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  • 檢索結果:共1筆資料 檢索策略: ckeyword.raw="Classification of Accidents Cause" and ckeyword.raw="Classification of Accidents Cause" and ckeyword.raw="Construction Project Safety" and ckeyword.raw="Construction Project Safety" and ckeyword.raw="Construction Safety Document" and ckeyword.raw="Gated Recurrent Unit" and ckeyword.raw="Gated Recurrent Unit" and ckeyword.raw="SOS"

  • 在搜尋的結果範圍內查詢: 搜尋 展開檢索結果的年代分布圖

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    Text Mining-based Construction Site Accident Classification Using Hybrid Supervised Machine Learning Model
    • 營建工程系 /107/ 碩士
    • 研究生: Denny Kusoemo 指導教授: 鄭明淵
    • Construction project safety performance is a major concern in the construction industry. Accidents …
    • 點閱:366下載:0
    • 全文公開日期 2022/08/20 (校內網路)
    • 全文公開日期 2024/08/20 (校外網路)
    • 全文公開日期 2024/08/20 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)