple document reading task
指導教授: 蔡孟蓉
Meng-Jung Tsai
Chin-Chung Tsai
口試委員: 梁至中
Jyh-Chong Liang
Guo-Li Chiou
Chung-Yuan Hsu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 學習者特性個人特質多重文本閱讀視覺行為溯源資訊整合決策
外文關鍵詞: Learner characteristics, Personality traits, Multiple document reading, Visual behavior, Sourcing, Information integration, Decision making
相關次數: 點閱:488下載:0
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本研究旨在探討學習者在多重文本閱讀任務中,其學習者特性、多重文本處理歷程及任務成效之關係。學習者特性包含資訊評判標準、主題信念及個人特質(積極心胸開放思維、認真盡責性);多重文本處理歷程為視覺行為、學習投入及多重文本處理策略;任務成效則是多重文本資訊整合、溯源及決策。60位大學以上的參與者進行一項約二十分鐘的多重文本閱讀任務。進行任務前,他們先填寫量表與問卷,包含知識論證信念、主題信念及心胸開放思維與認真盡責性量表,之後閱讀六篇關於中西醫肝炎治療的文章,並於閱讀任務後撰寫一封信件給朋友一些關於肝炎治療的資訊與建議,任務過程全程使用Tobii Eye Tracker 4C眼動儀紀錄視覺軌跡。閱讀任務結束後,即填寫學習投入、多重文本處理策略及醫療決策量表並進行螢幕錄影輔助之半結構訪談。本研究採用驗證性因素分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及迴歸分析檢驗所有研究問題。研究結果顯示,在學習者特性方面,越傾向心胸開放思維的學習者,越不專注重複閱讀訊息來源與背景資訊,同時在任務過程中投入較少的負面情意感受,但投入較多的行為努力;且在任務後的決策表現則越傾向改變原先的決策,並對決策結果感到較高的信心。此外,越具有權威資訊判准信念(Justification by authority)的學習者,專注閱讀中醫治療資訊的時間越長;越具有個人經驗資訊判准信念的學習者,在連結不同立場的資訊整合表現越差。越認真盡責的學習者,認知投入越高並且運用越成熟的多重文本策略,但在呈現不同立場的資訊整合表現越差。另一方面,從多重文本資訊處理的過程來看,本研究發現,越專注重複閱讀中醫醫療資訊的學習者,有越好的資訊整合表現;越專注閱讀西醫醫療資訊的學習者,則在做醫療決策時越傾向詢問他人意見。最後,越專注重複閱讀資訊來源的學習者,則有越好的溯源表現;而越專注重複閱讀背景資訊或投入較多努力行為的學習者,則對決策結果越有信心。本研究有助於深入了解學習者特性在社會科學議題閱讀判准中所扮演的角色,研究發現將可對未來資訊素養教育相關研究及教學實務提供具體建議。

