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研究生: 陳煥治
Huan-Chin Chen
論文名稱: 大型LED顯示器電力系統之自動化規劃開發研究
Study on Automation Planning Development of LED Display Power Systems
指導教授: 郭永麟
Yong-Lin Kuo
口試委員: 郭鴻飛
Hung-Fei Kuo
Chen-Hsiung Yang
Shun-Feng Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: LED顯示看板電力系統圖型繪製位置定位
外文關鍵詞: LED billboards, power systems, graphic drawing, location targeting
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:9
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  • 一般大型發光二極體(LED)顯示器的安裝建立可分成三大階段,規劃、施工及運行。在規劃階段會需要先產出設計圖面讓設計師可以跟相關技師溝通,讓使用者或是審核單位能了解設計細節。在施工階段需要繪製施工圖讓營建單位照圖施作。運行階段需要製作測試圖檔方便維護人員觀察運作狀況。各階段都需要專業人員使用不同工具以應付使用者需求。
    本研究製作規劃階段的電力單線圖時,定義一個迴路使用耐流30 A的5.5 mm²電纜,同時兼顧規格統一及施工難易的平衡。使用者輸入LED箱體的長、寬數量,程式就可進一步計算出總耗電、總開關大小、總電纜耐流及尺寸、接地線尺寸、總迴路數及總顯示器尺寸。使用者可以隨時快速調整箱體的長、寬數量,找出適合的尺寸規格。

    The installation and establishment of general large splicing displays can be divided into three major stages: planning, construction and operation. In the planning stage, it is necessary to produce the design surface first so that designers can communicate with relevant technicians. This process allows users or review units to understand design details. In the construction stage, construction drawings need to be drawn for construction units to implement according to the drawings. During the operation phase, test chart files need to be made to facilitate maintenance personnel to observe the operation status. Each stage requires professionals to use different tools in order to meet user needs.
    In this study, for the power system part, the drawings required in the three stages are integrated into a single computer program. By establishing required specifications and inputting a small amount of data, the program can generate the power single-line diagrams required in the planning stage, the power wiring diagrams in the construction stage, and the location positioning diagrams in the operation stage. The goal of this is to develop the program, which can facilitate the power planning automation of large-scale LED displays, where the software Python is used to calculate related parameters in order to generate a drawing document, which is used in the software ImageMagick to draw the designed surfaces. The input interface is obtained by using the software Tkinter to design a human-machine interface, which allows users to enter relevant parameters. By using this program, users can quickly generate related graphics files, and the program helps users to save calculation and drawing time, which can speed up engineering discussions and design document outputs.
    When this study produces the power single-line diagram at the planning stage, one defines an electric circuit using 5.5-mm² cable with 30-A current resistance. At the same time, both of the uniform specifications and the balance of difficulty in construction are taken into account. User inputs the lengths and widths of the LED cabinets, and then the program can further calculate the total power consumptions, total switch sizes, total cable current resistances and sizes, ground wire sizes, total circuit numbers, and total display sizes. Users can quickly adjust the lengths and widths of the boxes at any time to find out the suitable sizes and specifications.
    Based on this calculation results, the program draws a single-line diagram of electric power in the planning stage. Because of the maximum current resistances, a circuit can connect up to 6 LED cabinets in parallel. According to the numbers of LED cabinets input by users, the most suitable configurations are assigned, and then the power wiring diagrams are planned in the construction stage. The position location maps of the operation stage focus on improving users’ identification conveniences, where the design is made by adding a mark every 5 LED boxes. The purpose is to allow users to quickly locate any abnormal coordinate positions within large areas.

    摘 要............................i Abstract..........................ii 目 錄............................iv 圖目錄............................vi 表目錄............................viii 第一章 緒論......................1 1.1 研究背景...................1 1.2 文獻回顧...................3 1.3 研究動機...................5 1.3.1 前期的規劃設計..............6 1.3.2 中期施工建置階段............7 1.3.3 後期測試維護階段............8 1.4 研究方法....................9 1.5 研究貢獻....................10 1.6 論文架構....................10 第二章 大型LED顯示器的電力系統規劃...11 2.1 大型拼接顯示器的相關原理......11 2.1.1 LED基本介紹..................12 2.1.2 LED燈粒......................15 2.1.3 LED燈板 - Lamp...............16 2.1.4 LED箱體-Cabinet..............17 2.1.5 LED顯示器....................19 2.2 實驗相關軟體技術介紹..........23 2.2.1 Python.......................23 2.2.2 ImageMagick..................25 2.3 電力單線圖的規劃..............28 2.3.1 負載容量及分路電流............29 2.3.2 安全開關的選用................29 2.3.3 電纜線徑的選用................30 2.3.4 接地線徑的選用................33 2.4 佈纜設計的安排................34 2.5 LED顯示器異常位置辨識的方法....39 第三章 電力系統程式開發...............41 3.1 實驗設備環境..................41 3.2 實驗流程......................44 3.3 Tkinter 輸入介面..............45 3.4 Python:數據運算..............51 3.5 Python:電力單線圖............62 3.6 Python:接線示意圖............67 3.7 Python:異常位置定位圖........74 第四章 研究成果及案例討論............80 4.1 研究成果.....................80 4.1.1 電力單線圖...................80 4.1.2 接線示意圖...................81 4.1.3 異常位置定位圖...............82 4.2 實驗成果測試.................83 4.2.1 天母棒球場...................83 4.2.2 新莊棒球場...................87 4.2.3 澄清湖棒球場.................95 4.2.4 花蓮棒球場...................100 第五章 結論與未來研究方向...........105 5.1 結論........................105 5.2 未來研究方向.................106 參考文獻............................107

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