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  • 檢索結果:共3筆資料 檢索策略: "Chun-nan Chen".ecommittee (精準) and year="108" and ekeyword.raw="Thailand"

  • 在搜尋的結果範圍內查詢: 搜尋 展開檢索結果的年代分布圖

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  • 已勾選0筆資料



    Merger and Acquisition performance of Taiwan and Thai Banking Sector: A Comparative Study between Taiwan and Thai Bank
    • 財務金融研究所 /108/ 碩士
    • 研究生: Sirapada Punyavansiri 指導教授: 謝劍平
    • This paper was designated to examine the performance of mergers and acquisitions based on Thai and …
    • 點閱:559下載:3


    The Relationship between Price-promotion Intensity and Sales Volume: A Case Study of Stainless Steel Kitchenware Market in Thailand
    • 企業管理系 /108/ 碩士
    • 研究生: 李莉翡 指導教授: 呂志豪
    • ABSTRACT The retail markets in Thailand become intensely competitive due to the number of competit…
    • 點閱:329下載:8


    Predicting merger's target in service industry companies listed in the stock exchange of Thailand
    • 財務金融研究所 /108/ 碩士
    • 研究生: Natapha Saengsupphakon 指導教授: 謝劍平
    • There has been a variety of research within the field of identifying targets of mergers and acquisi…
    • 點閱:238下載:0
    • 全文公開日期 2025/01/03 (校內網路)
    • 全文公開日期 2025/01/03 (校外網路)
    • 全文公開日期 2025/01/03 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)