This study aims to explore the relationships among learners’ characteristics, multiple document processing, and task outcomes. Learners characteristics refers to justification beliefs, topic beliefs, and personality traits (i.e. actively open-minded thinking and conscientiousness); multiple document processing refers to visual behavior, learning engagement, and multiple-text strategy; and task outcomes refers to information integration, sourcing and decision-making. Sixty university students and graduates volunteered to participate a multiple document reading task about western and eastern medical issues. A pretest-posttest one-group experiment was designed for conducting the reading task. Before the reading task, participants were asked to fill out the scales and questionnaires of justification belief for knowledge scale, topic belief, actively open-minded thinking, and conscientiousness. After that, they were asked to read six articles about the medical treatment of hepatitis using Chinese and Western medicine, and then to write a letter to provide a friend with information and suggestions about hepatitis treatment. A Tobii Eye Tracker 4C eye tracker was used to record the visual behavior throughout the task. After the reading task, the participants self-reported their learning engagement, multiple-texts strategy and medical decision-making though scales, and a screen-assisted semi-structured interview was conducted. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), Pearson’s correlation analyses, and regression analyses were adopted to examine all research questions proposed in this study. The results revealed that, in terms of learners’ characteristics, learners who tended to be more open-minded focused less on repeatedly reading source and background information; meanwhile, they were less engaged with negative feelings, but invested more behavioral efforts during the task. Moreover, the more open-minded learners, the more likely they were to change decisions, and they also had higher confidence in decision outcomes. In addition, the more the learners with justification by authority, the longer they focused on reading Chinese medical treatment information, while the more the learners with personal justification beliefs, the worse the information integration in presenting multiple positions. Furthermore, the more conscientious the learners, the higher the cognitive engagement and the more mature the multiple-text reading strategy, but the worse the performance of information integration in presenting different positions. On the other hand, in terms of the influences due to multiple document information processing, this study found that the longer time the learners spent reading Chinese medical treatment information repeatedly, the better the information integration outcome; whereas learners who focused more on reading Western medical treatment information tended to ask others’ opinions when making medical decisions. Finally, and most importantly, learners who spent longer time repeatedly reading source information had better sourcing performances, while learners who spent longer time reading background information or made more behavioral efforts tended to have more confidence in decision-making. This study furthered our understandings about the roles of learner characteristics played in the reading justification of socio-scientific issues. Findings of this study can provide suggestions for future research and teaching practices regarding information literacy education.

1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Research Questions 4 1.3. Definitions 6 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1. Learner Characteristics in Multiple Document Processing 9 2.1.1. Justification Beliefs in Multiple Document Processing 9 2.1.2. Prior Topic Belief in Multiple Document Processing 10 2.1.3. Personality Traits in Multiple Document Processing 11 2.2. Information Processing and Multiple Document Processing 14 2.2.1. Visual Behaviors in Multiple Document Processing 14 2.2.2. Learning Engagement in Multiple Document Processing 16 2.3. Reading Outcomes of Multiple Document Processing 17 2.3.1. Information Integration in Multiple Document Processing 17 2.3.2. Decision Making on Socio-Scientific Issues 20 2.3.3. Sourcing in Multiple Documents 22 2.4. Purpose 25 3. METHOD 26 3.1. Design 26 3.2. Participants 27 3.3. Tools 27 3.3.1. Questionnaires 27 3.3.2. Eye-Tracking Instruments 40 3.3.3. Semi-structured Interview 41 3.4. Materials 42 3.5. Task 43 3.6. Procedure and Data Collection 46 3.7. Data Analysis 49 3.7.1. Statistical Analysis 49 3.7.2. Eye-Tracking Data Analysis 49 3.7.3. Qualitative Data Analysis 52 4. RESULTS 55 4.1 Descriptive Data 55 4.2 Results of Correlation Analysis 58 4.3 Results of Regression Analyses 63 4.3.1 Predicting Multiple Documents Processing by Learner Characteristics 63 4.3.2 Predicting Task Outcomes by Multiple Documents Processing 68 4.3.3 Predicting Task Outcomes by Learner Characteristics 71 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 74 5.1. Learner Characteristics and Multiple Document Processing 74 5.2. Learners’ Multiple Document Processing and Task Outcomes 78 5.3. Learner Characteristics and Multiple Document Reading Task Outcomes 81 6. IMPLICATION AND FUTURE STUDY 85 7. CONTRIBUTION AND LIMITATION 87 References 88 Appendix A. Background Questionnaire 102 Appendix B. The Justification for Knowing Questionnaire (JFK-Q) 103 Appendix C. The Topic Belief in Medicine Questionnaire 104 Appendix D. The Actively Open-Minded Thinking Scale (AOT-17) 105 Appendix E. Conscientiousness Scale 106 Appendix F. The Activity Engagement Survey 107 Appendix G. The Multiple-Texts Strategy Inventory (MTSI) 108 Appendix H. Online Health Information Utilization questionnaire (OHIU) 109 Appendix I. Reading Materials 110 Appendix J. Consent Form 111

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