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研究生: 李彥毅
YAN-yi Lee
論文名稱: 從生命週期觀點探討台灣集團企業績效變異之影響-階層線性模型之應用
The effects of variation in the performance of Taiwanese group affiliation from a life cycle perspective - Application of Hierarchical Linear Models
指導教授: 徐中琦
Jon-Chi Shyu
口試委員: 劉邦典
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 階層線性模型企業績效變異時間效果生命週期理論
外文關鍵詞: hierarchical linear models, performance variation component, Time effect, life cycle theory
相關次數: 點閱:548下載:1
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但本研究在此納入生命週期階段作為考量,且由於台灣集團對台灣經濟占有重要的影響力。故以1990-2012年之台灣上市上櫃及興櫃的集團子公司為樣本,先採用集群分析法(factor-cluster analysis)區隔生命週期階段,後以階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling,HLM)做績效之統計分析。為應證以往研究結果,同時納入時間效果做考慮研究。結果顯示子公司效果在時間效果存在時,較產業及集團的影響力大。但仍較時間變動效果為小,顯示時間變動效果存在且占績效最大變異成份。本研究也證明在市場價值上,集團對企業績效的影響力隨生命週期有逐步上升的情況,且子公司效果則隨生命週期逐步下降。

Corporate performance is mainly due to corporate strategy itself , or an external effect from the impact of the industry , has always been one of the topics discussed in strategic management scholars . The theory can be seen by the progress of the policy pendulum theory to explore the strategies theory of early internal organizational theory .In the 1980s ,the strategy theory move to the industry outside of the organization ,towards the industry organization economic school . Meanwhile, the organization theory school in between also appear . Finally, in the late 1980s ,by Wernerfelt (1984) and many other scholars on the basis of the concept of resource development, and the unique resource and core competencies that companies with are the main factors affecting corporate profits .
However, this study included in this stage of the life cycle as a consideration, and because Taiwan group affiliation on Taiwan's economy plays an important influence. Therefore, the group's subsidiaries in 1990-2012 in the Taiwan Stock Market and emerging as a sample .First,we use cluster analysis (factor-cluster analysis) separated life cycle stages , then take the hierarchical linear model (Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM) statistical analysis performance. To be certified the results of previous studies , while incorporating the time to consider the effect of doing research .
The results show that the effect of subsidiary results when time exists , the larger industrial and corporate influence. But the lower than the time effect the time effect variance accounts for the greatest variation in performance ingredients . This study also demonstrated the group's influence over the life cycle of escalating the situation there , and the effect is gradually decreased with the subsidiary effect with lifecycle . Use of organizational ecology ,this research link the organization theory to the stratrgy theory , and explain the relationship between performance .

ABSTRACT III 摘要 IV 第一章 緒論1 第二章 文獻探討 3 第一節 企業績效變異之文獻探討 3 2-1-1 產業效果相關文獻3 2-1-2 公司效果相關文獻7 2-1-2 集團效果相關文獻11 2-1-3 事業體效果相關文獻13 2-1-4 時間效果相關文獻17 第二節 生命週期之文獻探討 25 2-2-1事業體效果與生命週期階段26 2-2-2集團效果與生命週期階段27 2-2-3產業效果與生命週期階段28 第三章 樣本與研究方法 30 第四章 實證研究結果35 第五章 結論與建議 49 第六章 參考文獻 53

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