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研究生: 黃穗秋
論文名稱: 健保IC卡病歷資料對醫病雙方病歷使用行為與互動關係之影響初探
The Impacts of NHI IC Card’s Medical Data on Physicians’ and Patients’ Treatment Behaviors
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員: 楊維寧
Luarn, Pin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 治療行為認知誤差健保IC卡病歷SERVQUAL
外文關鍵詞: Treatment Behavior, Medical data on the NHI IC Card, SERVQUAL, Recognition Difference
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:3
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  • 健保IC卡所產生的衝擊之一,是個人病歷的數位化與行動化對醫病關係的影響。原本台灣旳民眾就十分習慣對較重大的手術、檢驗、疾病多找幾位醫師確認,以求安心。隨著病歷有限度的「開放」與「隨身帶」後,病患可以拿著健保IC卡或轉出的病歷請其他醫師讀取判斷,民眾在無法判斷的情況下,將各方意見反詰醫師或自行服藥,反而造成醫師診治效率的降低與醫病關係的緊張。

    The digitalized and mobilized medical records carried on the NHI IC Card create many impacts on the relationship between patients and physicians. In fact, Taiwanese are used very much to find the second, and the third opinions for critical operations, examinations, and diseases. However, through the NHI IC Card, several medical records could be open and mobilized for some extents, patients can require the third physician to read the medical data on the NHI IC Card. Patients could use a segmental data to challenge physicians, and, furthermore, to make their own decision without a complete picture. These situations could decrease the efficacy of the treatments and also create the tension between patients and physicians.
    The purpose of this paper is to find out the impacts and influences, occurred by the implementation of the NHI IC Card, on the relationship between patients and physicians. Because the relationship between patients and physicians is very complicated, this paper is going to investigate the influences on physicians’ behaviors after reading the 6 records written in the NHI IC Card, which are prescriptions and treatments. There are two major tasks this paper is designed to achieve,
    - To find out the recognition difference between the physicians and patients after reading the medical records on the NHI IC Card;
    - To offer the suggestions and recommendations to the department of Health, Bureau of National Health Insurance and the health care providers for fully implementing the NHI IC Card functions.
    The researcher uses SERVQUAL questionnaire with the concerns on the characteristics of the industry. Meanwhile, through the instruments of interview and questionnaire and the SPSS software, researcher analyzes the recognition differences on treatment behaviors, efficacy, and the relationship between patients and physicians before and after implementing medical data written into the NHI IC Card. The researcher also offers her suggestions to governments and the management of the health care providers.
    This research finds, that people still remain a high respect to physicians no matter the medical data written into the NHI IC Card or not. Also, even though people ask physicians read their medical data, they will not raise other opinions to physicians’ treatment. However, this research reveals that physicians’ impatience to read the medical data on the NHI IC Card and the problem of increasing the length of a visit need the efforts from the related parties.

    研究摘要III ABSTRACTV 誌  謝VII 目  錄VIII 圖表索引X 第一章 緒言1 1.1 研究動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究流程2 第二章 文獻探討4 2.1 病歷內容5 2.1.1 醫療法5 2.1.2 醫師法6 2.1.3 健保局醫療費用申報6 2.1.4 病歷電子化7 2.2 健保IC卡及內容說明8 2.3 民眾對病歷的需求15 2.4 健保IC卡內容對民眾病歷需求之參考價值16 2.5 醫病關係18 2.6 轉診轉檢對醫師治療行為的影響21 2.7 網際網路對醫師治療行為的影響23 2.8 健保IC卡澎湖實驗計畫對醫師治療行為的影響25 第三章 研究方法26 3.1 研究架構26 3.2 研究假設28 3.3 研究變項與操作型定義28 3.3.1 研究方法32 3.3.2 研究對象33 3.4 資料處理及分析方法33 4.1 民眾端問卷回收狀況34 4.1.1 民眾端描述性統計分析34 4.1.2 民眾端雙變項分析43 4.1.3 健保IC卡寫入病歷前後之民眾端使用病歷行為及醫病互動關係彙整47 4.2 醫師端問卷回收狀況48 4.2.1 醫師端描述性統計分析48 4.2.2 醫師端雙變項分析58 4.2.3 健保IC卡寫入病歷前後之醫師端使用病歷行為及醫病互動關係彙整60 4.3 醫師端與民眾端雙變項分析61 4.3.1 健保IC卡寫入病歷前之民眾與醫師間使用病歷行為及醫病互動關係認知比較61 4.3.2 健保IC卡寫入病歷後之民眾與醫師間使用病歷行為及醫病互動關係認知比較63 4.4 研究結果彙整64 第五章 討論66 5.1 研究假說驗證討論66 5.2 描述性結果討論72 5.3 資料品質80 5.3.1 問卷效度80 5.3.2 問卷信度81 5.3.3 樣本代表性81 5.4 研究限制81 第六章 結論與建議83 6.1 結論83 6.2 建議85 參考文獻90

    【1】中央健康保險局,「健保IC卡建置計畫徵求建議書文件(Request For Proposal)」,第一章、第二章,民國八十九年八月一日。
    【4】台灣醫院協會,「ICD-9-CM 2001年中英對照」,民國九十一年十二月。
    【1】資策會電子商務應用推廣中心,FIND http://www.find.org.tw/,民國九十一年六月。
    【2】中國醫藥大學附設醫院,醫學倫理網,http://www.cmuh.org.tw/iec/ 。
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